USA Minutes 10-19-15

University Student Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes
October 19th, 2015
Senate Chambers 5:30 PM
Chairwoman: Cassidy Keefe
Call to Order
 Meeting called to order at 5:35PM.
Roll Call
 Quorum has been established with 3 voting members; Lipsky, Lorenzo, Baptiste.
Approval of Minutes
 Senator Lorenzo: Motion to approve the minutes from last meeting. Second. All
in favor. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
 Senator Baptiste: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor.
Chairman Report and Remarks-
 We had low participation from senators and students from the last meeting. Only
189 completed surveys were completed. People think it’s due to midterms and
this time of year is busy. I brought the sign-up sheet for roundtable, so if anyone
would like to sign up if they haven’t already, or if anyone wants to sign up for an
extra day that would be appreciated. Tuesday is looking a little bit spare.
 Mrs. Shore: How many senators did not show up for their times? –3-5
Student Advocate’s Report – Conner Klein
 To follow up with what we spoke up on last time. We met with parking advisory
council and created a whole new pass called the night faculty staff pass, which
includes adjunct professors. The night blue pass was motioned to start at 4 pm,
but it would be called a grey pass, which was voted on and passed. There is not a
cap on how many to sell. Title 9 committee is working on how to implement it.
Guest Speakers
 None
Student Remarks
 None
Old Business
 None
New Business
 Osprey Voice Review
 October Questions: There was a low response, even with the survey being
online. We have very low numbers this time. These questions we are
going to keep for ourselves and we will be making a plebiscite for
elections which students will be voting for on that.
o Mrs. Shore: Can we talk about elections themselves. –The
elections won’t be competitive this semester. It will be voting on
CR’s and the plebiscite which is about concealed weapons on
campus. 56% said they were aware of the issue going to
Tallahassee. For support 59.16% said they opposed the new
 New additions: Overwhelming 52.94% of students said study areas for the
student union.
 Osprey Connector: Most were from a D to an F grade. Most students said
they would want longer hours, stops at lot 14, the library, and the
fountains. Does anyone have any question
o Mrs. Shore: What are we going to be doing about the shuttle
system? –I will be giving them to parking services and letting them
 Roundtable Review: If you can sign up to participate for an extra amount of time
that would be very beneficial because Tuesday is looking very sparse. We could
have a better handle on things. If you have any questions that you would like to
see at roundtable, please let me know.
 Senator Rosen: If you aren’t sure what you’re doing, where do we meet to
figure out where we are going? –It will be downstairs in the student union
plaza, the lawn. We won’t need to do a lot of heavy lifting because the
student union does that, but we will probably need help with taking out
and putting up tents.
 Mrs. Shore: Will you meet upstairs in your office at 10:30 for the people
helping to set up? –Yes. Meet upstairs in the student union if you want to
help set up and to sign in.
 Senator Baptiste: Do we have to have our polos on? –Yes, wear your
polos. I will send out an email, just to make sure that we are uniform. Ask
“Are there any questions you would like to see at roundtable?” It is almost
like a “sit down” Osprey Voice.
 If you want to come help me, meet me up in the student union at 10:30. I would
really appreciate if you we could be the set up and tear down people because you
all know what’s going on.
Final Roll Call
 Quorum has been reestablished with 5 voting members; Rosen and O’Linn
 Meeting adjourned at 5:58PM.
Minutes taken by Jean Lipsky, USA Vice-Chair