PHYS-1500 PHYSICAL MODELING FALL 2006 10/20/2006, Class 15a: Improved Orbital Motion NAME _________________________________ For this exercise, you are to construct an improved spreadsheet model of an artificial satellite orbiting Earth. The first one that was constructed was simple enough, and seemed to conserve angular momentum. However, it did not produce truly circular orbits, and energy was conserved only approximately. This time, conservation of energy and angular momentum will be built into the program. That will improve the accuracy of the program, without adding a lot of computation time. The most difficult part of the new program will be the use of polar coordinates. The notes that have been provided outline how velocity and acceleration are described in polar coordinates. In polar coordinates, the angular momentum and mechanical energy of a satellite in orbit can be written, GMm 1 GMm L mr 2 and E 12 mv 2 2 m( r 2 r 2 2 ) . r r Since the mass of the satellite is not specified, it is convenient to write the angular momentum and mechanical energy per mass, both of which are conserved. L E 1 2 2 2 GM r 2 and 2 ( r r ) m m r If E/m, and L/m are known at any point in the orbit, their values will remain the same at all L/ m points. Then, the value of can be found at any value of r from the equation, 2 . In r E 1 2 GM ( r r 2 2 ) addition, at any value of r, r can be determined since, , and m 2 r E GM 1 2 2 ( r r 2 2 ) . Then, m r 4 2 2 E GM 2 2 E GM r E GM ( L/ m) , and we get, r2 2 r 2 2 m m r r r 2 r r2 m E GM ( L / m) r 2 r r2 m 2 and L/ m . r2 Therefore, at any value of r, the velocity is known. That simplifies the calculation of the orbit. It almost appears that acceleration is not needed, but that is not true. Without an acceleration term, if r ever became zero, it would never change again, so the program would fail. Therefore, we need an equation for r . We can get that as follows, 2 GM GM GM GM ( L / m) 2 L / m 2 2 ar 2 r r , so r 2 r 2 r 2 2 . r r r r r r3 When at a value of r, the program will calculate r and r at that point. Then r at the next point will be estimated by assuming that r changes by an amount r t. The average of the two values will be used to calculate the change of r. Then, can be found at both values of r and the average will be used to calculate the change of Finally, in order to plot the orbit, x and y will have to be calculated from the equations, x = r cos and y = r sin . Below is a copy of a spreadsheet with those formulae entered. Below that are the contents of the first several rows of the spreadsheet, for columns A through K. Set up your spreadsheet to match the one below, and then copy row 11 to rows 12 through 211. G6 =B5*G5 G7 =G5^2/2-B3*B4/B5 A10 0 A11 =A10+$G$3 B10 J3 =MAX(B10:B211) J4 =MIN(B10:B211) =B5 B11 J6 =SQRT(B3*B4/B5) J7 =SQRT(2)*J6 =B10+(C10+E10)*$G$3/2 C10 =SQRT(2*($G$7+$B$3*$B$4/B10)-($G$6/B10)^2) C11 =IF(2*($G$7+$B$3*$B$4/B11)-($G$6/B11)^2>0,SQRT(2*($G$7+$B$3*$B$4/B11)($G$6/B11)^2)*F10,0) D10 =-$B$3*$B$4/B10^2+$G$6^2/B10^3 D11 =-$B$3*$B$4/B11^2+$G$6^2/B11^3 E10 =C10+D10*$G$3 E11 =C11+D11*$G$3 F10 =IF(E10<0,-1,1) F11 =IF(E11<0,-1,1) G10 0 G11 =G10+(H10+H11)*$G$3/2 H10 =$G$6/B10^2 H11 =$G$6/B11^2 I10 =B10*COS(G10) I11 =B11*COS(G11) K11 =AVERAGE(J3:J4) K12 =-K10 When the spreadsheet is complete, create a graph of y vs. x. J10 =B10*SIN(G10) J11 =B11*SIN(G11) For best performance, choose t so that no more than one orbit is plotted. The program may give strange results if the satellite is allowed to go around its path too many times. The program starts the satellite in an orbit a distance R0 from the center of Earth, on the positive x axis, with a velocity of v0 in the positive y direction. Now repeat the check that you made on the last program. 1. For R0 = 6.50 ×106 m = 6500 km, calculate the value of v0 that should produce a circular orbit. v0 = _______________ units 2. Enter the value you just calculated in the spread sheet. Does it produce a circular orbit? List the maximum and minimum distances of the satellite from the center of Earth. This can be done easily by using the MAX and MIN functions. rmax = __________________ units rmin = __________________ units 3. Now set R0 = 7.50 ×106 m = 7500 km, and repeat 1. and 2. v0 = _______________ units rmax = __________________ units rmin = __________________ units 4. Now set R0 = 8.50 ×106 m = 8500 km, and repeat 1. and 2. v0 = _______________ units rmax = __________________ units rmin = __________________ units Class 15b: Kepler’s Third Law Check to see if the new program, in polar coordinates, obeys Kepler’s Third Law. For each of the following starting conditions, find the semi-major axis and the period of the orbit. List them in the table provided. Then, plot T² as a function of r³. The plot should be a straight line. Is it? Does it have the correct slope? (2 ) 2 In theory, the slope should be equal to = 9.898 ×10-14 s²/m³. GM E R0 (m) v0 (m/s) 7.00 ×106 9000 9.00 ×106 6000 9.00 ×106 7000 9.00 ×106 8000 1.00 ×107 8000 Semi-major axis (m) Period (s)