October 30, 2012

“There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightlylit front porch” ~Robert Brault
October 30th, 2012
I) Introduction: (3 min)
1. Lily (1 min)
Minute Approval (Lucrezia) (2 min)
2. Roll Call (Lucrezia) (1 min)
II) Board (25 min)
a. JCU Gladiator WB Turnout (2 min)
Great turn out
b. Meeting with Soccer & Pilar (3min)
We had a meeting. We want to work on the school spirit. We are willing to
help but it depends on what they want. Apparently for now just promoting.
AUR game they will give free dinner, tshirts and scarves.
: can we make sure they do it?
: yeah because last time they did not do it.
nov 11 game against AUR
Pilar wants us to give free water bottle again but we have to vote on that
again. However, the team never asked for anything.
: what if people come to the dinner but not to the game?
: the idea is to have like a pep-rally. Wearing jcu tshirts and then go to the
game altogether. However, the turn out will be on the soccer team because
we have so many things going on right now that for now we can only
provide some help.
: We should get a ticket at the game and get a free ice cream when you come
back. To make sure that people actually go to the game and not just come for
the free dinner.
: yeah. I think this idea would work better.
: any other ideas on the matter?
c. Elections (Giummarra & Pilar) (4min)
Involved in helping and participating to attend early breakfast at 5am. Put
up posters and facebook page. They pretty much need people helping
promoting it.
: yeah but we also have classes in the morning.
: is anybody coming? Because we cannot promote and then not to attend.
Like the clean up day.
: this is not stugov anyway.
: motion to vote at the end.
d. Sign up Meetings (2 min)
Sign up for 15 minutes meeting with me. So that we can talk on your ideas
for the future SG but also concerns, suggestions or things you do not like
about the current SG. People graduating do not have to sign it. Everyone else
2. (2 minutes)
Oct 30, 1922 = Benito Mussolini is made Prime Minister of Italy.
Oct 30, 1960= Michael Woodruff performs the first successful kidney transplant in
the United Kingdom
Oct 30, 1983= The first democratic elections in Argentina after seven years of
military rule are held.
“There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightlylit front porch” ~Robert Brault
a. Help with Booklets
: I am offering to do it and help me out tomorrow at 11 am.
3. (1 min)
a. Class schedule Spring 2013
If it happens can we all have classes in the morning so that we can have SG
meetings earlier than 8:45 pm? But only if you can choose, of course school
comes first.
4. (6-7minutes)
a. Halloween Event Update
: projector. Email Gloria, Pilar, Iva. All day tomorrow.
i. Decorations on Saturday
bought everything on saturday
ii. Pumpkins + decorations on Sunday
Carved + made decorations with other clubs except for two.
iii. Tickets sale
so far not many but still enough! We should encourage people
buying at school.
iv. Set up, Wednesday 6pm
Any event you do not have to come but it is your duty. Help set up.
Lucrezia has the schedule be there tomorrow at 6 or at least little bit
later. At the end of the day it is your club.
III) General Assembly (5 min)
a. Fall Break Proposal Update (deadline, Nov 13th)
i. Update on AUR President
: they start and finish school at different time. Same amount of
vacations but set up differently. I will use their calendar as a model
and copy it as much as possible.
: what is the point?
: it would be nice to have a break before midterms.
: you need a stronger justification cause people will respond you
back giving you many more reasons why it is better not to have the
fall break.
IV) TASK Forces (3 min)
1. Writing Center Task Force
a. Update – Email
We want to schedule a meeting. Do not know yet what time and when.
We will work on that.
V) Committees (25minutes)
1. Academic Affairs (8 minutes)
i. Updated meeting with Dean Merva (Thursday 11:30)
List of languages. I feel she did not have a good feedback on the
academic council and maybe we should have a referendum. Right
now she feel we wont have enough students, however she is
looking at the student body of the past not to the students we
have now that has been growing so much.
Oct 30, 1922 = Benito Mussolini is made Prime Minister of Italy.
Oct 30, 1960= Michael Woodruff performs the first successful kidney transplant in
the United Kingdom
Oct 30, 1983= The first democratic elections in Argentina after seven years of
military rule are held.
“There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightlylit front porch” ~Robert Brault
: yeah the referendum is the best idea.
: 3 languages plus a blank line for a language we did not think of
: great idea but that would require the participation of everyone.
Last year we all had a certain number of classes. Also we need
enough print credits.
: there will be a lot of professors at the QeA can we give them the
ii. : some people will want to help others will not.
: I do not think we should. We have been asked by students. We
brought to the academic affairs and we have been turned out and
I think we should help the students.
: mistake between academic and administration.
: send a notification to the faculty.
Communication major: the head of the department said he is
coming at the Q and A so we can ask him why some things have
not been done. A lot of pushing and tell them to take into
considerations want students want. Take little pieces and build
up a portfolio. I told them some students do not know how to do
it and school should be there to help us. A portfolio is important
for students to get a job, for their future.
: what did she say?
: I told her we are having a meeting after the QandA
: We should have as many meetings as we can so that we can
push it.
: they are working on redoing the thesis and make it more
flexible so that students can choose depending on what they
want to do after undergraduate school.
Issue of the registrar for thesis students. The emails regarding
seniors audits were sent out 3 days before they were due. It was
a bit late and it would have been nicer to have it earlier. She said
that we were supposed to do it by ourselves, but then what’s the
point of having an advisor.
Also, many people do not receive their emails.
: task force to work on this problem and stop talking about it
right now.
: yeah but maybe we cannot fix it
: this is a business and we are clients and we are not receiving
what we pay for.
Who wants to be part of the task force?
- Report next meeting.
: it also says some classes might be added after registration.
Attendance policy: no attendance policy is on the handbook
school policy but it works for department.
: I think the department sets up a line but then each professor
works on what he/she prefers.
Oct 30, 1922 = Benito Mussolini is made Prime Minister of Italy.
Oct 30, 1960= Michael Woodruff performs the first successful kidney transplant in
the United Kingdom
Oct 30, 1983= The first democratic elections in Argentina after seven years of
military rule are held.
“There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightlylit front porch” ~Robert Brault
Mac lab open on Fridays.
: she also clarified that the writing center is not an editing center.
: I think that students want a place that helps them into editing.
And you can learn through editing.
: I agree with Merva, the writing center should not be a place that
makes papers.
: we should not push too much on the idea that we pay and we
want. But it is not fair to have something edited and send it to
your professor.
: all writers have editors at the end. Every university has a
service of editing and literally what you need is somebody telling
you what would it be better. Also because professors cannot do it
anymore because they claim to have too many students.
: we can address this issue nicely. WE have two groups of
students, someone one help working on the papers and
: what I got from the forum was that students want more time to
go not someone editing. I do not think we should keep the idea of
: the percentage of students that do need it is probably very low
but we cannot push it too much and especially they should not
: when I visit visitor there is no one
: they should also help you structure your paper.
: let’s move on and leave the task working on it
b. Transparency (5 min)
1. AUR Website
c. Community Service (2 min)
1. Clean up day Report
You are not supposed to attend all events but it is not
even not nice to organize events and not having your
own members.
: we should organize a clean up day when we know it is
not raining.
: careful we should be careful using the word “duty”
because then it will become mandatory and then you will
start losing a lot of votes. I voted yes because a good
cause but I do not want to do it.
: I am wasting my time and other people’s time.
: we organize events for the greater community jcu so we
do not have enough students it is because we do not
communicate well with them. It was not a waste of time,
not bad because sg was not there, but we have to work
on that.
d. Constitutional Committee (10 min)
i. Amendments art 5
Oct 30, 1922 = Benito Mussolini is made Prime Minister of Italy.
Oct 30, 1960= Michael Woodruff performs the first successful kidney transplant in
the United Kingdom
Oct 30, 1983= The first democratic elections in Argentina after seven years of
military rule are held.
“There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightlylit front porch” ~Robert Brault
We did not touch art 6, so we are moving to art 7.
ii. Amendment art 4 (2 min)
: committees working within sg. Paragraph 4 we are
changing one sentence.
Motion to vote on the first change:
Favor: 8
Against: 2
Abstain: 3
it passes.
VI) Open Session (Debates)
VII) Closed Session (Voting)
- Vote on Constitutional article 5
Favor: 8
Against: Abstain: 4
Motion passes
- Vote on Constitutional article 6
Favor: 10
Against: Abstain: 3
Motion passes
- help Academic department with elections night IN PROMOTING THE
Favor: 3
Against: 4
abstain: 6
It fails
: we are sg and we only have to make flyers and do a fb page.
: 6 people abstained.
: it is clear sg does not care if you individually want to go.
Motion to re-vote.
favor: 2
abstain: 4
abstain: 7
It fails
Soccer game table the vote. Next meeting.
IX) Adjournment
Oct 30, 1922 = Benito Mussolini is made Prime Minister of Italy.
Oct 30, 1960= Michael Woodruff performs the first successful kidney transplant in
the United Kingdom
Oct 30, 1983= The first democratic elections in Argentina after seven years of
military rule are held.
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