Campus Workshops and Presentations (counseling 101, STEM, TRIO, AOC, SSSP)

Student Success and
Support Program (SSSP):
Faculty/Staff Training
Llanet Martin, PhD
April 28, 2015 (Culinary Arts 227)
April 30, 2015 (Instructional Bldg. 1001)
Student Success and Support Program –
New Matriculation Process
• (Senate Bill 1456) Seymour-Campbell Student
Success Act of 2012
▫ Signed by Governor Brown on September 27, 2012
▫ Revised and renamed the former Matriculation
Act of 1986
▫ Program implementation began on January 1,
2013 in stages over a five-year period
▫ LACCD campus implementation: Fall 2014
Student Success Act of 2012
EC 78212: Student Success & Support Program
funding targets core matriculation services for the
▫ Shared responsibility between instruction and student services, based
on “evidenced-based” practices
▫ Targets funding on core services, such as counseling and advising,
through a broad array of service delivery mechanisms
Orientation services
Counseling, advising, and other educational planning services
Development of education plans leading to a course of study and guidance
on course selection.
What is SSSP?
• The matriculation plan to increase community
college student access and success by providing
effective core services including orientation,
assessment and placement, and academic
• SSSP works with other services and programs
on campus to ensure student equity in access to
college resources and provides a foundation for
each student to achieve her/his educational goal
in a timely manner.
SSSP Core Services = A + O + C
Core Services
• Assessment is required for all new students
unless they are exempt. LAMC offers
assessment for English (ENL), English as a
Second Language (ESL) and Math.
▫ Holistic
▫ Only approved instruments
▫ Multiple measures
 Placement into curriculum not admissions
Core Services
• Orientation presents important information
about college programs, policies, procedures and
services. Orientation also helps students better
understand the college Catalogue, Schedule of
Classes, and plan a course of study.
▫ College orientation
▫ Abbreviated SEP
Core Services
Counseling, Advising, Other Education Planning
Services: (Required for Priority Enrollment)
All first-time students expected to have:
• Abbreviated Ed Plan is 1-2 semesters in length
- or • Comprehensive Ed Plan …take(s) into account a student’s
interests, skills, career and education goals, major, potential
transfer institutions, and the steps the student needs to take…to
complete their identified course of study.
Title 5 Section 55524
Core Services
Student Follow-up:
Required for at-risk students
• Enrolled in Basic Skills courses
• Have not identified an education goal and course
of study
• Are on Academic or Progress Probation –
at risk of losing priority registration
Complete A + O + C = Priority Registration!
• Priority registration privileges are given to
NEW students who complete A + O + C, and
remain in good academic standing during your
course of study.
• Priority registration privileges are revoked if
student reaches 100+ units, and/or places in
academic/progress probation.
Priority Registration
• Changes to priority registration throughout the
California Community Colleges system will help
students get the courses they need to meet their
educational goals.
• Priority registration will be given to students
who work with a counselor to develop an
education plan, succeed in their classes, and stay
on track.
• LAMC Counseling and Student Services will be
providing services to help students stay on track.
• Student Follow-Up
▫ Post enrollment evaluation
 Comprehensive Educational Plans
▫ Interventions
 Early Alert
 Probation Monitoring
 Progress Monitoring
 Remedial Unit Limitation
 Excessive Withdrawal
▫ Referrals
▫ Feedback
 Dean’s List
• Cultural Shifts
▫ Moving from focus on registration to focus on matriculating
▫ Increased coordination of services
▫ Educating students about early access to services
• Resource Allocation
• Year-round Services
High School Outreach
• Training Feeder High Schools
• Training LAMC Student Workers
• Creating Robust Data-tracking system
▫ April-60-75% (A,O,C)
• Creating New Orientation Video
• Campus-wide Faculty/Staff Trainings
Llanet Martin, PhD