2014 Sept 5 FAM

College of Education and Human Services
Faculty Assembly minutes
Friday, September 5, 2014
12:15 pm 1100A
Present: Carolyne Ali-Khan, Jon Antal, Betty Bennett, Stacy Boote, Luciana Braga, Candice Carter, Terry
Cavanaugh, Richard Chant, Kim Cheek, Luke Cornelius, Jeff Cornett, Vicki Cornett, Brenda Dale, Gigi
David, Daniel Dinsmore, Nick Eastham, Liz Gregg, Warren Hodge, Laura Jackson, Chris Janson, Jennifer
Kane, Wanda Lastrapes, Jason Lee, KoSze Lee, Marsha Lupi, Sophie Maxis, Catherine McMurria, Cathy
O’Farrell, John Ouyang, Debbie Reed, Elinor Scheirer, Megan Schramm-Possinger, Rebecca Schumacher,
Janice Seabrooks-Blackmore, Lena Shaqareq, Sherry Shaw, Nile Stanley, Michael Stultz, Kristi Sweeney,
Susan Syverud, Madaline Tanase, Dawn Wessling, Lunetta Williams, Bess Wilson, Jeff Wolfgang and
Brian Zoellner.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 12:23 p.m.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of April 4, 2014 meeting were approved as submitted.
The chairs and/or program directors introduced their new faculty: Luciana Braga, Brenda Dale, Jeff
Wolfgang, Anne Swanson, and Sarah Brennan were introduced. Three visiting scholars from China were
also introduced, Dr. Jie Guo and Dr. Yanling Liao hosted by LSCSM and Dr. Dong Wang hosted by CELT.
Jen Kane sent out an email to tenure-earning faculty for feedback on things that might help with their
research. She introduced Megan Schramm-Possinger and said she is amazing with statistics and has
offered to help on a 1-on-1 basis. We are looking at revamping the research writing group. Jen Kane
would like your ideas for ways in which our college could help faculty with their research agendas.
Sue Syverud invited everyone to her house on Friday, September 26 from 4 -7 pm for a distinguished
professor party in honor of Kris Webb.
Liz Gregg reminded faculty to encourage their students to attend the Taylor Leadership Speakers Bureau
on September 23 from 6 – 7 pm in the UNF Student Union Ballrooms. They will have two Jaguar
executives speaking and it will be a great event.
Interim Dean Marsha Lupi welcomed new and continuing faculty. She introduced Megan SchrammPossinger as our new Director of Assessment. They just had their first conference call with FDOE and if
something important comes up, Megan will send it to you in an email. If you need new work study
students, see Patti Robbins and she will tell you how to get a work study student.
Wanda Lastrapes moved into the Director role of Jacksonville Teacher Residency Program to recruit and
retain math and science teachers and has hired a part-time assistant named Emily Putnam.
Mary Rose gave an update on the Center for Urban Education and Policy. Following a six month
planning process, the advisory board completed the initial strategic plan. They decided their mission is
to address poverty and structural racism in education through mobilizing the human capital and
research capacities at UNF. The main focus this year will be on grant writing, as well as, continuing the
opportunity for engagement in collaboration across UNF and within Jacksonville. The center’s website is
updated so please check it for research projects, educator-training initiatives and community building
opportunities. Here are a few opportunities coming up: college breakthrough training on structural
racism for our teacher interns at the urban professional development schools. Our first event is on
Tuesday, September 16, which is our awareness event and we are inviting community members to join
us. It will be a great opportunity to meet people in the community. We are currently looking for people
to help facilitate our small group discussions with our students that night. You’re invited to come see
what the program is about so please let Mary know if you plan to attend. Thanks to the Dean’s Venture
Fund, we will be providing a mini grant to a teacher at one of the four PDS schools. The theme is about
collaboration. If you are interest in working with one of our teachers at our one of our PDS sites this is a
great opportunity to get some funding. Contact Mary Rose if you want to learn more about what we are
doing and how we can work together.
Even though Marsha Lupi has stepped into the interim dean position, the oversight of the Center for
Urban Education and Policy came out of the Dean’s Office and Dr. Daniel was the Executive Director.
Marsha learned that there was to be an effort to search for an executive director but we had no money
for this. We found out we don’t need one, so Mary is the Director but Marsha Lupi is not the Executive
Director. Marsha will be in the supervisor role only and will meet with Mary on a weekly basis. We
found out that Centers can have Faculty Associates and Marsha found out that work done at the Center
can count towards tenure and promotion. There will be opportunities for two Faculty Associates starting
in the spring. Applications will be up on the website by next week. A Faculty Associate will need to
make sure their research is in line with the center. Because the center needs to raise money, the Faculty
Associate will participate in writing the grant and attending some community events. If accepted, they
will receive a one course release in spring and fall and receive a $1,500 stipend for support. The center’s
advisory board will be reviewing your work and if good results, then you will continue on as faculty
associate for the next year. Then the following year, we will add another. This is a good opportunity
with the importance of research attached to this opportunity. We would love to have two Faculty
Associates onboard in the spring and we will not look for an Executive Director at this time.
Dean Search: Dr. Samant gave an update on the COEHS dean search. He mentioned who was on the
search committee and said he put out a doddle poll to meet on either Friday, September 26 or Monday,
September 29. We will be meeting to look at candidate CVs. We currently have 32 applications. We
advertised in more journals. We plan to have 6 – 8 applicant interviews on Skype. Please participate
fully in this process. Please email Dr. Samant or one of your representatives to utilize your input and do
this early in the process. We also ask that you participate and evaluate the candidates during the
campus visits too. If all goes well, hopefully we will be able to make recommendations in November. Let
me know your thoughts as we proceed. Dr. Samant took questions. Is it possible for the new dean to
start in January? Yes, but unlikely. Administrative positions like that usually begin July 1 but it will be the
provost’s decision. The committee met over the summer to make the process more inclusive. He added
that 50% of dean searches go into a second year and the first year is a usually a learning period.
Election Process for Standing and Awards Committees:
Dan Dinsmore said we have some at large positions open for election so he took nominations to fill
them. If more than one person nominated, they will take a vote in Qualtrics next week for voting
members only. It was clarified that at large positions are open to voting faculty or non-voting members
and clarified that terms are staggered every 2 years.
Undergraduate Standards and Curriculum Committee:
 Luciana Braga accepted a nomination for an at large position.
 Janice Seabrooks-Blackmore accepted a nomination for an at large position.
 There will be a vote in Qualtrics to determine the outcome.
Graduate Standards and Curriculum Committee:
 Elinor Scheirer was nominated and accepted the at large position.
 Terry Cavanaugh was nominated for and accepted the at large position.
Long Range Planning Committee:
 Christine Weber was nominated for and accepted the at large position.
 Student issues:
 Bess Wilson was nominated for and accepted the at large position.
Technology committee:
 Jason Lee and Debbie Reed were nominated so there will be a vote in Qualtrics to determine the
Executive Committee:
 Kristi Sweeney was nominated for and accepted the at large position.
Communications in COEHS
Dan Dinsmore reviewed the COEHS Clear Communication (CCC) document with the Faculty Assembly.
The Executive Committee would like feedback on it and Dan will email this policy so it can be reviewed.
COEHS Clear Communication (CCC)
The COEHS Executive Committee, with input from faculty, would like to facilitate an increased level of
communication, particularly across academic units. Further, the Executive Committee aims to balance
transparency and responsiveness with the need for civil discourse. To this end, the Executive Committee
offers suggestions for communication as a college. It welcomes faculty input for these suggestions as
well as additional recommendations for improvement of communication and mutual understanding
across the college.
First, the Executive Committee commits to ensuring that Faculty Assembly is the prime vehicle for
interdepartmental communication. We suggest the following:
1. There is an open question and answer session at the end of each meeting where faculty may
ask questions, similar to the process in the UNF Faculty Association. If they prefer to remain
anonymous, faculty may request that an Executive Committee member asks a question on
their behalf. When forming questions, the questions should be about processes or issues,
not aimed at individuals.
2. Standing committees and ad hoc committees should communicate important information
college-wide before they send it to the University level (e.g., APC packages). This should be
done either at the COEHS College Assembly or through an email announcement (preferably
both). Further, minutes for every standing committee of the COEHS must be posted on the
Oak (O): Drive at: smb://oak.unfcsd.unf.edu/coehs$
3. Department chairs (or their delegate) should summarize activities of each department to
keep other departments informed (e.g., a department name change) at each monthly
Faculty Assembly.
Second, the Executive Committee would like to clarify existing policy on communication outside of the
monthly meeting of the Faculty Assembly.
4. Important information related to this college’s activities may be sent to all COHES faculty
using the listserv.
5. If faculty wishes to have a discussion electronically, the Executive Committee can create a
Blackboard space for these discussions (since email can be unwieldy). Emails that indicate
discussions have opened on Blackboard may be sent, however, we would suggest faculty
refrain from a Reply All in consideration of others who do not wish to be involved in that
6. The Executive Committee would like to encourage faculty to affirm the good work that
colleagues do, during meetings and elsewhere. It is only through a spirit of open, honest
communication that the good work the college is doing may continue, as well as improve.
The Executive Committee proposes these steps as the College moves forward. We ask that you consider
these suggestions and make your thoughts known on this matter known either at the next Faculty
Assembly or through your Executive Committee representative.
Dean’s Report:
Marsha Lupi announced that our enrollment is 100.12% and we are second to CCEC. Graduate programs
are looking really good. Luke Cornelius’ Higher Education Administration degree is really bringing a lot
of students. Head Start teachers need bachelor degrees so that would be really good for us. Good
things are happening.
New Faculty Initiatives for 2014-2015
• Mini Travel Scholarships for student (Up to $400) - application posted on Dean’s Office
webpage) - to presenting students only
• Additional resource materials and technology-$20,000
• Faculty Research Support Grants (3) - $1000 each (application posted on Dean’s Office webpage)
Jen Kane is the facilitator
• Professor in Residence (PIR) stipends-$1250 per year plus two course release
o Cathy O’Farrell added that there are two Professors in Residence openings, West Jax and
Kings Trail Elementary. When you look at the application process, you’ll see a brief profile of
those schools to give you some basic information. The schools are amicable to tours if you
are in interested in coming out for a visit. We are also hosting an upcoming event in late
afternoon that will have our present and past Professor in Residence to tell you their
experiences. We are providing a $1,250 stipend but asking for a 2 year commitment. It is
open to any faculty in any department. We will send an email when it is posted.
New Department and College Initiatives
• Speakers for Special Events- ($6,500) Form will be posted on website
• Recruitment materials ($2000 per academic department)
• Extended Ed Tech Center hours- M, T, W until 7 p.m.
• OPS Support for departments
Important items for 2014-2015
• Search for a new Dean
• Faculty Search Updates- we have 8!!
o Educational Foundations Search Committee – Dan Dinsmore is the chair and the committee
is meeting today to get the language together for the description.
ESOL/TESOL Search Committee – Nile Stanley is the chair and they are currently reviewing
the description. Early Childhood Search Committee – Katrina Hall is the chair and they are
currently reviewing the description.
Educational Leadership Search Committee – Terry Cavanaugh is the chair and is reviewing
the previous position description. Clinical Instructor in Sport Management Search
Committee – Kristi Sweeney is the chair.
ASL Interpreting Search Committee – Sherry Shaw is the chair and Deaf Education Search
Committee – Caroline Guardino is the chair.
CELT Chair Search Committee – is still being chaired by Lunetta Williams.
Clinical Field Experiences- Moving Forward - We hope we will have a transition plan in place by
the October meeting.
We met with Cathy and the chairs and we will meet again. We are moving towards making
changes. Curriculum and evaluation really falls under tenure tract faculty. A good program
involves clinicians going out into the field and being current. Our focus is to make this
program better with continuous improvement. In October, we will bring our new transition
plan to the next meeting.
Jen Kane brought up that the University charges a distance learning lab fee. People have been
questioning where that money goes and Jen Kane is on the taskforce to look at the distance learning lab
fee. Where is that money going? It helps support faculty who teach online by providing academic
coaches. How it works - you have to have 50 students in your online course. An academic coach is paid
per student for (tutoring, grading, etc). Matrixes are being funded on how inexpensively we can provide
instruction. It was suggested that we need technology to assist us but we are not ready to raise the
class sizes to 50. You can hire the academic coach. You can use a graduate student to provide teaching
experience. Send your comments to Candice Carter, Wanda Lastrapes, and Jen Kane.
Jeff Cornett gave an update on the provost search committee. They just met and we have over 80
applicants and September 30 they will meet to review the applicants for consideration. October 3 will be
their following meeting.
Reminder: On September 17 COEHS is having an Open House featuring all of our programs.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 1:52 p.m.