
raking leaves, carrying groceries, washing the car, weeding the
garden while playing music, dancing, or having a contest helps
make the work fun and hold a child’s attention.
Making Physical Activity Family Fun - Part II
Physical activity has lots of benefits for children.
Research has shown that they sleep better, eat better, are
healthier, and often behave better when they have
participated in physical exercise. In addition, physical
activity can help a child to develop a more positive
self-concept and reduce stress.
Childhood obesity is a growing concern in America. Young children
are spending more hours in front of the TV or computer screen than
being active. Research also shows that:
● Young children are typically heavier and fatter today than they were
20 years ago.
● According to Mediawise, a national institute on media and the family,
kids today spend more time in front of a screen than any other activity
except sleeping.
● Overweight children are more likely to become overweight adults and
develop illnesses related to being overweight.
● Preschoolers are already starting to imitate the lifestyle behaviors
parents are modeling.
Children like being active when it is made to be fun, enjoyable, and
part of a family routine. Parents are role models for children and are
in a position to promote positive attitudes toward physical activity.
This may be challenging for parents especially with young children
who have fewer independent skills than older children, or who need
supervision. And sometimes a parent’s own motivation to maintain an
active lifestyle when tired and stressed can be a challenge.
Here are some ideas for family fun:
● Young children can help with active household chores made to be
fun (or part of a game). Setting the table, sweeping the floor,
● Take your child and tricycle to the park or other safe area where
you can walk while the child rides beside you. You will both
benefit from the exercise and your child will develop motor skills.
● Water has greater resistance than air and makes exercise more
effective. When at a pool or lake, always stay within arms reach
when your child is swimming or playing in water.
● Use a large ball to play kickball, volleyball, or badminton.
● Take extra balls to the tennis court. Kids can hit and chase balls
while adults play tennis.
● Play family hopscotch, Frisbee, or fly kites together.
● Try horseback riding, bowling or skating. Your child will develop
new skills and you’ll be modeling active fun at the same time.
If your child likes to spend hours in front of the TV, limit TV viewing.
If your child likes to eat while watching TV, provide nutritious and
low-fat options such as fresh fruit and whole grains snacks.
Good lifestyle habits are often caught rather than taught. Exercise will
provide you with more energy and help manage your stress. It will
increase your family’s physical and psychological well-being.
Written by: Patti Faughn, Family Life Educator, Springfield Center, Spring 2008
For more information contact:
Angela Reinhart, Family Life Educator
University of Illinois Extension, Champaign County Unit
801 N Country Fair Drive, Suite D
Champaign, IL 61821
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