Minutes of the Academic Senate Meeting May 4, 2006


Minutes of the Academic Senate Meeting

May 4, 2006

Voting Members Present: (Senators ) Donna Ayers, Terri English, Clive Gordon, Ruthie (Parthenia) Grant.,

Paul Kubicki, Ralph La Rosa, Stan Levine, Leslie Milke, John Orozco, Said Pazirandeh, Rick Scuderi, Janice

Silver, Joyce Woodmanse, Debby Wong

Voting Members Absent : Charles Dirks, Maria Fenyes

Exec, Members: Eloise Cantrell, Michael Climo, Angela Echeverri, Vickie Oddino, Gary Prostak , Mark

Pursley, Gwen Walker


Executive Members Absent: Louise Barbato

Faculty Present: Cecilia Chin-Ru Chan, Cindy Cooper, Robert Crossley, Lilamani DeSilva, Mo Elkerdany, Pat

Flood, Harlan Goldberg, David Jordan, Joanne Kalter-Flink, Guadalupe Jara, Sandra Lampert, Margie Long, Jose

Maldonado, Lorraine Manoogian, Myriam Mekelburg, Mi Chong Park, Jose Luis Ramirez, Suzanne Ritcheson,

Phoebe Rivera, Geri Shapiro, Sonia Soto-Bair, Louis Zandalasini

Visitors/Guests: Crystal Caldwell, Melaney Love, Ed Pardo, Bob Lentz, Lorena R. Lopez, Jesus A. Torres, Sandra

Cano, Diane Teroussian, Karen Robles, Connie Alas, Ryan Coombes, Carlos Aguilar, Kathy Bloom, Mark Rocha,

Jessie Martinez, Yesinia Franco, Jose Alvarado, Stephan Rodriquez, Emanuel Barragan, Darrel Smith, Patrick White,

Steve Steel, Jackie Whatley, Oswald Alvarenga, Jason Gamble, Sammy Riley, J. Carrillo, Michael Long, Iris Zuniga-


I. Gwen Walker called the meeting to order at 1:40 p.m.

Gwen explained that time limits will be enforced. The Senate meetings will focus on academic and professional matters, but guests are welcome to speak regarding items on the agenda during Public


II. Approval of Minutes :

A . The minutes from the March 2, and April 6, 2006 meeting were unanimously approved (Margie

Long/Said Pazirandeh)


Call for the vote Gwen Walker: (UNANIMOUS):

Creation of a New Department “Chicana/Chicano Studies Department – Jose Maldonado

Notice Motion” No Confidence Vote for VP Student Services-Joe Ramirez – John Orozco

Motion reads:

Whereas Mr. Joe Ramirez in his capacity as Los Angeles Mission College Vice President of Student

Services since July 2005, has demonstrated his inability to work effectively with the student body and through his actions has:

Contributed to the serious disruption of campus activities,

Exacerbated the divisions among campus constituents,

Severely affected the morale, sense of security, and learning environment on our campus, and

Adversely impacted the image of the college among our students and in the community,

Resulting in multiple investigations into his conduct and his removal from campus until such investigations are concluded,

Resolved that the Academic Senate of Los Angeles Mission College express a vote of NO

CONFIDENCE in Vice President Joe Ramirez.

III. Officers’ Reports

A . President (Angela Echeverri




Submitted by Angela C. Echeverri

1. Response to March 2, 2006 Motion Regarding former CPM Director Louis Cruz: LACCD

Chancellor Young ordered a review of the issues raised by the Senate motion. I received a written response from the Chancellor detailing the findings of the review (see attachment).

Based on the investigation into the matter, the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor have concluded that no further action is necessary in this matter.

2. Administrative Update

The selection committee for a permanent college president held its second meeting at LAMC on

Monday, 4/24/06. The committee chair is Valley College President Tyree Wieder. LAMC faculty members on the committee are Eloise Cantrell, John Orozco, Louise Barbato, and Angela Echeverri.

The flyer for the position is being distributed nationally (see attachment) and the position will be advertised in several publications including Chronicles of Higher Education, Hispanic Outlook, and others. At the meeting, the committee members drafted interview questions and discussed the format for the interviews. All applications will be submitted electronically and screening will take place from April

24-June 16, 2006. The next committee meeting will be on June 22 nd

, to select candidates to interview and finalize interview questions. Candidates are scheduled to be interviewed by the selection committee on July 6 th

& 7 th

. The committee is expected to forward 3 to 5 finalists for consideration. A public forum will be scheduled for the finalists soon thereafter. Two other colleges in the LACCD (West and

Trade) are searching for permanent Presidents as well.

The selection committee for a permanent Vice President of Academic Affairs will hold its first meeting the week of May 15 th

. Senate representatives on the committee are Gwen Walker and Angela Echeverri.

Status of Vice President of Student Services: Mr. Joe Ramirez is working from home until further notice.

3. LAMC Enrollment and Budget Update

John Clerx and Kathy Iyemura came to LAMC to give a presentation on FTES and Budget Concepts (see attachment).

Projected LAMC enrollment for 2005-06 is likely to fall short of our base allocation of 5,555 FTES by approximately

400 (See below and attached documents).

Table 1. LAMC Enrollment (FTES) for 2005-2006


2005-06 FTES Base

2005-06 FTES Projected









FTES Shortfall -344 -60 -404

If we do not meet our base in 2005-06, we have a one year grace period to restore the base and grow to cap. However, if we do not restore our base in 2006-07, we will have to pay back millions of dollars to the state for both years, and

3 our base will be reduced permanently, which will result in future budget reductions. In order to increase FTES for 2006-07 and prevent a permanent reduction in our base, all of the summer 2006 FTES will be counted toward


Since LAMC enrollment did not grow over last year’s total funded 5,555 FTES, we will have to return all of the growth money we received in the 2005-06 fiscal year budget. As a result of the enrollment shortfall and several other factors, we are currently projecting a deficit of $1.5-1.7 Million for 2005-06 (see attached financial reports for details).

5. Shared Governance Retreat: The LAMC retreat was sponsored by the Chancellor’s Office and held at the Holiday

Inn in Woodland Hills on Friday, 4/21/06. Over 60 LAMC faculty, staff, and administrators attended.

The morning session was devoted to program review models and viability review. Presenters included Glen Yoshida

(Southwest), Maryanne Des Vignes (City), Leonor Perez (East), Leanna Watts (City), and Gary Colombo (LACCD).

The afternoon session was devoted to shared governance and planning and budgeting. Presenters included Dana

Cohen (City), David Beaulieu (East), Lesley Kawaguchi (Santa Monica), and And Marcy Drummond (Trade).

Follow-up: On Tuesday 4/25/06 there was a follow-up meeting to discuss the retreat and future action. The consensus was that revitalizing the program review process should be a top priority for the college, that we should explore adopting a web based program review process, and that our current committee structure and functions needed to be revised significantly. Since there were many questions about how to fit all the required committees into a functional structure, we agreed to meet again to help answer these questions.

On Tuesday, 5/2/06 Dana Cohen, the Academic Senate President of L.A. City College came out to LAMC to give a detailed workshop on the planning and budget process and the shared governance structure at City.

6. Summer Schedule of Classes

The summer 2006 schedule of classes came out. There will be 6 and 9 week sessions beginning on June 12 th

and a 5 week session beginning on July 24 th

. The fall 2006 schedule of classes is going through final modifications.

7. LAMC Scholarship and Tea: Will be held on Friday, June 2, 2006 at 2:00 PM in the Campus Center. Please contact Debra Manning if you are interested in volunteering.

8. Block Grant Requests: Requests for State Instructional Equipment Funds have been submitted to Said Pazirandeh.

Subcommittee will meet next week to go through requests.

9. ASCCC Spring Plenary Meeting : Was held in San Francisco on 4/27-4/29, 2006. One of the main issues discussed was changing the 60% rule for adjunct faculty. The body overwhelmingly rejected increasing the 60% limit to 80%.

B. Treasurer (Mark Pursley)

1. Report on account at the First American Bank:

Faculty Senate Checking Account $2,207.87

Carla Bowman Scholarship $3,649.00

David Lee Moss Scholarship $655.11

2 . Faculty Dues of $25 are due now. 37faculty have paid. Please pay Mark as soon as possible.


Volunteers are needed to serve on the Scholarship Committee to review applications and decide who is to receive scholarships.


No applicants have been received for the Carla Bowman scholarship. The deadline has been extended to April 18, 2006.

IV. Public Address : comments on matters on the agenda for the current meeting

Rick Scuderi began by reminding us all that we should work at handling our stress and relieve it through meditation, music and whatever techniques work for each of us.

Jose Maldonado congratulated Gary Prostak on his recent election as the new AFT chapter President and introduced the creation of the new Chicana/Chicano department. He described the new department and asked for our consideration and vote.

Jose Luis Ramirez asked for support for the “Creation of the Chicana/Chicano Studies Department” and pledged to work closely and cooperatively with all at LAMC


Twenty-one speakers spoke to address their outrage of the LAMC incidents of the week of

April 24 –April 27 which concluded with the injury of Professor Chuck Dirks at the hands of the

Sherriff‘s Department, cancelled ASO elections, termination of Yesinia Franco as a cadet, and the call for a “NO Confidence Vote for VP of Student Services” for his contribution to the serious disruption of campus activities. Comments are too numerous to state. Firsthand descriptions of the incidents of April 24, 25, 26, 27, were described by those involved. Jessie

Martinez, Yesinia. Franco, Lorena R Lopez, were among those who spoke on the incidents as they were personally involved.

 Bob Lentz spoke on the affect of a “totalitarian government” and stated that it is one way to keep people under control by “terrorizing” them – he referred to a student who spoke out against VP of Student Services and she got fired from her job.

Dr. Parthenia Grant addressed the issue of the possibility that she would be given punitive actions with regard to the AGS incident of last year.

Paul Kubicki spoke out on the concern in regards to the original 9 discrimination complaints filed against faculty, staff and administration which then led to a total of 22 complaints from two faculty members.

Sammy Riley and Jason Gamble brought up the issue of their concern for the lack of “Freedom of Voice” which is being revoked. They made a CD which they were told they could not play on campus. Emotions were heated and passionate concerning the disconnect and lack of respect given to the majority of students on campus by the VP of Student Services.

Mike Long brought up the issue of EOPS and Chicano Studies Classes being demanded instead of other choices.

Veterans spoke on how they have been affected by the conflict on campus and how they want to help return the campus back to harmony instead of conflict caused mainly by one student faction on campus. They want equality for all.

The list of speakers included:

Rick Scuderi, John Orozco, Jose Luis Ramirez, Jose Maldonado, Bob Lentz, Darrell Smith, Patrick

White, Steve Steel, Jason Gamble, Sammy Riley, Jackie Whatley, Oswaldo Alvarenga,

Ruthie(Parthenia) Grant, Ivan Carrillo, Clive Gordon, Paul Kubicki, Lorena Lopez, Yesinia Franco,

Jessie Martinez ,Jose Alvarado, Michael Long, Estephan Rodriguez, Emmanuel Barragan

V. Reports of Senate Committee Meetings

A. Curriculum (Said Pazirandeh)

The next meeting is on May 9,2006

Tech review will be in August.

B. District Academic Senate (Angela Echeverri)

The DAS is discussing revising the bylaws so that EPAC would only be responsible for assessing equivalencies, and educational policy would be under the jurisdiction of the Executive Board.

Mike Climo stated that the next DAS meeting is May 11.


EPAC (Sonia Soto-Bair ) – report postponed until May 18.

VI. Old Business


Accreditation –John Glavan- Report stated that all standards are working toward answering the questions for the self-study. Vickie Oddino will synthesize. Tri-valley meeting May 12 at LAVC.


Block Grant Funds – \Postponed until May 18.


Student Success Initiative - Meeting on May 5, at LAVC


Department Policy – One new department received for Chicana/Chicano Studies (see above) Vote May

18,”Special meeting”.


VII. New Business


Student Learning Outcomes – Angela will be holding workshops. Dates to be announced.


Program Viability proposal. Postponed until May 18 th





Next Senate meeting: May 18, 2006 Campus Center 5 12-1:30 p.m. Special meeting as we could not accomplish everything in today’s meeting due to the public address presentations.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:38 p.m.

Submitted by Eloise Cantrell – Senate Secretary
