October 30, 2012

“There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightlylit front porch” ~Robert Brault
October 30th, 2012
I) Introduction: (3 min)
1. Lily (1 min)
Minute Approval (Lucrezia) (2 min)
2. Roll Call (Lucrezia) (1 min)
II) Board (25 min)
1. Lily
a. JCU Gladiator WB Turnout (2 min)
b. Meeting with Soccer & Pilar (3min)
c. Elections (Giummarra & Pilar) (4min)
d. Sign up Meetings (2 min)
2. Filip (2 minutes)
a. Help with Booklets
3. Lucrezia (1 min)
a. Class schedule Spring 2013
4. Emily and Lucrezia (6-7minutes)
a. Halloween Event Update
i. Decorations on Saturday
ii. Pumpkins + decorations on Sunday
iii. Tickets sale
iv. Set up, Wednesday 6pm
III) General Assembly (5 min)
1. Alessandro and Umberto
a. Fall Break Proposal Update (deadline, Nov 13th)
i. Update on AUR President
IV) TASK Forces (3 min)
1. Writing Center Task Force
a. Update – Email (Filip, Sandra, Alessandro)
V) Committees (25minutes)
1. Academic Affairs (8 minutes)
a. Yumi, Lily, Umberto
i. Updated meeting with Dean Merva (Thursday 11:30)
b. Transparency (5 min)
i. Lily
1. AUR Website
c. Community Service (2 min)
i. Alina
1. Clean up day Report
d. Constitutional Committee (10 min)
i. Amendments art 5
1. Lily
ii. Amendment art 4 (2 min)
1. Filip and Francisco
Oct 30, 1922 = Benito Mussolini is made Prime Minister of Italy.
Oct 30, 1960= Michael Woodruff performs the first successful kidney transplant in
the United Kingdom
Oct 30, 1983= The first democratic elections in Argentina after seven years of
military rule are held.
“There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightlylit front porch” ~Robert Brault
VI) Open Session (Debates)
VII) Closed Session (Voting)
Vote on Constitutional Articles
IX) Adjournment
Oct 30, 1922 = Benito Mussolini is made Prime Minister of Italy.
Oct 30, 1960= Michael Woodruff performs the first successful kidney transplant in
the United Kingdom
Oct 30, 1983= The first democratic elections in Argentina after seven years of
military rule are held.