The Future of Flavor Physics at Hadron Colliders CIPANP 2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State University CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State B Physics Today CKM Picture okay VCKM = Vud Vus Vub Vcd Vcs Vcb Vtd Vts Vtb CP Violation observed sin(2b) = 0.734 +/- 0.054 No conflict with SM CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Surprising B Physics Year Item 1983 tb 1987 2001 Theory Prediction ~Value # B’s Too small to be observed ~ < 0.1ps 1 ps 2x104 Bo-Bo mixing Too small to see (~ < 1%) as mtop is believed to be ~30 GeV 20% 2x105 sin(2b) No direct prediction, but consistent with other measurements 3/4 107 a,b,g >1011 b hadrons (including Bs) CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State B Physics at Hadron Colliders Energy b cross section c cross section b fraction Inst. Luminosity Bunch spacing Int./crossing Luminous region Tevatron LHC 2 TeV ~100 mb ~1000 mb 2x10-3 2x1032 132 ns (396 ns) <2> (<6>) 30 cm 14 TeV ~500 mb ~3500 mb 6x10-3 >2x1032 25 ns <1> 5.3 cm Large cross sections Triggering is an issue All b-hadrons produced (B, Bs, Bc, b-baryons) CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Detector Requirements CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State •Vertex, decay distance •Momentum •PID •Neutrals (g, p0) From F. Teubert CDF and D0 CDF pioneered B physics at hadron collider. New for Run II TOF (Particle ID) Detached Vertex Trigger Improved tracking D0 enters B physics New for Run II Tracking Detached Vertex Trigger (soon) CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Atlas and CMS CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Acceptance |h| < 2.5 Particle ID ATLAS p-K separation, ~0.8s from TRD Di-lepton trigger Vertexing Special pixel B layer R~5cm “Low” luminosity running Lumi 1033 cm-2s-1 Only 30fb-1 (3 years) Specialist B triggers BUT : DAQ Bandwidth only 100 evts/s to tape for ALL physics ATLAS From N. Harnew Forward vs. Central Geometry Multi-purpose experiments require large solid angle coverage. Central Geometry (CDF, D0, Atlas, CMS) Dedicated B experiments can take advantage of Forward geometry (BTeV, LHCb) bg CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State 100mb 230mb LHCb Light CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State No tracking stations in magnet region Reduced material budget (fringe) magnetic field in tracking station(s) The Importance of Particle ID For example: B-> p+p- B0 h+hs ~17 MeV Purity = 84% ; Efficiency = 90% CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State The BTeV Detector Pixel Detector Detached Vertex Trigger Vacuum Vessel • Find the primary vertex PbWO Calorimeter 4 EM • Identify tracks which miss it • Calculates the significance of detachment • For EVERY crossing 10500 crystals 220 mm long, 28x28 mm2 Beam Line b,b/sb s(h->gg) ~ 5 MeV Proper time resolution: 46 fs s(p->gg) ~ 3 MeV CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State CLEO/BaBar/BELLE-like performance in a hadron Collider environment! • 60 pixel planes • inside magnet • s = 5-10 mm Fully simulated bb event using Geant 3 • incl. multiple scattering, hadronic interactions • decays in flight • Kalman fitter CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Efficiencies and Tagging For a requirement of at least 2 tracks detached by more than 6s, we trigger on only 1% of the beam crossings and achieve the following trigger efficiencies for these states (<2> int. per crossing): Decay efficiency(%) B p+p63 Bs DsK 74 B- DoK70 B- Ksp27 CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Decay efficiency(%) Bo K+p63 Bo J/y Ks 50 Bs J/yK* 68 Bo K*g 40 e efficiency; D Dilution or (Nright-Nwrong)/(Nright+Nwrong) Effective tagging efficiency eD2 Extensive study for BTeV uses Opposite sign K± Jet Charge Same side p± (for Bo) or K± for (Bs) Leptons Conclusion: eD2 (Bo) = 0.10, eD2 (Bs) = 0.13 (difference due to same side tagging) The Physics Goals There is New Physics out there: Baryon Asymmetry of Universe & by Dark Matter Hierarchy problem Plethora of fundamental parameters … B Experiments at Hadron Colliders are well positioned to: Perform precision measurements of CKM Elements with small model dependence. Search for New Physics via CP phases Search for New Physics via Rare Decays Help interpret new results found elsewhere (LHC, neutrinos) Complete a broad program in heavy flavor physics Weak decay processes, B’s, polarization, Dalitz plots, QCD… Semileptonic decays including Lb b & c quark Production Structure: B(s) spetroscopy, b-baryon states Bc decays CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Part 1: Is the CKM Picture correct? Use different sets of measurements to define apex of triangle (adopted from Peskin) Also have eK (CP in KL system) Bd mixing phase Magnitudes Bs mixing phase Can also measure g via B-DoK- , CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Measuring a Using Borp p+p-po A Dalitz Plot analysis gives both sin(2a) and cos(2a) (Snyder & Quinn) Measured branching ratios are: B(B-rop-) Nearly empty (r polarization) ~10-5 = B(Bor-p+ + r+p-) = ~3x10-5 B(Boropo) <0.5x10-5 Snyder & Quinn showed that 1000-2000 tagged events are sufficient Not easy to measure p0 reconstruction Not easy to analyze 9 parameter likelihood fit CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Slow p0’s Dalitz Plot for Borp Yields for Borp Based 9.9x106 background events Bor+p5400 events, S/B = 4.1 Boropo 780 events, S/B = 0.3 Background p o CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State g Boropo Signal g mB (GeV) mB (GeV) Our Estimate of Accuracy on a Geant simulation of Borp, (for 1.4x107 s) a (gen) Rres Rnon a (recon) Da 77.3o 0.2 0.2 77.2o 1.6o 77.3o 0.4 0 77.1o 1.8o 93.0o 0.2 0.2 93.3o 1.9o 93.0o 0.4 0 93.3o 2.1o 111.0o 0.2 0.2 111.7o 3.9o 111.0o 0.4 0.2 110.4o 4.3o minimum c2 Example: 1000 Borp signal + backgrounds With input a=77.3o CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State non-resonant non-rp bkgrd resonant non-rp bkgrd Bs Mixing (Vtd/Vts) Dms (~xs) = DG·C where C can be calculated inside the S. M. CDF sensitive to xs ~ 30 DG/G: Bs->yf seen Expect s(DG/G) ~ 2% after Run II 6 5 4 BTeV reaches sensitivity to xs of 80 in 3.2 years CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State 3 2 1 One of several ways to determine g: BsDs±K • Theoretically clean, BR ~ 10-4 s ~ 6.5 MeV/c2 s = 168 mm CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Ds mass (GeV) Bs vtx resolution (mm) s = 418 mm Ds vtx resolution (mm) g from Bs D-s K+ , D+s K- (II) Needed: Hadronic trigger K/p separation Good proper time resolution From the measurement of 4 time-dependent asymmetries one gets g-2dg 2 same order tree level amplitudes (3) : large asymmetries, NP contributes unlikely Sensitivity depends upon • relative amplitudes • strong phase difference • values of g, Dms , DGs /Gs For Dms=20 ps–1: s(g) ~ 10o For Dms=30 ps–1: s(g) ~ 12o CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State In one year: 8k BsDsK reconstructed events From M. Musy Measuring c In the SM the phases and magnitudes are correlated: sinb sing sin c = sin(b+g ) 2 Silva & Wolfenstein (hep-ph/9610208) Aleksan, Kayser & London = |Vus| = 0.2205±0.0018 c is the phase of Vts -> Bs Mixing Good: Bs->J/yf plus non-trivial angular analysis Better: Bs -> CP eigenstate such as BsJ/yh() , hgg, hrg CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Measuring c II BTeV can reconstruct h and h’ Yield in one year BsJ/y h: 2,800 events with S/B = 15 BsJ/y h: 9,800 events with S/B = 30 Error on sin(2c) = 0.024 With c ~ 2o a precision measurement will require a few years. CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Physics Reach (CKM) in 107 s Reaction B(B) (x10-6) S/B Parameter Error or (Value) Bs Ds K- 300 7500 7 g - 2c 8o Bs Ds p- 3000 59,000 3 xs (75) 445 168,000 10 7 250 2.3 B-Do (K+p-) K- 0.17 170 1 B-Do (K+K-) K- 1.1 1,000 >10 BoJ/y KS J/y l+ l - BoJ/y Ko, Ko p l n BsJ/y h, 330 2,800 15 BsJ/y h 670 9,800 30 Bor+p- 28 5,400 4.1 Boropo 5 780 0.3 Reaction B(B) (x10-6) CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State # of Events # of Events S/B sin(2b) 0.017 cos(2b) ~0.5 13o g sin(2c) 0.024 a ~4o Parameter Error B-KS p- 12.1 4,600 1 BoK+p- 18.8 62,100 20 Bop+p- 4.5 14,600 3 Asymmetry 0.030 BoK+ K- 17 18,900 6.6 Asymmetry 0.020 <4o + g Theory err. Bc mesons CDF: mBc = 6.4 +/- 0.4 GeV tBc ~ 0.5 ps BTeV/LHCb: Precision measurements of mass, lifetime Search for CPV in Bc -> J/yD+ or Bc -> DsD LHCb acceptance ~30% p (GeV) LHCb preliminary study s(ppBc) ~300 nb 109 Bc/ year Bc J/y p (BR ~10-2) e ~ 2% CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State 12k events/year Background from B J/y X and prompt J/y reduced cutting on the distance between primary vertex and Bc vertex M( J/y(mm) p) GeV/c2 Part II: Search for New Physics CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State For a nice overview see: S. Stone “BTeV Physics” at First Example: Supersymmetry Supersymmetry: In general 80 constants & 43 phases MSSM: 2 phases (Nir, hep-ph/9911321) New Physics in Bo mixing: qD , Bo decay: qA, Do mixing: fKp Process Quantity SM New Physics BoJ/yKs CP asym sin(2b) sin2(b+qD) BofKs CP asym sin(2b) sin2(b+qD+qA) DoK-p+ CP asym 0 ~sin(fKp) New Physics CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Difference NP Rare b Decays Search for New Physics in Loop diagrams New fermion like objects in addition to t, c or u New Gauge-like objects in addition to W, Z or g Inclusive Rare Decays including g, l+l- bsg bdg bsl+l- Exclusive Rare Decays such as Brg, K*g BK*l+lDalitz plot & polarization CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State BoK*g Yield, S/B for Rare b Decays Reaction CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State B (10-6) Signal S/B 11 BoK*om+m- 1.5 2530 B-K-m+m- 0.4 1470 3.2 bsm+m- 5.7 4140 0.13 Physics Polarization; Rate Rate Rate; Wilson coefficents Polarization in BoK*om+mBTeV data compared to Burdman et al calculation Dilepton invariant mass distributions, forward-backward asymmetry discriminate among the SM and various supersymmetric theories. Ali et. al, hep-ph/9910221 (Ali, Lunghi, Greub & Hiller, hep-ph/0112300) CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State One year for K*l+l-, enough to determine if New Physics is present Rare Leptonic Decays Bs0 m+mStandard Model BR ~ 4x10-9 Here the General Purpose Detectors have an advantage : high pT di-muon triggering at high (1x1034) luminosity. CMS : 100 fb-1 (107s at 1034 cm-2s-1) ~26 signal events 6.4 events background Muon trigger : 2 m’s with pT > 4 GeV | h| < 2.4 CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Search also for Bd0 m+mStandard Model BR ~ 1x10-10 Another Example: Extra Dimensions Aranda & Lorenzo Diaz-Cruz, “Flavor Symmetries in Extra Dimensions” (hep-ph/0207059) (Buras et al. hep-ph/0212143) Extra spatial dimension is compactified at scale 1/R = 250 GeV on up No effect on |Vub/Vcb|, DMd/DMs , sin(2b) Bs -> mm –8% |Vtd| CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State –100 g +72% Summary Heavy quark physics at hadron colliders provides a unique opportunity to measure fundamental parameters of the Standard Model with no or only small model dependence discover new physics in CP violating amplitudes or rare decays. interpret new phenomena found elsewhere (e.g. LHC) Some scenarios are clear others will be a surprise This program requires a general purpose B detector like BTeV and LHCb with an efficient, unbiased trigger and a high performance DAQ a superb charged particle tracking system good particle identification excellent photon detection CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State Additional Transparencies from BTeV and LHCb Studies CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State dg (= c) from B s J/y f In SM fS = -2dg = -22h ~10-2 Sensitive to New Physics effects in the Bs-Bs system In one year: 109 k events Bs J/y (m+m-) f 19 k events Bs J/y (e+e-) f J/y f is not CP eigenstate: needs fit to angular distributions of decay final states as a function of proper time s =36±1 fs Assuming Dms=20 ps–1: s (2dg) ~ 2o CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State From M. Musy Current status of LHCb Physics Reach in 1 year (2fb–1) Channel Yield Precision* 119 k s(b) 0.6o 8k 27 k, 35 k s(g) 10o s(g) 3o b Bd J/y Ks g Bs Ds K Bd pp, Bs KK a Bd p+p- 27 k s(a) 5o- 10o 2dg Bs J/y f 128 k s(2dg) 2o |Vtd/Vts| Bs Ds p 72 k Dms up to 58 ps-1 rare decays Bd K * g 20 k All numbers will be updated together with more channels in the re-optimization LHCb TDR (September 2003) CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State From M. Musy A simplified trigger comparison CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State From U. Egede Unitarity Triangles Bd0 p+ pBd0 r p BS0 DS p Bd0 DK*0 BS0 DSK Bd0 D* p, 3p Bd0 J/y KS0 dg = c CIPANP2003 K. Honscheid Ohio State BS0 J/y f From N. Harnew