Sustainable Behavior Goals Use personal coffee mugs and water bottles Print double sided when applicable and consider keeping documents electronic whenever possible Take the stairs instead of the elevator, if possible Shut down computer at the end of workday Enable power save mode on personal computer/laptop Practice proper window usage Encourage conversation between coworkers about temperature and comfort (those who share a thermostat) Enable settings on personal computer to allow black screen instead of screen saver, especially when away from computer for an extended amount of time Walk around building during breaks (This is to help stay warm on cooler days, explore the building, and have a more refreshing break from long work.) Nominate a green team representative for your department Talk communally about hardware/software shutoff at the end of the day (i.e. printers, computers, etc.) Use designated break room instead of personal kitchen appliances Develop a departmental composting plan Host and participate in an event for the building community (e.g., brown bag lunch, coffee break, etc) Remove personal space heaters and fans, with exception to those who have serious problems with the air in their immediate area Other:________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Goal/Objective Measure of Success Target Completion Date(s) Status