


Meeting date: October 9, 2014

Call to order:

An official meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles

Mission College, Sylmar, CA, on October 9th, 2014 in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting convened at 3:04 pm.

Members in attendance:

Executive Board:

Raymond Gosen, President

Jesus Martinez-Vice President-excused absence

Jasmine Gosen, Executive Administrator

Sara Sanchez, Treasurer


Angelica Venegas, Social Activities

Lorena Aguilar, Fundraising

Daniel Solgado, Security Services

Health, Anthony Trejo


Robert Crossley

Approval and Adoption of Agenda:

Approval of Minutes:

Approval of minutes for Sept. 25 th . Jasmine seconded, motion passes. Motion to approve the amended minutes 9/2/2014. Sara seconds. Motion to go back to Sept 25 th to amend it. Motion to approve minutes as amended. Sara seconds. Motion passes.

Open Forum:

Opened at 3:12PM Closed at 3:12PM

Officer Report:

- Ray: After long pushing and organizing, we have finally got authorization from VP Daniel

Villanueva to move forward with the charging stations, on a 90 day trial period. There is the SAC meeting tomorrow. Ray and Sara will be attending the meeting and they will be speaking in regards of the food vendors. There are food vendors that want to come on campus. We want to speak about conserving our culinary program and oppose the vendors.

Sara: I attended the parliamentarian procedure on Friday. It was successful. Sara wants to gather signatures to support for the ASO to show the importance of culinary. Sara motions to put the food Item position on to the next Agenda, Jasmine seconds, and motion passes.

Daniel: Having a meeting tomorrow about escorts and the workshops. Ray wants to let them know that we’re having a job fair.

Mr. Crossley: Trade tech was very successful. He brought back the parliamentary pizza. He’s going to have a retreat and we’re going to utilize these with the clubs as well. The whole thing


with the food vendors is good. They’re bringing arrow mark. HE likes how they talk bout the college catalogue. Saturday, Mr. Crossley is chaperoning at USC.

Committee Reports:

Breast awareness committee: All flyers are posted, including banners. We still need to verify that the shipment is coming out.

Suicide committee: Daniel is working on additional pamphlets. WE have a big sign to place out.

Also, we have flyers. Daniel is working on a guest speaker who suffers from depression so he can speak about his experience. He also wants to communicate with professors who teach psychology and sociology. Mr. Crossley wants Daniel to contact Christopher Williams.

Appointment of E-board/Senators:

Standing Items


New Business:

- Focus on Careers: Mark Hobbs is having an annual event that they host for the high school students here. ASO in the past has participated previously in this Focus on Careers day. In the past, members of the ASO were touring the college. He wants us to be tour guides. The time will be 11:30-12:30pm.

It’s an informative event just to make sure high school students know what LAMC offer. He wants

ASO to be as guiders and he wants the ASO to have a table on that day. Located in the campus center main in the first half. He will provide training for the guiding. Ray motions to table this event till next agenda. Sara seconds. Motion passes.

-Multi Cultural Day: tabled for next Agenda

-Business Cards: tabled for next Agenda

-NEVHC health clinic on campus: tabled for next Agenda

Old Business:

Parking Meters to raise money for homeless: Ray saw both Daniel Villanueva and Walter Bortman and they have mentioned that they are looking into the parking meters and bike racks. Daniel called to see if they have any parking meters. He said he will look into that but it all depends on the program we have.

They don’t need to be licensed. Ray will bring it up in the college council next week.

Job Fair: WE need to get 40 employers on the quad. We have been contacting people. UPS, rite aid, and an engineer, a friend of his. Jasmine is going to be added it to the Job Fair committee. Each committee member should contact at least 22 stores. Mr. Crossley said we should have a script that everyone will follow. Make sure you mention the position of the member and then invite them. Jasmine will contact the

1 st two pages. Jesus pages 3-4. Mr. Crossley said we need a flyer to put out to the students to the public.

The deadline is Sunday night, the flyer would be ready and it would be posted Monday. IT will be give to tall chairs on campus. Ray said Lorena is allowed to put the company logo on the flyer.

Vending Machines: after considering the contract we have with a previous vending machine, the green healthy vending machine will grow conflict so ray suggests that culinary should show Daniel Villanueva that they want the vending machine. Book store and culinary both have vending machines. People will see the new machine so they would start buying from the new vending machine. So, the book store will stop getting revenue. 

Amendment of constitution: tabled till next meeting.

Community discount cards: Lorena still has to meet up with Jerry. Finance committee. 

Bike Racks  They do have the bike racks but they are in a different area and some are missing. He will be in touch with him again

XI. Announcements to take it to the facilities committee as well.




Ray: Stay tuned. A lot of things happening.

Mr. Crossley: Has been going to a lot of club meetings and he wants the ASO members to attend these meetings and events.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:55PM

________________________________ ___________________

President, Raymond Gosen Date of approval

LAMC Associated Student Organization

________________________________ ___________________

Executive Administrator, Jasmine Gosen Date of approval

LAMC Associated Student Organization

