
Meeting date: November 20, 2014
Call to order:
An official meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles
Mission College, Sylmar, CA, November 20, 2014 in the ASO Conference Room. The
meeting convened at 3:05 pm.
Members in attendance:
Executive Board:
Raymond Gosen, President
Jasmine Gosen, Executive Administrator
Sara Sanchez, Treasurer
Jesus Martinez, Vice President
Angelica Venegas, Social Activities
Lorena Aguilar, Fundraising
Daniel Salgado, Security Services
Anthony Trejo, Health
Juan Ramirez, Political Affairs
Yasaman Shayseteh, Community Relations
Jeremy HoschWhite, Educational Services
Diana Cohen-Herrera, Publications
Robert Crossley
Approval and Adoption of Agenda:
Approval of Minutes:
Aprroval of 11/6/2014 minutes.
Open Forum:
Opened at 3:18PM
Closed at 3:20PM
Officer Report:
Ray: College Council Meeting. Project status- new team of people. Prepared report for
seven projects currently on campus. Black student union. Charging stations have arrived.
Jesus: ICC Meeting, went over bylaws-GA Resolutions- Event planning workship 12-2PM.Pledge of Alegance and welcome at the honors ceremony. Gift for ELAC.
Sara: Key station- offices are unlocked. Fine them- Budget and finance committee
meeting needed.
Yasaman: Trash in main ASO room. Couple on top of the table.
Anthony: Event went well NVHC came and stopped by spoke with students. Many
students did not know.
Committee Reports:
Appointment of E-board/Senators:
Standing Items
- Mecha and Robotecas recharted.
New Business:
-Green chart: postponed.
-Student and ASGA conference: flyer was shared between ASO members.
-Final week relaxation: committee formed. Jasmine chair, Anthony co-chair and
Juan member.
-Holiday, toy & can drive: committee formed, Yasaman chair, Sara co chair and
Anthony member.
-ASACC: Washington DC March 14-17 should be merit based. Mr. Corssley will
report when he received more information and will have a criteria for students
interested in attending USA acronym similar to ASACC but 1/3 of the price.
-Camera Purchase: Need to be discussed in a finance committee meeting. $500$1000
-Safety workshops: Committee foemed- Daniel chair, Lorena co-chair and Sara
Old Business:
Parking Meters & Bike racks: Ray spoke to the college council, same answer as before. He will speak
with Joe Ramirez and will CC Monte Perez.
-Vending machines: will most likely come off the agenda.
-ASO Canopy Purchase: Sara motions to move finance committee, Jesus seconds. Motion passes.
-Student Happiness survey: Questions about the survey were discussed.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:47PM
President, Raymond Gosen
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval
Executive Administrator, Jasmine Gosen
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval