USA Minutes 2-29-16

University Student Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes
February 29th, 2016
Senate Chambers 6:02 PM
Chairwoman: Cassidy Keefe
Call to Order
 Meeting called to order at 6:02PM.
Roll Call
 Quorum has been established with 4 voting member: Baptiste, Burton, Mims,
Approval of Minutes
 Senator Peele: Motion to approve the minutes from last meeting. Second. All in
favor. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
 Senator Baptiste: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor.
Chairman Report and Remarks-
 I want to let you guys know that I have been talking to about using the
elections system for the next Osprey Voice, there is a possibility of us
using it for the next Osprey Voice. This makes sure those taking the
survey are students.
Student Advocate’s Report – Conner Klein
 The Chargers and calculators in the library have been extremely successful and
we will order more to accommodate student usage. March is women's history
month and they encourage Student Government participation. There will be a
luncheon held on March 9th, it is free for all UNF students. SG and Health
Promotions are seeing how we can further promote the "smoke free" campus
initiative. If any student asks you if there will ever be a fine for smoking on
campus, please tell them there will not be for anytime in the near future.
Guest Speakers
 None
Student Remarks
 None
Old Business
 None
New Business:
 Chairwoman Keefe:
 Were there any questions you hoped to be asked at the next Osprey Voice?
Did you have any problems with the last survey?
 Senator Burton:
 Is there any plans for doing a 24/5 library?
 Student Advocate Klein:
 There is for the week before, and the week of finals.
 Senator Mims:
 I would like to add a question for the next Osprey Voice, questioning
whether the position of the Treasurer should be elected or appointed.
RoundTable Questions:
 Senator Burton:
 I would like to add questions about adding more food options on campus.
Also, is there a way to advertise more for athletics (baseball games)?
 Senator Peele:
 What incentives would bring students to more athletic games as a whole?
 Senator Baptiste:
 Does anyone know about extending dining hours?
 Senator Mims:
 Would you use the library more if the hours on Sundays were extended?
RoundTable Outline:
 Chairwoman Keefe:
 Would you guys want to stick with a sports theme for this RoundTable?
Also, would you like to stick with more sports related questions?
 RoundTable is going to start at 10am for set up. We are going to have two
tents, one of which is broken. If you are here for setup, I would appreciate
you helping moving things down things and putting things together. Moe's
gets here at 10:30. We will be handing out fliers explaining what Student
Government does. There will also be iPads for people to be surveyed.
Please always have at least one Senator manning the iPads because we do
not want to lose them. Also, please draw students in walking by. If you
have any questions about setup or tear down please come let me know.
 Senator Baptiste:
 Is this going to be in the same place as last time?
o Yes, by the Brooks College of Health
 Chairwoman Keefe:
 Please email myself of Connor Klein to RSVP for the Women’s dinner.
 Please also, do not forget to check your times for polling.
XIV. Final Roll Call
 Quorum has beenre established with 4 voting member: Baptiste, Burton, Mims,
XV. Adjournment
 Meeting adjourned at 6:28PM.
Minutes taken by Sami Mims, USA Vice-Chair