
Here are some suggestions that can help make waiting
times easier.
Feeling Bored or Restless
The typical thought surrounding “boredom” that
comes to mind for many families is a child with
time on their hands coming to Mom asking,
“What can I do? I’m b-o-r-e-d!”
Reality Check:
Today most families (parents and children alike)
would love to have such ample free time that
allows someone to become bored!
Still some factors concerning boredom are valuable to
consider for today’s parents.
Children often get restless if they need to wait for long periods of
time. They are sometimes expected to:
● attend sporting events
● be in a car over long distances
● wait in line
It is the wait time that causes restlessness and can lead to behavior
Parents and caregivers have an important role in guiding their
children. They can help children learn how to manage their own
behavior while waiting. A child who has learned self control has a
more positive outlook and can learn to ask for help when waiting or
if boredom is a problem.
1. While in the car
 Keep tapes or CDs, drawing material, and games to play
while driving. Be sure to rotate the items so they don’t
become tiresome.
 Let a child create a game of their own in anticipation of a
long trip.
2. While in line
 Rhymes and songs are great for standing in line waiting.
 Counting as far as the child can is a great way to review and
practice skills.
 Keep some scratch papers and crayons or markers handy to
let them use.
 Give the child a task such as “what type of cookies should we
plan on making for the supper tomorrow?”
3. While at sporting events
 If possible, walk around to use pent up energy.
 Bring a small toy that doesn’t make loud noises.
 Let your child keep score or write down other pertinent
information about the game you are watching.
Revised by Sherry Rocha, Family Life Educator, Macon County
Editor: Patti Faughn, Family Life Educator, Springfield Center, Spring 2007
For more information contact:
Angela Reinhart, Family Life Educator
University of Illinois Extension, Champaign County Unit
801 N Country Fair Drive, Suite D
Champaign, IL 61821
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