WS 09 - Total energy use in residential buildings and influential factors Measurement and analytical methods - Date: 10 May 2010 Chair: Hiroshi Yoshino, Tohoku University, Japan, Co-Chairs: Yi Jiang, Tsinghua University, China, Co-sponsor: IEA-ECBCS Annex 53 Presentations at the workshop 1. Field Surveys and Statistical Analyses on Energy Consumptions in Japanese Residential Buildings, Hiroshi Yoshino, Tohoku University (Japan), 2. Energy consumption of Italian existing residential buildings: data collection and analysis, Stefano Paolo Corgnati, Politecnico di Torino (Italy), 3. Research on the Integrated Evaluation Model of Energy Information System for Residential Buildings in China, Hiroshi Yoshino, Tohoku University (Japan) 4. For a better understanding of actual consumptions in residential buildings, Gabrielle Masy Haute Ecole Renequin Sualem, (Belgium), 5. Influence of Occupants’ Behaviour on the Energy Consumption of Domestic Buildings, Henrik Brohus, Aalborg University (Denmark), INTRODUCTION One of the most significant barriers to improving energy efficiency in buildings is a lack of knowledge about the determinant factors for energy use. Building energy consumption is mainly influenced by six factors: (1) climate, (2) building envelop, (3) building services and energy systems, (4) building operation and maintenance, (5) occupants’ activities and behavior and (6) indoor environmental quality provided. Current research focuses in the main on the first three factors. However, factors four, five and six, reflect human behaviors – how people operate equipment, how many children they have etc, and these factors can also strongly influence building energy use. Beside that there is also lack of scientific method to account for the interactions between these six factors and energy use in a clear and thorough way, so that energy use in a building can be assessed accordingly. This workshop provides a spacious platform for the intensive discussion on the above problems and the potential methods to solve the problems, so as to enrich understanding of the effective energy data for the performance of buildings and building systems, to broaden knowledge about determinant factors for total energy use in buildings, as well as the effect of energy saving technologies and occupant’s behavior & lifestyle on building energy use. This workshop focuses residential buildings. 1 SUMMARY OF PRESENTATIONS 1. Field Surveys and Statistical Analyses on Energy Consumptions in Japanese Residential Buildings Yoshino presented field surveys on energy consumptions, which have been carried out in 80 households located in 6 different districts with different climate conditions in Japan during two years from December 2002 to November 2004. He showed the statistical analyses to understand how the factors influence energy consumptions in Japanese residential buildings based on the information gained from field surveys. The results of statistical analyses were presented and statistical methods to compare energy consumption in different buildings were described. Figure 1 shows one of results by the statistical analysis using the neural network theorem, which means the heating degree days, the heat loss coefficient and the number of family members are major influencing factors on energy use. There was a question on why the results by the different statistical analysis model are Neural Network CDD 5% HDD 27% Building age 16% Floor area 4% Heat loss coefficience 19% Airtightness Family performance Figure 1: Importance Members of input layers to Annual Energy Consumption 7% 22% 2. Energy consumption of Italian existing residential buildings: data collection and analysis different each other. I Corgnati gave an overview of the results obtained in a number of research projects carried out with different public bodies to verify the actual energy consumptions of residential building stock in Northern Italy. He pointed out the problems and critical aspects found in the measurement, collection and elaboration of the energy data, highlighting the need of a clear definition of the database structure and aim. Moreover, He described the normalization methods allowing to compare energy consumption in different years of different buildings. Figure 2 shows the one example of comparison of measured energy use and predicted values, which was calculated by geometric data, thermo-physical data, plant typologies, etc. 2 Figure 2: Case study – Predicted vs Actual Consumptions 3.TheResearch on the Integrated Evaluation Model of Energy Information System for correlations, calculated from the sample of buildings (50 selected buildings), can be applied to Residential Buildings in China of buildings (about 1000 buildings), in order to analyze and predict investigate the whole population the heating energy requirement of the large real estates. Yoshino gave a presentation on behalf of Dr. Shuqin Chen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.A. He introduced the evaluation model of the residential energy system created by Quantification Theory III, based on the investigations for summer residential energy use in seven typical cities in China. The results showed that seven cities could be ranked from the point of view of the residential energy information systems. Fig. 3 indicates the distribution of the household calculated by the theory. There was question what the meaning of x-axis and y-axis for the distributed chart. 4. For a better understanding of actual consumptions in residential buildings Macy introduced a global simulation model of the building and its HVAC system taking also into account the less technical factors. A fully transparent reference model was proposed to quantify the actual influences of these factors and to support the analysis of actual consumption records. This model could be run in such a way to identify the most appropriate correlations and to reject the non significant ones. Figure 4 shows one example of calculation for the effect of window opening on energy use. The result indicated that the fresh air control gave 28% decrease of energy use compared to the reference case. 3 Figure 3: Case study of integrated evaluation of energy information systems of residential buildings in seven cities of China Primary Energy consumption kWh/m2.yr Reference Window opening - heating on Window opening - heating off Ventil D+ recovery + fresh air flow control 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Figure 4: Example of calculation for the effect of window opening on energy use Window opening 1hour /day: + 5 - 7% Fresh air flow control: -28 % 5. Influence of Occupants’ Behaviour on the Energy Consumption of Domestic Buildings Brohus introduced a theoretical and empirical study of the uncertainty of energy consumption assessment of domestic buildings related to occupants’ behaviour. The calculated energy consumption of a number of almost identical domestic buildings in Denmark was compared with the measured energy consumption. Furthermore, the uncertainty is determined by means of stochastic modelling based on input distributions found by literature study, industry guidelines, measurements and – when necessary – simple assumptions. 4 Results from Quantitative SA, 2 6% 15% Set-point space heating 37% Occupant heat load Natural ventilation and infiltration 20% Appliances heat load Occupied period Figure 5: A theoretical and empirical study of the uncertainty of energy consumption assessment of domestic22% buildings related to occupants’ behaviour A high number of parameters are investigated and ranked in terms of variance and importance to determine which ones contribute the most to the overall level of uncertainty. As show in Fig.5, it is found that the temperature set point, time for use, natural ventilation, infiltration and the internal heat load are major contributors to the uncertainty. The major part of the variance can be assigned to the occupants’ behaviour. DISCUSSIONS AND WS MAIN RESULTS 1. Occupant’s behaviour on energy use The influencing factors related to occupant behaviour are considered a basic topic for all the audience, but the audience highlighted the difficulties related to the development of such item. Moreover, the audience put in evidence the difficulties connected to the monitoring of occupant behaviour. 2. Data base structure The topic of clarifying actual energy consumptions, divided by each single specific end use, is crucial to understand the real energy demand of buildings. The idea of a three level database (based on annual, monthly and daily/hourly end uses values), as presented, had a positive answer from the audience. But the audience asked for a clear definition of which was the minimum information for each building required to enter in each level. Also the audience asked to share the database structure when defined by the Annex 53 group. It was stressed to have to clarify what kind of data may be obtained from measurements and/or from questionnaires/survey, especially with reference to the influencing factors related to occupant behaviour. 3. Statistical methods and building simulation for prediction The enlargement of the knowledge of statistical methods for prediction of energy end uses is important as well as their application to identify the relevant influencing factors; statistical analyses allows to reduce the number of parameters able to describe the systems, and this fact is very important when large building samples are studies. 5 A detailed explanation of the different suitable data-driven prediction methods is required from most of the audience, because they are still not well known there is neither the possible application nor the potentialities. Such clarification is asked to Annex 53. Dedicated modules for occupant behavior, to be used in building simulation programs, are required. Audience agreed that the exact prediction of actual energy consumption was a mirage and the robust prediction methods (direct and indirect) are foreseen. 3. Monitoring system for occupant’s behaviour Audience highlights the need of providing solution for low cost equipments aimed at long terms monitoring of indoor environment quality and the energy end uses, especially for existing buildings. Also, audience highlights the need of providing procedures occupant behavior. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK DIRECTIONS IN THE FIELD The discussion gave new and important insight that we can bring into the future work of the Annex. Furthermore, we were informed about other ongoing works in the area that may provide additional and new opportunities for external collaboration. It is concluded that in order to advance the Annex 53 works there are subjects shown below; 1) Data base structure to be obtained by measurement 2) Reliable prediction methods for effect of occupant’s behaviour on energy use 3) Development of monitoring system for occupant’s behaviour ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Author would like to acknowledge Stefano Corgnati and Henrik Brohus to give information of discussion at the workshop. 6