Elections and Appointments Committee Meeting February 20th, 2012 Conference Room 3:00 PM Chairman: Sen. Joel Versace I. Call To Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of the Minutes IV. Approval of Agenda V. Chairman Report and Remarks VI. Guest Speakers VII. Old Business VIII. New Business IX. 1. SB-12S-2579 Appointments X. 2. Joel Versace, Business Management, Senior Announcements Elections Commission Meeting Wednesday February 22nd, 6:30 PM, Senate Chambers XI. Final Roll Call XII. Adjournment Elections and Appointments Committee Meeting February 6th, 2012 Conference Room 3:00 PM Chairman: Joel Versace I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Call to Order- 3:03 Roll Call- quorum is established with 8 voting members Approval of Minutes- motion; Sen. Stromquist: approve the minutes of 1/23/12, seconded, no objections, passes Approval of Agenda a. Motion; Sen. Galanti: motion to add campaign guideline documents to new business, seconded, no objections, passes Chairman Report and Remarks- we will have an election because enough people submitted their declaration of intent, moved the elections commission on the 22nd from 6:30-8 pm. Guest Speakers Old Business New Business a. Promotions 1. Highlighters are $300 for 500 of them, notebooks are around $1 a piece if they buy 500, t-shirts will cost around $2,500 for 500-1000 and still waiting on the design. 2. Sen. Galanti: “would the committee chair be opposed to hiring dancing David to hold a “vote SG” banner in the front of the school to attract people to vote.” a. Contact him and let the chairman know 3. Sen. Cunningham- have flashlight key chains for advertising 4. Sen. Versace- we could spend it on pizza depending on the donations we get 5. Sen. Stromquist-“have you been working with chick-fil-a?” a. No he has not contacted them yet b. Campaign Guideline Documents 1. Advisor Kendall- “at the point where you mark off the 75 feet, these areas where you can’t campaign, should you make it a point that no one can campaign there for 48 hrs?” a. The new title 6 says you can campaign there until 9am 2. Advisor Kendall- “what is the logic behind the 48 hours?” a. If OP holds a debate the night before, now they can do that. 3. Advisor Kendall- “So what is the point of the 48 hours?” a. So they are aware of it when it is marked off, it’s there to let the candidate know what he/she can and can’t do. 4. Advisor Kendall- “you might want to amend it to say the responsibility to remove the signs is up to the candidate?” a. That would be up to physical facilities or Joel Versace IX. X. XI. XII. 5. Advisor Kendall- “What if you didn’t go and get a dig permit and who would be responsible to remove the sign?” a. Physical facilities would remove it and it is also a campaign violation 6. Sen. Stromquist- “What if we struck all of the expense statements instead of having a whole section for it because it is already in the packet?” a. Yes we should strike it 7. Sen. Stromquist-“campaign violations should not be struck.” a. It is very specific in title 6 so we should just add in to see title 6 for the campaign violations 8. Motion; Sen. Galanti: to strike campaign violations and expenses, seconded, no objections, passes 9. Motion; Sen. Stromquist: to strike “a candidate must be enrolled in a respected class” in chapter 609.G.7, seconded, no objections, passes 10. Motion; Sen. Stromquist: to add campaign violations from title 6 to campaign guidelines document, seconded, no objections, passes 11. Motion; Sen. Stromquist: to approve campaign guidelines document as amended, seconded, no objections, Sen. Cunningham; motion for unanimous consent, seconded, no objections, passes Appointments Announcements Final Roll Call- quorum is reestablished with 8 voting members Adjournment- 3:25 SENATE LEGISLATION SB-12S-2579 1 SB-12S-2579 : The Ballot Fix Act of Spring 2012 Whereas: The Student Government of the University of North Florida was established to represent student concerns in all University wide matters; and Whereas: The Student Senate is the legislative body of the University of North Florida’s Student Government given the responsibility of carrying out such legislative acts that are necessary and proper for the Student Body of the University of North Florida; and Whereas: Legislation dealing with necessary and proper statutory revisions shall be considered by Student Senate; and Whereas: Title VI needs to reflect the ballot that ITS has generously produced for us, Therefore; the following revisions are being made to Title VI; Chapter 611: The Ballot A. Format 2. Therefore: Candidates shall be listed in alphabetical order by their last names in accordance with their party affiliation. There shall be separate groupings for each party. Candidates who do not affiliate with a party will appear in a grouping called “No Party Affiliation. The ballot shall identify each candidate’s party affiliation by including the party title in parenthesis after the candidate’s name. If there are independent candidates, the ballot shall state “No Party Affiliation” instead of a party name. Let it be enacted, by the University of North Florida Student Government that the proposed revisions to Title VI be made effective July 1st 2012 Senate Action Respectfully Submitted: Senator Joel Versace Introduced by: Senate Action: Date: Signed, t Executive Action Let it be known that SB-11S-2579 is hereby Senator Joel Versace February 20, 2012 Carlo Fassi, Student Senate President PASSED / VETOED / LINE-ITEM VETOED on this ______ day of _________, ______. Signed, Matthew Brockelman, Student Body President