Revised Agenda for Academic Senate Meeting May 4 -06-2006 Campus Center Room 5, 1:30-3:00 PM (90 minutes) 1. Call to Order (Parliamentarian – Gwen Walker-2min) Update on senate protocol. Time limits will be adhered to for all agenda items. 2. Approval of Minutes (3/02/06) and (4/05/06)-(Gwen Walker-3min) 3. Officer’s Reports A. President (Angela Echeverri- 15 min) L.A. MISSION COLLEGE ACADEMIC SENATE PRESIDENT’S REPORT April 6, 2006 Submitted by Angela C. Echeverri 1. Administrative Update Dr. Mark Rocha, has been serving as our interim Vice President of Academic Affairs since March, 2006. Dr. Rocha was formerly President at Santiago Canyon College and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Seton Hall University. He holds a doctorate degree in English from USC and a master’s degree from CSUFullerton. Maria Fenyes, former acting Vice President of Academic Affairs, has stepped down and is currently on sabbatical. The search committee for a permanent Vice President of Academic Affairs will be chaired by Dr. Karen Hoefel and will hold its first meeting after Spring Break. Gwen Walker and Angela Echeverri are the Senate representatives. The selection committee for a permanent college president held its first meeting at LAMC on Thursday, 3/30/06. The committee chair is Valley College President Tyree Wieder. The LACCD hired a consultant, James W. Walker, to assist with the search. LAMC faculty members on the committee are Eloise Cantrell, John Orozco, Louise Barbato, and Angela Echeverri. At the initial meeting, the committee members drafted an advertisement brochure for the position, which will be reviewed by the Chancellor and approved by the Board of Trustees. The position will be advertised nationally for 8 weeks. While the process must be kept confidential, faculty may encourage interested individuals to apply. The committee plans to interview candidates by the first week of July. 2. Board of Trustees Response to Motion Regarding Louis Cruz: The Senate motion approved at the 3/2/06 meeting was forwarded to Chancellor Young and the Board of Trustees, along with supporting information. Yesterday (4/5/06) the Board of Trustees met in closed session to discuss the motion. Larry Eisenberg and Dr. Adriana Barrera gave a presentation to the Board regarding Louis Cruz and the oversight of the PropA/AA projects at LAMC. 3. Shared Governance Retreat: The LACCD will be sponsoring a retreat for LAMC on Friday April 21st, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Woodland Hills Holiday Inn. Department chairs, vice-chairs, standing committee chairs, accreditation co-chairs, and faculty at large will be invited, along with administrators and some classified. Agenda items will include: Program Review and the New 2002 Accreditation Standards Viability Review Shared Governance and Budget Planning Gary Colombo, Dons Sparks, Leon Marzillier, and representatives from other campuses in and outside of the district will attend as presenters and/or facilitators. 4. Procedure for the Creation of a New Department: The procedure approved at the 3/2/06 meeting was signed by LAMC President Jose Leyba, AFT President Eloise Cantrell and Senate President Angela Echeverri, and is now in effect 5. LAMC Enrollment and Budget Update Our enrollment for 2005-06 is likely to fall short of our base allocation of 5,555 FTES by approximately 300 (This trend is occurring at most colleges in the LACCD, with the exception of Pierce). As a result, LAMC will have to give back some of the growth money it received and is currently projecting a budget deficit of approximately $1.7 Million for fiscal year 2005-06. The picture is not likely to improve dramatically, and LAMC will probably have to appeal for debt forgiveness to the LACCD Grant Allocation Task Force. 6. LAMC Construction Update Construction of the student parking lot began in January of 2006, expected completion date is February 2007. There are three shuttles operating to the temporary parking lot on Sayre Street. The fencing that was recently put up in the staff parking lot is to dig trenches for the campus infrastructure project. The bungalows will be relocated to the staff parking lot off Eldridge in the summer. Some of the parking will be replaced at the current site of the bungalows. Construction of the Child Development Center is expected to begin in the summer. At yesterday’s Board of Trustee meeting the purchase of a 10 acre parcel of land at the corner of Eldridge and Harding was discussed in closed session. 7. Enrollment Management Committee LAMC enrollment management committee met on Wednesday 4/5/06 to discuss our enrollment (FTES) and the number of sections (FTEF) In the fall 2006 schedule galleys. The number of sections in the current version of the schedule is about 10 FTEF above the initial allocation. Meetings are open to all faculty and will take place every other Wednesday of each month at 2:30 PM in CC-4. 8. Block Grant Requests: The Resource Analysis Committee and the College Council agreed to set aside $120,000 out of program 10147 for an instructional equipment sub-committee established by the Academic Senate. An e-mail was sent out to all full time faculty with electronic copies of request forms for the individual items and for each department. Please submit all request packets to Said Pazirandeh by April 20th, 2006. 9. Student Learning Outcomes I have volunteered to coordinate the implementation of Student Learning Outocmes at LAMC. My goal is to have most disciplines do the following: A. Identify SLOs for at least one course by the end of Spring 2006. B. Incorporate the SLOs into the Fall 2006 syllabi for these courses, and C. Develop assessment tools to measure the SLOs by the Fall of 2006. I am available to meet with any and all faculty that may need help or guidance with the development and implementation of SLOs and assessment tools. Additionally, I will be giving a presentation at the next council of instruction meeting and coordinating SLO workshops with presenters from other campuses. 10. ASCCC Spring 2006 Plenary Session: Will take place in San Francisco April 27-29th. The area C meeting will be held at Santa Monica College on Saturday 4/8/06 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. I will attend both meetings. Consultation with Dr. Leyba Selection processes for permanent LAMC President and Vice-President of Academic Affairs Budget Deficit Report on Shared Governance – Retreat-April 21,2006 Holiday Inn 3-02-06 motion status B. Treasurer (Mark Pursley-2 min) Treasurer’s Report Faculty dues status 4. Public Address (comments on matters on the agenda for the current meeting -10 min) 5. Reports of Senate Committee Meetings (15 min) Curriculum: (Said Pazirandeh) District Academic Senate ( Mike Climo, Vickie Oddino,Gary Prostak) EPAC (Sonia Soto-Bair) E-100 and DSPS Services (Rick Scuderi) 6. Old Business Accreditation (John Glavan ) (10min) a. Update b. Report on meeting. Block Grant Funds (Committee report – Milke, Soto-Bair, Echeverri, Jordan) (5 min) Student Success Initiative May 5 – LA VALLEY (Louise Barbato/David Jordan) (5 min) Establishment of Department Policy and Call for Petitions (Louise Barbato) ( 5min) 7. New Business Program Viability (Louise Barbato-see attachment) (10 min) Student Learning Outcomes (Angela Echeverri) (5 min) Proposed Governance Committee Changes (Angela Echeverri) (5 min) 3 semesters ( Michael Climo-Alex Yguado) (3 min) Faculty Hiring status ( Leslie Milke) (3min) President and VP of Academic Affairs Search status (Leslie Milke) (3 min) Petition for Chicana/o Studies Department (Jose Maldonado) (3 min) Hostile Work Environment (John Orozco) (3 min) April 26-27 Incident (Louise Barbato) (3 min) Notice Motion (John Orozco) (3 min) Other 8. Announcements and Open Forum (3 min) Establishment of the Rachel and Ben Leeds Scholarship ( Eloise Cantrell) Rachel is retiring in December of 2006. I would like to honor her many years of service here at Mission as a founding faculty member by creating a scholarship in honor of Ben and Rachel. Mission College Viability Review of Educational Programs Overview Program Viability Review is a Senate- directed process meant to assure that the College’s instructional resources are used in response to the College’s Mission, its Educational Master Plan, the needs of its students, and the requirements of the community it serves. Viability review involves a special process. It is only invoked under unusual circumstances: it is not part of the regular Program Review process, and it is not a process that should be applied to all departments, disciplines, or programs in a regular fashion. The term program as it relates to this review process includes all degree and vocational state-approved certificate instructional programs (credit and non-credit), all specially funded programs, all instructional disciplines, and all departments or other campus units offering instruction. Faculty participation in program review is mandated by the following o Accreditation: Standard Two directs faculty to take an active role in educational innovation and in addressing the future of programs that appear to have outlived documented need. o State Senate Guidelines: State Senate models of the program review and educational planning processes make it clear that faculty must take a proactive part in decisions affecting program creation, discontinuance, and restructuring. o Board Rule 6803 requires that each college, in consultation with its Academic Senate, develop procedures for initiating and conducting a viability review of educational programs. o Board Rule 6803.10, Education Code 78016, and Title 5, §55130 & §51022(a) require that a viability review be conducted prior to program discontinuance (termination). This policy and the process of program viability will be complimentary to existing approved Department Establishment and Modification Policies Outcomes Viability review committees make recommendations that include but are not limited to the following: 1. Program Initiation The institution or adoption of a new program, a new discipline, or a new department 2. Program Discontinuance The discontinuance (termination) of an existing program, discipline, or department 3. Program Modification and Improvement A plan of action to enhance the performance and effectiveness of an existing program, discipline, or department 4. Departmental Reorganization The restructuring of an existing program, discipline, or department for greater effectiveness, including the joining of smaller departments into a larger one, or splitting a larger department into smaller ones. Establishing a Special Viability Review Committee The process of Viability Review is carried out by a special study committee organized by the Educational Planning Committee (or until an EPC is established, the committee will be established by the Senate) in all cases of program initiation or program discontinuance. The process may be initiated by a request or motion on the part of any of the following: 1. The College President 2. The Vice President of Academic Affairs 3. The Academic Senate 4. The Educational Planning Committee (as the result of Program Review and/or Educational Master Planning) In cases of program modification and improvement or departmental reorganization Viability Review is carried out only if there is no consensus within the Educational Planning Committee (or Senate in the absence of an EPC) or when at least a quarter of the Educational Planning Committee calls for such a review. The Review Committee exists until it files its recommendations. Membership on the Review Committee should include: 1. The Academic Senate President or Designee 2. Two Educational Planning Committee members (elected by the Senate) Note: Until the Education Planning Committee is established, the Senate President will appoint these two members from the faculty at large. 3. Two Department Chairs (elected by the Senate) 4. The Curriculum Committee Chair or designee 5. One AFT representative 6. The Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee 7. One Academic Dean 8. One ASO representative Committee Resources: When either program initiation or program discontinuance are being considered, up to two additional members from other institutions may be called upon as resources. Members of the discipline(s) or department(s) under review will not be appointed to the Viability Committee but may serve as resources. Information Gathering Decisions made in the course of the Program Viability Process must be based on a broad and thoroughgoing investigation of factors relating to the benefits of a program for students, for the college, and for the community served by Mission College. They must, therefore, take into consideration information that goes far beyond simple measures of current student demand or weekly student-contact hours. The following general types of information should be gathered as needed and weighed in the process of formulating the Review Committee’s recommendations: 1. Relation of the program to the College Mission 2. Relation of the program to the Educational Master Plan 3. Recent Program Review or accrediting agency recommendations 4. Measures of student demand 5. Measures of labor-market demand 6. Measures of demand in the service area 7. Current program effectiveness (including a cost vs. benefits analysis) 8. Outside expert opinion 9. Projected impact on overall educational program, students, faculty, college budget, community Process Once a Special Review Committee has been formed, it will meet to elect a chair and establish a specific plan for the study it is about to undertake. This plan should include data gathering, solicitation of position papers from faculty, staff, and students involved, interviews with faculty in the affected area and in related instructional areas, interviews with students and administrators, consultations with outside experts and faculty and/or administrators from other institutions, administration of surveys, and/or use of focus groups. At least one well-publicized open forum should be held to allow any concerned member of the campus community or of the College’s service area the opportunity to voice opinions and express concerns. In addition, the committee shall consult when necessary with District, regional, and State agencies and institutions overseeing specific types of programs, such as certain vocational programs. Within 90 days of the committee’s formation, it will produce a Program Viability Report specifying the outcome of its deliberations and making specific recommendations for action, complete with timelines. This Viability Report must include the following: 1. a summary of the process used by the committee 2. a review of all data consulted 3. a detailed assessment of the recommendations’ impact on the College’s overall educational program and budget, as well as its impact on all students, faculty, and staff involved. Program Discontinuance o In general, program discontinuance should be recommended only after a serious attempt has been made to improve program effectiveness and efficiency, unless it is clear that future efforts at remediation are not warranted. o Pursuant to Board Rule 6803.10, a viability review is required prior to program discontinuance and must consider the following: 1. The effects on students and student success if the program is discontinued; 2. Provisions that can and should be made for students in progress to complete their training; 3. The impact that discontinuance of the program will have on the comprehensiveness and balance of offerings across the college curriculum and within the district; 4. How the program’s discontinuance would impact the educational and budgetplanning process used at the institution; 5. How the program’s discontinuance affects the region; 6. The effects of the program’s discontinuance on transfer to four-year colleges and universities; 7. The effects of the program’s discontinuance on local businesses and industries; 8. The effects of the program’s discontinuance on faculty and staff. Making the Decision Viability Review Committee recommendations shall be forwarded to the Academic Senate for approval. The Viability Review Committee’s recommendations shall be forwarded also to the Educational Planning Committee once this committee is established, and the Office of Academic Affairs for review and comment. The Senate’s decision shall be taken to the College President in consultation with the Academic Senate President and the AFT Chapter President. [Article 17, §A.2 AFT Faculty Guild Collective Bargaining Agreement] “The College President and College Academic Senate President shall make program discontinuance recommendations to the Board of Trustees for approval. The recommendation shall include a description of the viability review process and the reasons for the recommendation.” [Board Rule 6803.10] Copies of this Vitality Review of Educational Programs, signed by the College President and the Academic Senate President, shall be on file the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of the Academic Senate. This approval of this document supersedes all previous agreements regarding program viability review at Los Angeles Mission College. College President Date: Senate President Date: AFT President ______________________________________ Date: