CP Violation and CKM Angles Status and Prospects Klaus Honscheid Ohio State University C2CR 2007 Two asymmetric-energy factories The Two AsymmetricBEnergy B Factories PEP-II at SLAC 9 GeV (e-) 3.1 GeV (e+) peak luminosity: 1.21034cm-2s-1 13 countries, 57 institutes, ~400 collaborators Belle BaBar KEKB at KEK 11 nations, 77 institutes, ~600 persons 8 GeV (e-) 3.5 GeV (e+) peak luminosity: 1.71034cm-2s-1 K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 Experimental Landscape (early 2007) 1200 Total Integrated Luminosity (fb-1) # of B decays recorded 1000 Belle 1.3 710Billion fb-1 Tevatron > 2.4 fb-1 BaBar 0.8 400Billion fb-1 800 600 400 CLEO II.5 CLEO II 200 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 CP Violation in the Standard Model CP Operator: CP( g q coupling q’ J ) = g* q q’ J Mirror To incorporate CP violation g ≠ g* (coupling has to be complex) K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 CP Violation in the SM: The CKM Matrix The CKM matrix Vij is unitary with 4 independent fundamental parameters Unitarity constraint from 1st and 3rd columns: i V*i3Vi1=0 d s b u Vud Vus Vub c Vcd Vcs Vcb t Vtd Vts Vtb CKM phases (in Wolfenstein convention) a = p-g-b g ~ arg[Vub*] b ~ arg[Vtd*] 1 2 -iγ A 3 - i 1- 2 1 - 1 - 2 A 2 2 A3 1 - - i-i β - A2 1 1 1 e 1 e 1 1 1 1 K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 Interfering Amplitudes in Bo Kp Decays Tree decay B0 K-p+ A1 = a 1 eif1 eid1 + B0 K+p- B A2 = a2 eif eid 2 A1 = a 1 Vus* g 0 b d Vub s u u d K- p 2 e-if1 A Vus*Vub eid1 + A2 = a2 e-if eid 2 2 Penguin decay B b 0 u,c,t g d s u u d K- p A Vts*Vtb Interference(A1+A2)2≠ (A1+A2)2 |A|2 – |A|2 G(B) – G(B) ~ 2 sin(f1 - f2) sin(d1 - d2) Asymmetry = = 2 + |A|2 = 0 |A| G(B) + G(B) K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 CP Violation in Bo Kp Decays 227 x 106 B0 Mesons 227 x 106 B0 Mesons Count B0K+p- Decays Count B0K-p+ Decays Is N(B0K+p- ) equal to N(B0K-p+ )? Br B f - Br B f BABAR A K=p = 910 n B CP Br B f Br B f n B K p = 696 0 - 0 - background subtracted K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 Mixing Induced CP violation Golden mode B0J/yKs:CP eigenstate, high rate, theoretically clean No weak phase ei0 B0 Two Vtd vertices e-i2b e-i2b J/yKs B0 e-i0 + Two Amplitudes Interference ACP ~ sin2b K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 A Complication: Quantum Coherence We need to know the flavor of the B at a reference t=0 and measure the difference in decay time Dt t =0 B0 At t=0 we know this meson is B0 Flavor Tagging Time Dependence Dz = Dt gbc B0 rec yK s (4S) bg =0.56 B0 The two mesons oscillate coherently : at any given time, if one is a B0 the other is necessarily a B0 tag W l - (e-, m -) In this example, the tagside meson decays first. It decays semi-leptonically and the charge of the lepton gives the flavour of the tag-side meson : l -= B0 l = B 0. Kaon tags also used. B0 - l- l b d Dt picoseconds later, the B 0 (or perhaps its now a B 0) decays. Time dependent asymmetry ACP = SCPsin(DmDt) - CCPcos(DmDt) SCP = -fCP sin2b (fCP= ±1), CCP “direct” CP violationOhio = 0State forUniversity, J/yK C2CR 2007 K. Honscheid, CP Violation in B0J/yK PRL 98, 031802 (2007) s BaBar preliminary, hep-ex/0607107 Belle preliminary, hep-ex/0608039 B0J/yKL B0J/yKS Dt for B0 tag B0J/yK Dt for B0 tag B0J/yK Background Dt asymmetry J/yKL is fCP= +1 J/yKS is fCP= -1 B0 tags B0 tags Belle Belle Preliminary B0 tags B0 tags Preliminary Dt oscillation Period = B mixing Dm Amplitude = D sin2b (Dilution D due to mistags; measured experimentally) K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 Sin(2b) World Average Heavy Flavors Averaging Group E.Barberio et al., hep-ex/0603003 Statistics limited Consistent with zero: no evidence for NP in tree decay o b = 21.2 ± 1.0o Extracting b from sin2b has ambiguities; removed by J/yK*, D*D*KS and Dp0//'/w analyses K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 Is “b” Universal? News Flash Can use 3 different categories of B0 decays to measure b: hep/ex 0702031 b) b cc d charm (and charmonium ) a) b cc s (charmoniu m) c) Penguin - dominated b dd s, b ss s b s s B0 d s d K0 Possible contribution from BD+Dgolden mode J /yK New Physics (NP): new 0 0 S = -1.12 ± 0.37 ± 0.09 * heavy particles fK ,K K -C) K Sin, the loop 0 0 0 D D , D D A = 0.91 ± 0.23 ± 0.06 (= y ( 2 S ) K , K , K 0 S S c1 S c S J /yK L0 J /yK *0 ( K *0 K S0p 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 See the following talk K K K , K , K S 0) S Sp , J /yp , D D to be closeS to (expected by Tom Browder 0 wK S , f 0 (980) K S0 0 * *- K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 Let’s try this for the next angle: a Access to a from the interference of a b→u decay (g) with B0B0 mixing (b) Tree decay B0B0 mixing b B 0 d Vtb* Vtd* t t Vud* g d B 0 b Vtb Vtd q / p Vtb*Vtd / VtbVtd* B Penguin decay Vub 0 b d p- d u u d p B b 0 u,c,t d =e i 2a Inc. penguin contribution T P e ig eid T P e -ig eid C sin d App (Dt ) = Spp sin( Dmd Dt ) - Cpp cos(Dmd Dt ) T = "tree" amplitude p S = 1 - C 2 sin( 2a eff ) S = sin( 2a ) C =0 NB : p- A Vtd*Vtb A Vud* Vub q A = = e -i 2 b e -i 2g = ei 2a p A Time-dep. asymmetry : g d u u d How can we obtain α from αeff ? P = "penguin" amplitude K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 How to estimate |a-aeff| : Isospin analysis Use SU(2) to relate decay rates of different hh final states (h {p,}) Need to measure several related B.F.s Α - = A( B 0 p p - ) ~ Α = A( B 0 p p - ) Α = A( B p p ) 0 0 Α 00 = A( B 0 p 0p 0 ) ~ 00 Α = A( B 0 p 0p 0 ) Limiting factor in analysis Gronau, London : PRL65, 3381 (1990) K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 Measuring a in B pp hep-ex/0608035 + - p ±p0 hep-ex/0607106 p 0 p0 pp 1464±65 Np p 0 = 572 53 Np 0p 0 = 140 25 BRp p 0 = (5.12 0.47 0.29) 10-6 BRp 0p 0 = (1.48 0.26 0.12) 10-6 Ap p 0 = -0.019 0.088 0.014 Cp 0p 0 = -0.33 0.36 0.08 Da |Da|<41°@90% C.L. Sp+p- = -0.61 ± 0.1 ± 0.04 Ap+p- (=-C) = 0.55 ± 0.08 ± 0.05 BRp+p- = (5.1±0.2±0.2) x 10-6 K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 Sometimes you have to be lucky hep-ex/0607092 hep-ex/0607097 hep-ex/0607098 •B is almost completely polarized B0 - B 0 B0 00 98-32 31 22 615±57 f L, - = 0.977 0.024-0.015 0.013 390±49 BR 0 = (16.8 2.2 2.3) 10-6 0.05 S - = -0.19 0.21- 0.07 BR = (23.5 2.2 4.1) 10-6 f L , = 0.905 0.042-0.023 0.027 C - = -0.07 0.15 0.06 A = -0.12 0.13 0.10 - •B 00 is small 0 -6 BR 0 0 = (1.16-0.37 0.36 2.7) 10 f L, 0 0 = 0.86-0.11 0.13 0.05 0 better constraint on Da K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 Combining all methods: a Other solutions disfavoured CL=0.683 Combined: a = [93+11-9] Global fit without a: aGlobal Fit = [ 98+5-19] º K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 g = arg[Vub*]: CP violation in DK modes GLW: Gronau, London, Wyler (2001) ADS: Atwood, Dunietz, Soni (1997) GGSZ: Giri, Grossman, Soffer, Zupan (2003) E.g. B+D0 /D0K+ ei0 ei0 D0K+ D decays do not involve Vub or Vtd: no contribution to phase D0/D0 CP state (GLW) D0/D0K-p+/K+p-, CA/DCS (ADS) D0/D0KSp+p-, Dalitz (GGSZ) B+ V*ub vertex eig D0K+ eig ei0 Relative phase = e-ig B± DK: no time dependence; extract g from rates and CP asymmetries but b u amplitude is small (for example rB (DK−K.) = 0.16 ± 0.05 0.01 ± 0.05 C2CR Belle)2007 Honscheid, Ohio ± State University, The GGSZ method – an example Look for deviations in B±D0K± plots Map out Dalitz plot from all D0 Ksp+p- decays B+ BBelle Belle BaBar preliminary; hep-ex/0607104 Belle; Phys.Rev.D 73, 172009 (2006) K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 Combined Result for g Combined: g = [62+38-24 ] Indirect (CKM) g = [59+9-4] K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 The CKM Model has passed the experimental test [93 +11 -9] o a g (0,0)+38 ]o [62 -24 b [21.2 ± 1.0]o New Targets Effects of TeV new physics deviations from SM LFV and new source of CPV Hidden flavor symmetry and its breaking K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 The next few years (2007 – 2010) • LHCb is nearing completion • Belle and BaBar • 1 ab-1 (2006) • 2 ab-1 (2008) 1200 ICHEP08 1000 800 600 400 200 Jul-08 Jul-07 Jul-06 Jul-05 Jul-04 Jul-03 Jul-02 Jul-01 Jul-00 Jul-99 0 • Tevatron • 2 fb-1 (2006) • 8 fb-1 (2009) K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 LHCb Prospects (Some of the things they can do) Bs Mixing phase (s) using Bs J/yf Signal yield: 130k events per L=2fb-1 with a B/S0.1, Sensitivity s ~ 0.021 Sensitive probe of New Physics effects in the Bs mixing s = s(SM) + s(NP) with s(SM)=-22 ~ -0.037±0.002 V. Vagnoni CKM2006 0,04 0,8 s(s) 0,6 now 0,03 pre-LHCb LHCb at L=2fb-1 0,02 0,4 pre-LHCb 0,2 LHCb LHCb at L=2fb-1 at L=10fb-1 LHCb at L=10fb-1 0,01 0,0 0,00 2006 2008 2010 2014 year 2006 2010 2014 20 Sensitivity to g Standard methods Golden Mode Bs DsK Sensitivity ~ 4.2o with 2 fb-1 2008 year now 16 s(g) [o] s(s) now 12 pre-LHCb 8 4 with LHCb with LHCb at L=2fb-1 at L=10fb-1 0 2006 2008 2010 2014 year K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 From B-Factories to LHCb – without new physics Summer 2006 2014 2008* LHCb L=10 fb-1 s( ) / = 17% s( ) / = 4.7% s ( ) / = 7 .4 % s ( ) / = 3 .3 % s ( ) / = 3. 6% s( ) / = 1.8% K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 Super B-Factory Plans at KEK and Frascati Design Luminosity ~ 1 x 1036 /cm2/sec Synergy with ILC Recycle components (PEP, BaBar) Lots of R&D needed New Beam pipe ILC ring ILC FF More RF power Interaction Region Crab crossing q=30mrad. by*=3mm New QCS I P Damping ring Linac upgrade KEK L = 81035/cm2 /sec Frascati K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007 Summary CKM Model is now a tested theory Great success for theorist Great success for experimentalist Great success for the Standard Model a = (93+11-9)o b = (21.2 ± 1.0)o g = (62+38-24)o Search for Deviations from SM and New Physics Near Term Future Looks Promising B Factories only half way done Tevatron will triple data sample LHC(b) turn on Long Term Prospects LHC(b) upgrades Super B Factories (KEK, INFN) K. Honscheid, Ohio State University, C2CR 2007