The BTeV Experiment: Physics and Detector FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State University FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State B Physics Today CKM Picture okay VCKM = Vud Vus Vub Vcd Vcs Vcb Vtd Vts Vtb CP Violation observed sin(2b) = 0.734 +/- 0.054 >1011 b hadrons No conflict with SM FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State (including Bs) B Physics at Hadron Colliders Energy b cross section c cross section b fraction Inst. Luminosity Bunch spacing Int./crossing Luminous region Tevatron LHC 2 TeV ~100 mb ~1000 mb 2x10-3 2x1032 132 ns (396 ns) <2> (<6>) 30 cm 14 TeV ~500 mb ~3500 mb 6x10-3 >2x1032 25 ns <1> 5.3 cm Large cross sections Triggering is an issue All b-hadrons produced (B, Bs, Bc, b-baryons) FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Detector Requirements FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State •Trigger, trigger, trigger •Vertex, decay distance •Momentum •PID •Neutrals (g, p0) From F. Teubert Forward vs. Central Geometry Multi-purpose experiments require large solid angle coverage. Central Geometry (CDF, D0, Atlas, CMS) Dedicated B experiments can take advantage of Forward geometry (BTeV, LHCb) bg FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State 100mb 230mb The BTeV Detector Beam Line FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Pixel Vertex Detector Reasons for Pixel Detector: • Superior signal to noise • Excellent spatial resolution -- 5-10 microns depending on angle, etc • Very Low occupancy • Very fast • Radiation hard Special features: • It is used directly in the L1 trigger • Pulse height is measured on every channel with a 3 bit FADC • It is inside a dipole and gives a crude standalone momentum Doublet FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State The Pixel Detector II Vacuum System FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Simulated B Bbar, Pixel Vertex Detector FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State L1 vertex trigger algorithm Generate Level-1 accept if satisfy: 2 “detached” tracks in the BTeV pixel detector pT2 0.25 (GeV/c)2 b m b 0 .2 cm p p b FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State B-meson Level 1 vertex trigger architecture 30 station pixel detector FPGA segment trackers Switch: sort by crossing number track/vertex farm (~2500 processors) Merge Trigger decision to Global Level 1 FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Efficiencies and Tagging Trigger EfficiencyBsDsK E Trigger Efficiency-Minimum Bias Events E N=1 F F F F I N=2 74% I N=2 C C I N=3 I E E N N=1 N=4 N C C Y Y Impact Parameter in units of N=3 1% N=4 Impact Parameter in units of For a requirement of at least 2 tracks detached by more than 6, we trigger on only 1% of the beam crossings and achieve the following trigger efficiencies for these states (<2> int. per crossing): FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Decay efficiency(%) B p+p 63 Bs DsK 74 B- DoK70 B- Ksp27 Decay efficiency(%) Bo K+p63 Bo J/y Ks 50 Bs J/yK* 68 Bo K*g 40 The Physics Goals There is New Physics out there: Baryon Asymmetry of Universe & by Dark Matter Hierarchy problem Plethora of fundamental parameters … B Experiments at Hadron Colliders are well positioned to: Perform precision measurements of CKM Elements with small model dependence. Search for New Physics via CP phases Search for New Physics via Rare Decays Help interpret new results found elsewhere (LHC, neutrinos) Complete a broad program in heavy flavor physics Weak decay processes, B’s, polarization, Dalitz plots, QCD… Semileptonic decays including Lb b & c quark Production Structure: B(s) spetroscopy, b-baryon states Bc decays FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Importance of Particle Identification BTeV RICH Detector Gas FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Measuring a Using Borp p+p-po A Dalitz Plot analysis gives both sin(2a) and cos(2a) (Snyder & Quinn) Measured branching ratios are: B(B-rop-) Nearly empty (r polarization) ~10-5 = B(Bor-p+ + r+p-) = ~3x10-5 B(Boropo) <0.5x10-5 Snyder & Quinn showed that 1000-2000 tagged events are sufficient Not easy to measure p0 reconstruction Not easy to analyze 9 parameter likelihood fit FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Slow p0’s Dalitz Plot for Borp Yields for Borp Based 9.9x106 background events Bor+p5400 events, S/B = 4.1 Boropo 780 events, S/B = 0.3 Background p o FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State g Boropo Signal g mB (GeV) mB (GeV) Our Estimate of Accuracy on a Geant simulation of Borp, (for 1.4x107 s) a (gen) Rres Rnon a (recon) Da 77.3o 0.2 0.2 77.2o 1.6o 77.3o 0.4 0 77.1o 1.8o 93.0o 0.2 0.2 93.3o 1.9o 93.0o 0.4 0 93.3o 2.1o 111.0o 0.2 0.2 111.7o 3.9o 111.0o 0.4 0.2 110.4o 4.3o minimum c2 Example: 1000 Borp signal + backgrounds With input a=77.3o FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State non-resonant non-rp bkgrd resonant non-rp bkgrd Rare b Decays Search for New Physics in Loop diagrams New fermion like objects in addition to t, c or u New Gauge-like objects in addition to W, Z or g Inclusive Rare Decays including g, l+l- bsg bdg bsl+l- Exclusive Rare Decays such as Brg, K*g BK*l+lDalitz plot & polarization FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State BoK*g Electromagnetic Calorimeter The main challenges include • Can the detector survive the high radiation environment ? • Can the detector handle the rate and occupancy ? • Can the detector achieve adequate angle and energy resolution ? BTeV will have a high resolution PbWO4 calorimeter • Developed by CMS for use at the LHC • Large granularity Block size 2.7 x 2.7 x 22 cm3 (25 Xo) ~23000 crystals • Photomultiplier readout (no magnetic field) • Pre-amp based on QIE chip (KTeV) • Energy resolution Stochastic term 1.6% Constant term 0.55% • Position resolution 3526mm / E 217mm x FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State PbWO4 Calorimeter Properties Property Density(gm/cm2) Radiation Length(cm) Interaction Length(cm) Light Decay time(ns) (3components) Value 8.28 0.89 22.4 5(39%) 15(60%) 100(1%) Refractive index 2.30 Max of light emission 440nm Temperature Coefficient (%/oC) -2 Light output/Na(Tl)(%) 1.3 Light output(pe/MeV) into 2” PMT 10 FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Property Transverse block size Block Length Radiation Length Front end Electronics Inner dimension Energy Resolution: Stochastic term Constant term Spatial Resolution: Outer Radius Total Blocks/arm Value 2.7cm X 2.7 cm 22 cm 25 PMT +/-9.8cm (X,Y) 1.6% (2.3%) 0.55% 3526mm / E x 217mm 140 cm--215 cm $ driven 11,500 Electromagnetic Calorimeter Tests Block from China’s Shanghai Institute • Resolution (energy and position) close to expectations • This system can achieve CLEO/BaBar/BELLE-like performance in a hadron Collider environment! FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Muon System Provides Muon ID and Trigger Trigger for interesting physics states Check/debug pixel trigger fine-grained tracking + toroid Stand-alone mom./mass trig. Momentum “confirmation” Basic building block: Proportional tube “Planks” ~3 m toroid(s) / iron track from IP FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State 2.4 m half height Polarization in BoK*om+mBTeV data compared to Burdman et al calculation Dilepton invariant mass distributions, forward-backward asymmetry discriminate among the SM and various supersymmetric theories. Ali et. al, hep-ph/9910221 (Ali, Lunghi, Greub & Hiller, hep-ph/0112300) FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State One year for K*l+l-, enough to determine if New Physics is present Summary Heavy quark physics at hadron colliders provides a unique opportunity to measure fundamental parameters of the Standard Model with no or only small model dependence discover new physics in CP violating amplitudes or rare decays. interpret new phenomena found elsewhere (e.g. LHC) Some scenarios are clear others will be a surprise This program requires a general purpose detector like BTeV with an efficient, unbiased trigger and a high performance DAQ a superb charged particle tracking system good particle identification excellent photon detection FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Additional Transparencies FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Physics Reach (CKM) in 107 s Reaction B(B) (x10-6) S/B Parameter Error or (Value) Bs Ds K- 300 7500 7 g - 2c 8o Bs Ds p- 3000 59,000 3 xs (75) 445 168,000 10 7 250 2.3 B-Do (K+p-) K- 0.17 170 1 B-Do (K+K-) K- 1.1 1,000 >10 BoJ/y KS J/y l+ l - BoJ/y Ko, Ko p l n BsJ/y h, 330 2,800 15 BsJ/y h 670 9,800 30 Bor+p- 28 5,400 4.1 Boropo 5 780 0.3 Reaction B(B) (x10-6) FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State # of Events # of Events S/B sin(2b) 0.017 cos(2b) ~0.5 13o g sin(2c) 0.024 a ~4o Parameter Error B-KS p- 12.1 4,600 1 BoK+p- 18.8 62,100 20 Bop+p- 4.5 14,600 3 Asymmetry 0.030 BoK+ K- 17 18,900 6.6 Asymmetry 0.020 <4o + g Theory err. A simplified trigger comparison FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State From U. Egede Unitarity Triangles Bd0 p+ pBd0 r p BS0 DS p Bd0 DK*0 BS0 DSK Bd0 D* p, 3p Bd0 J/y KS0 dg c FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State BS0 J/y f From N. Harnew Pixel Test Beam Results No change after 33 Mrad (10 years, worst case, BTeV) Analog output of pixel amplifier before and after 33 Mrad irradiation. 0.25m CMOS design verified radiation hard with both g and protons. Track angle (mr) FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Forward Tracker Prototype Straw tracker being constructed for FNAL beam test summer/fall 2002 FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Predicted performance Momentum resolution is better than 1% over full momentum and angle range Drawing Of forward Microstrip tracker HPD Schematic for BTeV RICH HPD Tube HPD Pixel array HPD Pinout Pulse Height from 163 pixel prototype HPD. Note pedestal, 1, 2, 3 pe peaks FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Prop Tube Planks Basic Building Block: Proportional Tube “Planks” 3/8” diameter Stainless steel tubes (0.01” walls) “picket fence” design 30 m (diameter) gold-plated tungsten wire Manifolds are brass soldered to tubes (RF sheilding important!) Front-end electronics: use Penn ASDQ chips, modified CDF COT card Try “D0 fast gas” 88% Ar 10% CF4 - CO2 or 50% Ar – 50% Eth. FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Plank Cosmic Ray Tests Cosmic Ray Test Stand FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State BTeV Data Acquisition Architecture BTeV detector Front-end electronics 7.6 MHz 800 GB/s 7 > 2 x 10 channels m PIX Level-1 L1 muon Global Level-1 L1 vertex Level-1 Buffers Information Transfer Control Hardware L1 rate reduction: ~1/100 GL1 accept ITCH Req. data for crossing #N Crossing #N Level 2/3 Crossing Switch RDY #1 L2/3 rate reduction: ~1/20 Level-2/3 Processor Farm #2 #m-1 #m Level-2/3 Buffers Level-3 accept Data Logging 4 KHz FPCP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State 200 MB/s