
College of Education and Human Services
Faculty Assembly Minutes
Friday, January 10, 2014
12:15 pm 1100A
Present: Carolyne Ali-Khan, Betty Bennett, Stacy Boote, Candice Carter, Terry Cavanaugh, Richard Chant,
Luke Cornelius, Jeff Cornett, Vicki Cornett, Larry Daniel, Daniel Dinsmore, Nick Eastham, Liz Gregg,
Caroline Guardino, Wanda Hedrick, Ken Hill, Jan Humphrey, Laura Jackson, Chris Janson, Jennifer Kane,
John Kemppainen, Wanda Lastrapes, Amanda Laukitis, Jason Lee, KoSze Lee, Marsha Lupi, Sandie Miller,
Cathy O’Farrell, John Ouyang, Todd Parrish, Karen Patterson, Mary Rose, Otilia Salmon, Elinor Scheirer,
Rebecca Schumacher, Janice Seabrooks-Blackmore, Sherry Shaw, Lena Shaqareq, Nile Stanley, Carolyn
Stone, Kristi Sweeney, Susan Syverud, Madalina Tanase, Claire Torres, John Venn, Kristine Webb, Dawn
Wessling and Lunetta Williams.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 12:24 pm.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the December 6, 2013 meeting were approved as submitted.
Announcements: Marsha Lupi announced that the COEHS Faculty Support Grant Awards have been
extended to January 14 due to a misprint on the application. We are awarding (3) $750 awards.
Marsha Lupi will send an email next week notifying the chairs when the names are due for the Scholar
Convocation on April 24, so please start thinking about your students that will be graduating and who
you’d like to give the award to. Claire Torres is going to be leaving us for personal and professional
reasons. We will be having a farewell reception for her on January 29 at 4 p.m. and Patti Robbins will
send out a save-the-date with the details.
Nick Eastham said “Do not click on the link from the system administrator this morning. It is phishing.”
Please let your students know that the Scholarship/Fellowship application period is open and due by
January 24th and can be accessed by the College of Education homepage. If you know of a Federal Work
Study (FWS) student that needs 20 hours, send them to Nick Eastham. He has a FWS position that needs
to be filled between the Ed Tech Center and the Student Resource Center.
Mary Rose reminded faculty about the “Lunch & Learn” event on January 21 from 12:15 – 1:30 p.m. in
57/1100A. They will provide lunch and share their work with OneJax’s Project Breakthrough. Please
RSVP to Mercedes Trapp m.trapp@unf.edu.
Dean Search: Candice Carter gave an update on the dean search. The dean search committee will meet
two times this month to review 45 applications using a matrix during the paper screening. Please give
your input to the committee. We will keep you informed of how this search is going.
New Business of Standing Committees:
Reminder: Send meeting minutes by the 1st Monday of each month to Candice Carter
(c.carter@unf.edu). We decided not to make a new website for the minutes but to put them on the O
Policy Revision:
Internship and Course Load Policy – It has been suggested to take out faulty advisor. Ken Hill explained
that there is no faculty advisor at the undergraduate level. It was suggested to strike out “program
administrator” and put in “advisor” and to change “departmental chair” to “department chair” and to
add “for teacher certification programs” in the SUBJECT after Internship and Course Load. It was also
discussed whether or not they should also change “may not” to “cannot.” Candice Carter said they
could take this back to the Executive Committee to review this issue. There was a motion to vote on the
amended policy as written. The majority of voters approved the displayed revision of the policy.
Dean’s Report:
Searches Underway
 Physical Education, Assistant Professor—candidates being interviewed in January.
 CELT, Chair and Assoc/Full Professor—committee meeting in January to screen applicants and
decide next steps.
 Director of Assessment and Accreditation—search plan being developed.
Update on Jacksonville Teacher Residency Program
 The project is being supported by a generous gift from the local Quality Education for All (QEA)
 Partners for the project include UNF/COEHS, DCPS, and JPEF/Community Foundation
(representing QEA donors).
 The local program is joining a loose network of other similar programs across the country
affiliated with Urban Teacher Residency United.
 Program goals will include:
 Recruitment of a diverse pool of individuals holding bachelor’s degrees in STEM-related
 Provision of a 15-month specially-designed UNF master’s program focused on preparing
teachers to work in DCPS’s urban schools. Program curriculum will be job embedded,
competency based, and academically rigorous.
 A year-long teaching residency under the supervision of a master teacher.
 A leadership strand within the curriculum to prepare graduates for roles as teacher
leaders and to plant the seed for those who may eventually want to assume formal
leadership roles as they mature in their careers.
 Collaboration with DCPS to place graduates in teaching jobs following successful
completion of the program. (Graduates will be required to teach in the district for a
specified number of years.)
 Support for mentor teachers and for graduates during their first year.
 Project leadership/coordination
 Wanda Lastrapes, Program Coordinator
 Jeff Cornett and FSE Department, Curriculum Development/Facilitation
 Pat Hanford, Coordination of Gift Agreement which should be finalized in February
 Dean’s Office and Center for Urban Education and Policy will coordinate formal
agreements necessary to offer the program.
Thanks and Appreciation
 Dr. Claribel Torres-Lugo, Director of Assessment and Accreditation, is relocating to California.
Dr. Torres is such a fine member of the College Leadership Team and the Dean’s Office staff. Thank you
for all the support you’ve given for the Dean’s Office. Dr. Torres’ integrity with understanding this
process and representing this College and the University is impeccable and has left a positive impression
of UNF and this College.
Other: Claire Torres reminded faculty that the accreditation process is never ending so the biggest
challenge is how the NCATE process looks at our programs with new standards, new rubrics and new
requirements. NCATE is coming in 5 years but the new person will need your support since standards
have changed. We are trying to finalize the pilot process next week with the State in Orlando. The new
person will have to deal with the ECATS data concerns and will need to clean up this data management
so it is useable. Claire will help the new person with the transition. We will try to get a good person and
we are left with the tools to be successful. Please help the new person and support them. Claire Torres’
new position is with the Office of the President and is composed of a team of about 12 people to help
them grow their assessment of student learning.
Discussion: Poster Report of COEHS Programs and Feedback:
Candice Carter announced that we were going to have conversations about pedagogy but the Executive
Committee realized we don’t know each other’s programs so we are going to familiarize ourselves with
our programs by making poster reports for 20 minutes. Then we will give feedback to each other with
sticky notes on the posters containing our questions and comments.
Posters Made in the Meeting
Foundations & Secondary Education
Interpreter and Deaf Education
Dept. of Exceptional, Deaf and Interpreter Education
Childhood Ed, Literacy & TESOL
Educator Preparation Institute
Higher Education Administration
Sport Management
Conflict Transformation Program
School Counseling
Ed Tech Leadership
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.