Calorimetry and Muons Summary Talk Andy White University of Texas at Arlington LCWS05, SLAC March 22, 2005 Overview of talk Physics processes driving calorimetry and muon systems designs Calorimeter system design Different approaches to LC calorimetry Integrated detector design issues Electromagnetic Calorimeter Development Hadron Calorimeter Development Muon system/tail-catcher Timescales - where we go from here! Note: Simulation and algorithm work reviewed in next talk. Physics examples driving calorimeter and muon system design Jet energy resolution Muon From M.Battaglia – Large Detector Meeting/Paris 2005 Physics examples driving calorimeter design Higgs production e.g. e+ e- -> Z h Missing mass peak or bbar jets separate from WW, ZZ (in all jet modes) Higgs couplings e.g. - gtth from e+ e- -> tth -> WWbbbb -> qqqqbbbb ! - ghhh from e+ e- -> Zhh Higgs branching ratios h -> bb, WW*, cc, gg, Strong WW scattering: separation of e+e- -> WW -> qqqq e+e- -> ZZ -> qqqq and e+e- -> tt Physics examples driving calorimeter design -All of these critical physics studies demand: Efficient jet separation and reconstruction Excellent jet energy resolution Excellent jet-jet mass resolution + jet flavor tagging Plus… We need very good forward calorimetry for e.g. SUSY selectron studies, and… ability to find/reconstruct photons from secondary vertices e.g. from long-lived NLSP -> G Calorimeter system/overall detector design Initially two general approaches: (1) Large inner calorimeter radius -> achieve good separation of e, , charged hadrons, jets,… Matches well with having a large tracking volume with many measurements, good momentum resolution (BR2) with moderate magnetic field, B ~2-3T But… calorimeter and muon systems become large and potentially very expensive… However…may allow a “traditional” approach to calorimeter technology(s). EXAMPLES: Large Detector, GLD Large Detector Detectors with large inner calorimeter radius GLD Calorimeter system/overall detector design (2) Compact detector – reduced inner calorimeter radius. Use Si/W for the ECal -> excellent resolution/separation. Constrain the cost by limiting the size of the calorimeter (and muon) system. This then requires a compact tracking system -> Silicon only with very precise (~10m) point measurement. Also demands a calorimeter technology offering fine granularity -> restriction of technology choice ?? To restore BR2, boost B -> 5T (stored energy, forces?) EXAMPLE: SiD SiD Compact detector How big ?? • Area of EM CAL (Barrel + Endcap) – – – – SD: ~40 m2 / layer TESLA: ~80 m2 / layer LD: ~ 100 m2 / layer (JLC: ~130 m2 / layer) Very large number of channels for ~0.5x0.5cm2 cell size! Can we use a “traditional” approach to calorimetry? (using only energy measurements based on the calorimeter systems) 60%/E H. Videau 30%/E Target region for jet energy resolution Results from “traditional” calorimeter systems - Equalized EM and HAD responses (“compensation”) - Optimized sampling fractions EXAMPLES: ZEUS - Uranium/Scintillator Single hadrons 35%/E 1% Electrons 17%/E 1% Jets 50%/E D0 – Uranium/Liquid Argon Single hadrons 50%/E 4% Jets 80%/E Clearly a significant improvement is needed for LC. A possible approach to enhancing traditional calorimetry The DREAM (“Dual REAout Module)project – high resolution hadron calorimetry: Use quartz fibers to sample e.m. component (only!), in combination with scintillating fibers Structure How to configure for a LC detector? The Energy Flow Approach Energy Flow approach holds promise of required solution and has been used in other experiments effectively – but still remains to be proved for the Linear Collider! -> Use tracker to measure Pt of dominant, charged particle energy contributions in jets; photons measured in ECal. -> Need efficient separation of different types of energy deposition throughout calorimeter system -> Energy measurement of only the relatively small neutral hadron contribution de-emphasizes intrinsic energy resolution, but highlights need for very efficient “pattern recognition” in calorimeter. -> Measure (or veto) energy leakage from calorimeter through coil into muon system with “tail-catcher”. Don’t underestimate the complexity! What is a jet? Note: - It is popular to quote the averages of these distributions, however -there are wide variations, and we will have to develop efficient procedures for events with e.g. 25% neutral hadrons, 40% EM (all photons?), 35% Charged hadrons > Challenging task to find all neutral clusters (and not mis-associate them with a track!) Integrated Detector Design VXD tag b,c jets Tracking system EM Cal HAD Cal Muon system/ tail catcher Integrated Detector Design So now we must consider the detector as a whole. The tracker not only provides excellent momentum resolution (certainly good enough for replacing cluster energies in the calorimeter with track momenta), but also must: - efficiently find all the charged tracks: Any missed charged tracks will result in the corresponding energy clusters in the calorimeter being measured with lower energy resolution and a potentially larger confusion term. Integrated Detector Design - provide excellent two track resolution for correct track/energy cluster association -> tracker outer radius/magnetic field size – implications for e.m. shower separation/Moliere radius in ECal. - Different technologies for the ECal and HCal ?? - do we lose by not having the same technology? - compensation – is the need for this completely overcome by using the energy flow approach? Integrated Detector Design - Services for Vertex Detector and Tracker should not cause large penetrations, spaces, or dead material within the calorimeter system – implications for inner systems design. - Calorimeters should provide excellent MIP identification for muon tracking between the tracker and the muon system itself. High granularity digital calorimeters should naturally provide this – but what is the granularity requirement? - We must be able to find/track low energy ( < 3.5 GeV) muons completely contained inside the calorimeter. Calorimeter System Design Identify and measure each jet energy component as well as possible Following charged particles through calorimeter demands high granularity… Two options explored in detail: (1) Analog ECal + Analog HCal - for HCal: cost of system for required granularity? (2) Analog ECal + Digital HCal - high granularity suggests a digital HCal solution - resolution (for residual neutral energy) of a purely digital calorimeter?? Calorimeter Technologies Electromagnetic Calorimeter Physics requirements emphasize segmentation/granularity (transverse AND longitudinal) over intrinsic energy resolution. Localization of e.m. showers and e.m./hadron separation dense (small X0) ECal with fine segmentation. -> Moliere radius -> O(1 cm.) Transverse segmentation Moliere radius Charged/e.m. separation -> fine transverse segmentation (first layers of ECal). Tracking charged particles through ECal -> fine longitudinal segmentation and high MIP efficiency. Excellent photon direction determination (e.g. GMSB) Keep the cost (Si) under control! SLAC-Oregon Si-W ECal R&D Readout development – M.Breidenbach CALICE – Si/W Electromagnetic Calorimeter Wafers: Russia/MSU and Prague PCB: LAL design, production – Korea/KNU New design for ECal active gap -> 40% reduction to 1.75m, Rm = 1.4cm Evolution of FE chip: FLC_PHY3 -> FLC_PHY4 -> FLC_TECH1 CALICE-ECal - results Move (completed) module to Fermilab test beam late 2005 ECal work in Asia Si/W ECal prototype from Korea Rt= a layer / tungsten = 15.0/3.5 = 4.8 (CALICE ~ 2) Eff. Rm = 9mm * (1 + Rt) = 52mm Total 20 layers = 20 X0, 30cm thick 19 layers of shower sampling Results from CERN beam tests 2004: 29%/E (vs. 18%/E for GEANT4) S/N = 5.2 Fit curve of 29%/√E ECal work in Asia (Japan-Korea-Russia) Fine granularity Pb-Scintillator with strips/small tiles and SiPM Previous Pb/Scint module with MAPMT readout Study covering Laser hitting area (9 pixels) New GLD ECal design ECal test at DESY in 2006? YAG - 2m precision Scintillator/W – U. Colorado Half-cell tile offset geometry Electronics development is being pursued with industry Hybrid Ecal – Scintillator/W with Si layers – LC-CAL (INFN) •45 layers •25 × 25 × 0.3 cm3 Pb •25 × 25 × 0.3 cm3 Scint.: 25 cells 5 × 5 cm2 •3 planes: 252 .9 × .9 cm2 Si Pads at: 2, 6, 12 X0 Low energy data (BTF) confirmed at high energy !!! 11.1%E Si L3 Si L2 Si L1 e- • • • • The LCcal prototype has been built and fully tested. Energy and position resolution as expected: E/E ~11.-11.5% /E, pos ~2 mm (@ 30 GeV) Light uniformity acceptable. e/ rejection very good ( <10-3) Calorimeter Technologies Hadron Calorimeter Physics requirements emphasize segmentation/granularity (transverse AND longitudinal) over intrinsic energy resolution. - Depth 4 (not including ECal ~ 1) -Assuming EFlow: - sufficient segmentation to allow efficient charged particle tracking. - for “digital” approach – sufficiently fine segmentation to give linear energy vs. hits relation - efficient MIP detection - intrinsic, single (neutral) hadron energy resolution must not degrade jet energy resolution. Hadron Calorimeter – CALICE/analog Minical – results from electron test beam SiPM Full 1m3 prototype stack – with SiPM readout. Goal is for Fermilab test beam exposure in Spring 2006 APD APD chips from Silicon Sensor used AD 1100-8, Ø 1.1 mm, Ubias~ 160 V Hadron Calorimeter – CALICE/analog Cassette production Support structure being provided by DESY for test beam at Fermilab Hadron Calorimeter – CALICE/digital (1) Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) – based DHCAL Recent results: efficiency measurements confirm simulation results, 95% for 40mV threshold. Multiplicity 1.27 for 95% efficiency. Next: 1m x 30cm foil production in preparation for 1m3 stack assembly. Joint development of ASIC with RPC 500 channel/5layer test mid -’05 30x30cm2 foils Hadron Calorimeter – CALICE/digital (2) Resistive Plate Chamber-based DHCAL Mylar sheet Resistive paint 1.2mm gas gap Resistive paint Mylar sheet (On-board amplifiers) Pad array 1.1mm Glass sheet 1.1mm Glass sheet GND -HV Aluminum foil Tests Results Charge Avalanche mode ~0.1 ÷ 5 pC Streamer mode 5 ÷ 100 pC Efficiency Greater than 95 % Drops to zero at spacer Streamer fraction Plateau of several 100 V where efficiency > 95% and streamer fraction < few percent 1 – gas gap versus 2 – gas gap Larger Q with 1 – gas gap Similar efficiency Noise rate Small ~0.1 – 0.2 Hz/cm2 Different gases Best: Freon:IB:SF6 = 94.5:5:0.5 Low noise Muon System/Tail Catcher - Muon identification/measurement essential for LC physics program. - Role(s) of muon system/tail catcher: -> Identify high Pt muons exiting calorimeter/coil. But…how much can we do with calorimeter alone? -> ? Contribute to muon Pt measurement ? Poor hit position resolution, but long lever arm… -> Measure the last pieces of high energy hadron showers penetrating through the coil – but, this is really measuring the “tail of the tail”. -> ? Identify possible long-lived particles from interactions? Muon Technologies Scintillator-based muon system development U.S. Collaboration Extruded scintillator strips with wavelength shifting fibers. Readout: Multi-anode PMTs GOAL: 2.5m x 1.25m planes for Fermilab test beam Muon Technologies European – CaPiRe Collaboration TB @ Frascati TCMT – CALICE/NIU Extrusion Cassette SiPM location Goal: Test Beam Fermilab/2005 Timeline of Beam Tests 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 >2009 CALICE SiW ECAL OTHER ECALs CALICE TILE HCAL+TCMT CALICE DHCALs and others ILCD R&D, calibration Combined CALICE TILE Combined Calorimeters , tracking, MDI, etc PFA and shower library Related Data Taking Phase 0: Prep. Phase I: Detector R&D, PFA development, Tech. Choice Phase II From Jae Yu Timescales for LC Calorimeter and Muon development We have maybe 3-5 years to build, test*, and understand, calorimeter and muon technologies for the Linear Collider. By “understand” I mean that the cycle of testing, data analysis, re-testing etc. should have converged to the point at which we can reliably design calorimeter and muon systems from a secure knowledge base. For the calorimeter, this means having trusted Monte Carlo simulations of technologies at unprecedented small distance scales (~1cm), well-understood energy cut-offs, and demonstrated, efficient, complete energy flow algorithms. Since the first modules are only now being built, 3-5 years is not an over-estimate to accomplish these tasks! * See talk by Jae Yu for Test Beam details “Window for Detector R&D 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 GDE (Design) 2009 2010 (Construction) Technology Choice Acc. CDR TDR Start Global Lab. Done! Det. Detector Outline Documents CDRs LOIs Detector R&D Panel Detector R&D Phase Collaboration Forming Construction Tevatron SLAC B HERA LHC T2K Comment on R&D efforts - It is clear that there are a number of parallel/overlapping R&D efforts. - This was inevitable, and desirable, in the early LC R&D period. - R&D funding is generally limited – we must make optimal use of those resources we have. - A World Wide Study R&D panel has been formed. - Each detector concept will survey R&D activity, needs -> Hopefully this will provide a basis for more efficient use of limited R&D resources Calorimeter Electromagnetic Technology Groups Silicon-Tungsten BNL, Oregon, SLAC Silicon-Tungsten UK, Czech, France, Korea, Russia Silicon-Tungsten Korea Scintillator/Silicon-Lead Italy Scintillator/Silicon-Tungsten Kansas, Kansas State Scintillator-Lead Japan, Russia Scintillator-Tungsten Japan, Korea, Russia Scintillator-Tungsten Colorado Calorimeter From K.Kawagoe @ ACFA 07 Hadronic (analog) Hadronic (digital) Tail catcher Technology Groups Scintillator-Steel Czech, Germany, Russia, NIU Scintillator-Lead Japan GEM-Steel FNAL, UTA RPC-Steel Russia RPC-Steel ANL, Boston, Chicago, FNAL Scintillator – Steel Northern Illinois/ NICADD Scintillator – Lead/Steel Japan, Korea, Russia Scintillator-Steel FNAL, Northern Illinois RPC-Steel Italy CONCLUSIONS - A vigorous program of Linear Collider calorimetry and muon/tail catcher development is underway ! - Many results from prototypes – but we should avoid too much duplication. - A lot of work has been done with very limited detector R&D budgets. - It is critical to carry out an R&D survey and ensure that Detector R&D proceeds in a timely manner alongside Accelerator R&D. This is particularly critical for U.S.-based calorimeter development which faces significant financial hurdles, and a long test beam program!