SAC Meeting May 20 , 2013 John Sapp Conference Room 4:00 pm

SAC Meeting
May 20th, 2013
John Sapp Conference Room 4:00 pm
Call To Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:04.
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 5 voting members.
Approval of Minutes – April 8th, 2013
Motion from Senator Hamid to approve the minutes. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Senator Moore to approve the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved
Chair Report – none
Old Business – none
New Business
Motion from Senator Ramirez to suspend Robert’s Rules. Second. No objections. Moved
Ramirez- What do you think of having a survey about orientation?
Moore- In favor of orientation questions. Allows different views to be hears. Thinks
questions should be asked in Summer B.
Ramirez- Should Swoop Squad use their authority? Are there any other questions on this
Shair- School should focus on the orientations for transfer students. Personally thought
the orientation was disorganized.
Moore- Begin discussion on smoking ban
Hamid- Freshman forced to live on campus could have problem with ban. Back to
orientations is S.G involved in orientations?
Ramirez- Yes. Is there any points to bring up at orientation?
Moore- Should stress how possible it is to get involved in SG
Grego – Stress how important SG is with student’s money
Moore- Socially beneficial to join
Ramirez- How important is it to you to recycle?
Ramirez- Can actually recycle more than you think
Moore- Introduces idea of collapsible recycling bin. School should push for greater
distribution of recycling bins.
Ramirez- Freshman will now have recycling bins in their rooms.
Moore- Problem with freshman throwing trash in recycling bin?
Ramirez- How informed do you feel as senators?
Moore- About a 7 out of 10
Ramirez- How do you feel about Osprey Voice?
Hamid- Did not know about Osprey Voice until becoming a senator
Brown- Uses tactic of walking up to people in Starbucks
Grego- Uses tactic of passing it around class.
……- Osprey Voice was originally meant to be asked by a group of Senators.
More- Hesitant to conduct in the summer
…..- All senators wore the same shirts. Allows senators to be more approachable.
Delaney- Knowledge on topic is key. Senators should have training on topics being
discussed. Makes it easier to conduct interviews
….- Would be beneficial to have a reference packet.
Grego- Conducting as a group will also be beneficial
Shair- Should have Osprey Voice for each specific college
…- That would allow more interest
Hamid- Could create a less biased demographic
Ramirez- How can Senators get infor email
Hamid- No email
Brown- More reports. More info during meetings
Grego- Utilize the Spinnaker
Ramirez- Spinnaker moving toward monthly publications
Moore- Who runs the Spinnaker?
Delaney- A specific committee. Welcome to look at tasks of other committees.
Hamid- Motion to reinstate Robert’s Rules.
The next scheduled Senate Meeting will be June 3rd, 2013 at 6:30pm
Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 5.
Meeting is adjourned at