WEC MEETING MINUTES Thursday, April 14, 2005 Voting Members Present: Lorraine Manoogian, Dena Feldman, Maria Fenyes, Geri Shapiro, Debby Wong, June Wada, Richard Rains, Cecilia Chan, Crystal Caldwell, Maury Pearl, Ed Zayas, Victor Renolds, Jim Liko, Jeanne Cassara Voting Members Absent: Gary Prostak, John Glavan, Dorothy Mundt, Julius Walker, Charlotte Saldick Guests: Mehri Hagar 1. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Lorraine Manoogian at 1:10 pm. 2. Corrections and approval of March, 2005 minutes: a. Maury Pearl’s email address on page 2 was corrected. It reads pearlmy@laccd.edu b. It was suggested that the second paragraph on page 2 should have the following information added: “Victor Renolds mentioned that the Faculty Office area will be painted and recarpeted during Spring Break; committee members expressed concern about the fact that faculty does not know anything about this.” c. It was suggested that members’ full names be used in the minutes 3. It was noted that Crystal Caldwell would be Dorothy Mundt’s proxy for the meeting, and that June Wada would serve as Richard Rains’ proxy until his arrival. Richard Rains’ late arrival was due to his attendance at the Scholarship meeting. 4. Lorraine Manoogian gave the Chair’s Report in Gary Prostak’s absence. Gary was away at the AFT Higher Education Conference. a. The CSB walkway is finally complete. A photograph was included in the meeting packet, and it looks great. The work was completed over the previous weekend. b. Now that we are at the end of the rainy season, work on roof leaks can continue unimpeded. c. Following very short notice, the painting and recarpeting of the Faculty Offices in the Instructional Building went relatively smoothly. For assistance in moving furnishings and/or boxes, please contact either Victor Renolds or Julius Walker. d. Rudy Garcia’s status as a voting member of the WEC was rescinded via written communication from the Chair. John Glavan has indicated to the Chair that he cannot attend meetings for the remainder of this semester, but he would like to continue his participation in the Fall. e. In an effort to keep the WEC more actively involved in Prop A/AA, Jeanne Cassara and Victor Renolds will continue to attend the monthly 6-Pack meetings. Gary Prostak will attend the Campus-wide Improvement Commiitee meeting as well as the Campus and District Oversight Committee meetings. f. President Barrera called a special meeting with representatives from the District Planning Office and the District’s Prop A/AA consultants, DMJM/JGM. Luis Cruz, our Campus Project Manager, was also in attendance. The presenters gave an overview of PropA/AA processes, and addressed the issues of cost overruns and allegations of “foot-dragging” that appeared in the Daily News. The meeting was not well-attended by faculty or staff.. g. Construction of the new parking structure has been delayed until October. Negotiations for the temporary parking lot on Hubbard Street (behind Denny’s) are nearly complete. The college is considering the purchase of two propane-fueled trams to shuttle students to campus. They would cost approximately 125, 000 each. Jeanne Cassara noted that there was confusion about the shuttles when it was discussed at the last meeting, and faculty and staff need to have clear information in order to answer students’ questions. h. In contract negotiations, the issue of mandatory release time for WEC chairs has been raised. It has also been proposed that shared governance should be restructured to include more active participation by the Academic Senate. 5. New Business a. Maria Fenyes suggested that the Biology Department be allocated a small plot of land for gardening. She suggested the piece of land to the left of the LRC entrance or the quad in front of the Administration Building. Victor Renolds noted that this idea has been brought to the head gardener, Eric Danam, over the past year. He will be asked again, but once a location is identified, a procedure needs to be created and put into effect. b. Debby Wong brought up the allocation of space in the computer commons of the LRC for use as a Math Lab under the Title V grant. Title V money could be used to equip the lab, but not for its construction. Ed Zayas mentioned that more information is needed to determine the feasibility of this idea. Maria Fenyes commented that because more information is needed, it was premature to call for a motion. Maury Pearl suggested a final proposal be developed and brought to the committee. IT was noted that Debby Wong had only begun this proposal within the past 2-3 weeks, so the motion was tabled. c. It was suggested that INST-2019 be considered as a room to convert into a Biology Lab in order to meet the enrollment needs of this exploding discipline. d. Crystal Caldwell raised the issue of the college’s Free Speech Area not being adequately defined. The General Council (sic) clarification request went out, but David Green is still waiting for a response. Clear guidelines are needed about what we and and can’t do regarding political issues. It seems that the grass area between the Campus Center, the CSB, the LRC, and the Instructional Building is the free speech area, but the sheriff needs clarity in order to properly do his job. Difficulties and confrontations have occurred, and this issue needs to be clarified. Maria Fenyes suggested inviting David Green and Sheriff Dease to the next WEC meeting. 6. The meeting was adjourned at 2;25 pm. The next meeting of the WEC is May 12, 2005 at 1:00 pm in the PFCR. Submitted by Dena Feldman