March 10

Thursday, March 10, 2005
Instructional Center Building, Room 2014
1:00 P.M.
Present: Gary Prostak, Lorraine Manoogian, Dena Feldman, Maria Fenyes, Geri Shapiro,
June Wada, Richard Rains, Cecilia Chan, Dorothy Mundt, Crystal Caldwell, Maury
Pearl, Ed Zayas, Charlotte Saldick, Victor Renolds, Jim Liko.
Absent: Jeanne Cassara, Rudy Garcia, John Glavan, Julius Walker, Debby Wong
1. The meeting was called to order by Gary Prostak at 1:06 p.m.
2. Correction and approval of February 14, 2005 minutes:
A question was asked regarding the motion concerning members unable to attend
a WEC meeting: how many meetings must be missed before it results in loss of
membership? It was determined that this would be decided on a case-by-case
basis, which was revisited later in the meeting.
Three typos were corrected: A. Regarding Public Address on page 2: it needs to
be noted that Victor has the capacity to receive and pass along information, but
not to make decisions; the minutes should reflect this. B. Maury Pearl’s email
address on page 2 is missing a ‘y’; it should read as follows: pearlmy@laccd,edu.
C. Jeanne Cassara’s name was corrected from Cassera to Cassara.
It was noted that Debby Wong was not able to attend today’s meeting and has
given her proxy to Crystal.
Following this, the minutes were approved unanimously
Old business:
1. CSB Walkway:
Victor spoke with Nick at Gateway – work will start this Saturday and will be
completed the same day, if all goes well – good news!
2. Leaking Roof Situation:
Jim and Victor have been on the CSB roof – they have located leaks, sealed
them up again and have been slowly addressing all the CSB’s leaks. They are
also addressing the Bookstore’s leaks. More good news: there were no
further leaks in the Bookstore following this season’s rains.
LRC Roofing: the contractor needs to come out, as this is part of SMP
(Scheduled Maintenance Projects). There is no definite answer as to when
work will start on this. We need to get the State to bump it up on its priority
3. Instructional Center Flooring:
The issue of Mari’s rooms is resolved; it has been decided that the carpeting
will be replaced rather than using linoleum, which is not viable. All three of
Mari’s rooms cannot be done at once, but when Victor receives more
information on this topic, he’ll pass it along to Mari. The O.A. Lab is getting
carpet this week.
Faculty needs to be given notice ASAP before the rooms are altered. People
will need to have prior notice in order to take home personal possessions, box
materials, and tag their boxes. There is a retrieval system in place as well as a
“restack” system, and Victor will let Gary know more details tomorrow after
he receives more information. After further discussion and suggestions from
Maria, it was decided that Gary would send out a notice to faculty today
regarding the impending flooring work in the Instructional Building Faculty
4. Logo Design:
Five versions of the WEC logo were created by Debby with assistance from
her cousin. A motion was made to vote on either Logo 3 or 4, and the vote
was quickly and unanimously made in favor of Logo 3. The new WEC Logo
will be up and running on the Web ASAP.
5. Membership:
Discussion determined that without a more concrete parameter put on the
motion for membership revocation, members would be dropped from WEC on
a case-by-case basis. It was confirmed that membership length is 2 years,
with option for renewal. Gary proposed that Rudy Garcia be politely dropped
from WEC via a nicely worded letter, due to the fact that he does not attend
meetings; this was agreed upon by the present members.
New business:
1. Props A and AA Oversight:
WEC needs to become more active in this. Thus, Gary will now be attending
Campus and District Oversight meetings.
2. Lanier Copier in Faculty Office:
An excess of copies is going through this printer, which can cause it to
malfunction. A solution needs to be sought. Richard Rains mentioned that at
Pierce College, each faculty member is issued a copy card that tracks every
individual’s copying. A similar card or code system could be a possible
solution to the overuse/abuse of the Lanier copier. Maria suggested that one
copy code per discipline could be a viable solution. A second copier was also
suggested. In any case, copy use needs to be monitored to prevent overuse, so
people in WEC will do some research and report back with their findings at
the next meeting.
3. Fire Lane Behind CSB:
The campus Fire Lane where people exit onto Hubbard is very unsafe because
it is difficult to see oncoming traffic. Some potential solutions were proposed:
 A Right Turn Only sign (not well received at previous meeting)
 A convex mirror system
 Turning the street into a One-Way Only street
This issue is pending. Charlotte will keep us apprised.
The next meeting of the WEC is Thursday, April 14thth, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. in the
The meeting was adjourned at 2:24 p.m.
Submitted by Dena Feldman