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Overweight Epidemic: Causes, Solutions Essay

Write an Essay of 250 words on the following topic:
The number of people who are at risk of serious health problems due to being overweight is
What is the reason for the growth in overweight people in society?
How can this problem be solved?
These days, there is a massive increase in the number of people who are
facing some major health issues owing to the overweight body. Although
many factors contribute to this issue, increased fast food consumption and
peoples' sedentary lifestyle are the primary reasons.
One of the major causes for the increase in overweight people in today's
society is the sedentary lifestyle of working professionals. Many
professions, these days, require long sitting hours, as compared to the
past. Employers have become more demanding; thus, people have to work
for long hours in their offices. As a result, they get very little time for
exercise and other health activities. Another reason for this problem is the
increased consumption of fast food by the public, especially youth. Many
people do not have the culinary skills, or they do not get time to cook for
themselves. Therefore, they usually rely on fast food, which results in fat
accumulation in the body.
There are several solutions which can be implemented to control this
growing concern of overweight people. Firstly, the government should
encourage people to indulge in healthy activities such as daily exercises
and regular walks. To do so, public transport facilities should be improved,
so that people can at least take a walk to the nearest stop while
commuting to the office. Another way to control this problem is by banning
fast-food commercials. As people get attracted to fast food items
whenever they see an advert on TV.
In conclusion, more people are becoming overweight due to the busy
lifestyle and consumption of fast food. Putting a ban on fast food
commercials and encouraging people to adopt exercise in their daily
routine are possible ways to solve this issue.