Documents Checklist for Expedited or Full Board Projects

Documents to Submit Checklist for Expedited and Full Board Projects
Information required for all new projects:
1. North Florida - IRB Protocol (in IRBNet –
see guide on how to access in IRBNet)
Always Required
2. Attachment A: Study Details
Always Required
3. Recruitment Materials (e.g., script, talking
points, email, letter)
4. Informed Consent Document(s) (unless waiver
5. Measurement tools (e.g., surveys, interview
questions, demographics)- unless no measures
6. PI CITI training (uploaded to user profile or
included as attachment)
Always Required
7. Package signed by PI (and faculty advisor if
Always Required
Information required for some projects:
1. CITI training completion reports for other
personnel (non-PI)
2. Informed Assent (applicable if including those
without capacity to consent such as minors)
3. Parental/Guardian Permission (applicable if
including those without capacity to consent
such as minors)
4. IRB approvals from collaborating institutions
(if collaborating institution has IRB)
5. Letters of support from controlled facilities
(e.g., principal letter of support)
6. Debriefing document(s) (if using deception or
very risky and/or very sensitive topics)
7. Funding applications and award letters
8. Other (please indicate)
Choose an item.
9. Other (please indicate)
Choose an item.