SECTION 8: COURSES___________________________________________________________ 3353. Development Economics (3) (FC:SO)

SECTION 8: COURSES___________________________________________________________
3353. Development Economics (3) (FC:SO) P: ECON 2133. Analysis of problems of less
developed countries of the world. National and international policies of such countries.
3365. Russian Economic Transition (3) (S) (FC:SO) P: ECON 2113, 2133, or permission of
instructor. Analysis of the rise and fall of Russian Soviet economic system and its transformation
into a market economic system, with focus on economic institutions and their functions.
3420. Money and Banking (3) (S) (FC:SO) P: ECON 2133. Banking system, Federal Reserve
System, monetary theory, monetary policy in US, and international monetary relations.
3630. Health Economics (3) (WI) (S) (FC:SO) P: ECON 2133. Organizational structure,
financing, and regulation of health care delivery and economic measurement of performance.
3750. Economics of Poverty and Discrimination (3) (WI) (FC:SO) P: ECON 2133. Economic
theories of discrimination and occupational segregation. Analysis of inequalities in earnings
distribution. Implications for public policy.
3855. Environmental Economics (3) (FC:SO) P: ECON 2133. Application of microeconomic
analysis to environmental problems such as air and water pollution and formation of
environmental policy.
3960. Economics of Public Choice (3) (F) (FC:SO) P: ECON 2133. Application of
microeconomic analysis to study political decision making within a representative democracy.
4020. Industrial Organization (3) (WI) (S) (FC:SO) P: ECON 3144. Definition and measurement
of structure, behavior, and market performance of firms.
4214. Public Finance (3) (FC:SO) P: ECON 2133, 3144. Government expenditures, revenue
and debts, allocation of resources, and distribution of income.
4230. Labor in Economics (3) (F) (FC:SO) P: ECON 3144. Analysis of labor market operations
and occupational choice and discrimination from institutional and human capital perspectives.
4373. International Trade (3) (S) (FC:SO) P: ECON 2133, 3144. Theory and application in world
markets for primary and industrial goods.
4430. Business Cycles and Forecasting (3) (FC:SO) P: ECON 3244, 3343; or consent of
instructor. Business cycle theories and quantitative techniques for analyzing and predicting
business cycle phenomena.
4521, 4522, 4523. Independent Study and Research in Economics (1,2,3) (F,S,SS)
P: Consent of instructor and dept. chair. Extensive or selected readings taken from modern
economic research monographs or in specialized areas of economics in which student has taken
one or more courses.
4550. Honors I (3) (F,S) Open only to ECON majors who are eligible to participate in the honors
program. P: ECON 3144, 3244. Varying topics developed in cooperation with supervising
4551. Honors II (3) (F,S) P: ECON 4550 with a minimum grade of B. Varying topics developed in
cooperation with supervising instructor.
4850. Resource Economics (3) (FC:SO) P: ECON 2133, 3144. Applies microeconomic analysis
and benefit-cost analysis to problems of allocation of natural resources.
5000. General Topics (3) May be repeated for credit with change of topic. P for undergraduate
students: ECON 3144, 3244. Consideration of new or advanced topics in economics.
5150. Development (3) P for undergraduate students: ECON 3144. Applies microeconomic
analysis to investments in human resources, efficient organization of rural economics,
intersectoral and international exchange, and interaction between politics and markets, especially
in less developed countries.
5170. Resources I (3) P for undergraduate students: ECON 3144. Applies microeconomic
analysis to study of allocation of natural resources.
5360. Mathematical Economics (3) P for undergraduate students: MATH 2171 or equivalent.
Mathematical analysis applied to economic theory. Structure and specification of quantitative
(WI)=Writing Intensive; (WI*)=Selected Sections are Writing Intensive
Semester of course offering is not guaranteed. Anticipated semester of course offering:
(F)=Fall; (S)=Spring; (SS)=Summer Session; (OY)=Odd Year; (EY)=Even Year
P=Prerequisite(s); C=Corequisite(s); P/C=Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s); R=Recommended P, C, or P/C