Agenda for Academic Senate Meeting 10/05/06

Agenda for Academic Senate Meeting
Campus Center Room 5, 1:30 PM
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Officer’s Reports
 President (Angela Echeverri)
1. Accreditation update
2. Fall 2006 enrollment
3. District Budget Committee report
a. Block grant funds
4. Proposed changes in state minimum qualifications
5. Update on Math/English graduation requirements
6. Other
 Treasurer (Mark Pursley)
4. Public Address
5. Reports of Senate Committee Meetings
 Curriculum: (Said Pazirandeh)
 District Academic Senate
 EPAC (Sonia Soto Bair)
6. Old Business
 Shared governance proposal (Jordan, Barbato)
 Replacement for District Academic Senator Mike Climo: Call for candidates by 10/5/06.
Contact Angela Echeverri if interested.
New Business
Academic Senate approval of accreditation self study in November 2006 (Flood)
Call for volunteers for Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee
Student Learning Outcomes Coordinator
SLOs and faculty evaluations: Task force recommendations (Prostak)
Professional Growth: Requests for conference and tuition reimbursements (Walker)
Faculty retirements
8. Announcements and Open Forum