
Jan[uar]y 1/ [18]50
My dear Father
We arrived here, about a week ago & have received a most hearty welcome from
Mr Sconce the Judge who is a relation of Thomson's & his kin the Latours who all
hold high appointments in the civil service here-- they are all nice people &,
determined to make our stay as profitable as possible. Sconce grows his own
Coffee, which is admirable also Tea & pepper, of all which I have samples for you.
He makes a bandage from the bark of a small species of Callicarpa, & I have also
the fibre & some small articles made at the convent here from the common Musa, - not textiles. The Gurjan oil is the most curious product.-- made from
At Sylhet I got a good many curious articles for the museum which will I think
please you.
[[2]] On our way hither we stopped at Noakolly, wh[ich]. you will see at the mouth
of the Megna & remained two days with a Dr. Baker a wealthy man on the Govt.
Salt Commission. His wife knows a good deal of Suffolk & Halesworth & says
remembers me a baby -- I forget what her name was but she be is said to be of a
good family.
I have not received my letters yet, & so do not know what you say about Ceylon *1
&c. Tom goes home by the Feb[ruar]y steamer & I am of course uncertain whether
to do so too or go to Arracan for a fortnight from hence -- One of Toms letters says
that Maria told his sister that you had been unwell but better, & there are no
particulars I hope you are all right again.
[[3]] Colvile writes asking if I would like to accompany L[or]d. Grosvenor who is
looking out for a travelling physician -- he goes to Nepal first[.] I have of course
unconditionally declined. It would have suited me well enough 6 or 8 years ago.-but I have Even were opportunities & other engagements put out of the question -I know nothing of this young Noblemen & though I might wash up enough of
Medical lore to pass for his Doctor, such young Gentlemen are apt to exact more
than their due from their inferiors. Colvile indeed does not recommend it at all, but
thinks he ought to acquaint me with the opportunity.
We are greatly disappointed with not finding any maritime vegetation here -Mangrove, Avicennia Rhyzphora & even herbaceous salt water plants are wholly
[[4]] Except Ipomoea pes Caprae -- On the other hand, there are plenty of hills & a
fine forest vegetation with lots of fine plants a few miles inland -- we have already
got about 300 species close to the station, where however the vegetation is almost
entirely a bush scrub 4 feet high or so with Linostoma, Memecylon, Rubiaceae,
Jasmine, Calamus & many good plants. We went for two days to the mouth of the
river & got a good many nice things & in two days more we start for the hills of the
interior which are heavily timbered & where we hope for a good lot of Palms.
There is no one here fond even of plants except a Mrs Capt Mathison who was a
Miss Chapman, dau[ghte]r of a naval officer at Lowestoft. She is a remarkably
intelligent & agreeable person. The books you kindly sent to Colvile's care have
arrived safe & are on their way to me I believe with my letters.
[[5]] it is an age since we have seen an L.J.B. [London Journal of Botany] or had
any Botanical news.-- Reeve wrote me as I think I told you asking for names of
people who would subscribe to a lithograph of Tayler's pictures of self -- . I do not
like at all meddling in such matters -- though & he modestly requests me to do it
sub--rosa which is worse & worse. The said picture would be improved greatly
putting a note book on my knee & pencil in my hand.
I have nothing to remark on our voyage from Sylhet except some disasters from
the elements, & I fear the ruin of a very fine lot of dried Orchideae, which I am now
engaged trying to recover. Tom is in despair but he is not accustomed to such
wetting as I was in Sikkim.-I am now very busy & hope to write to you by the Marseilles mail of this month,
when I should have received
[[6]] your letter & be able to give you my plans.
Best love to my Mother & Bessy | Your ever affection[ate] Son Jos. D. Hooker
1. The country formerly known as Ceylon is now called Sri Lanka.
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