MENTOR LEADER PROGRAM ROLE DESCRIPTION Role Title: Unit Mentor Leader Coordinators Purpose: Unit 4-H youth development staff members will take leadership for the mentor leader program in the unit and serve as primary supervisors for volunteer mentor leaders. This role should be a “team effort” between the 4-H Community Worker, 4-H Program Coordinator, and/or the Unit Youth Development Educator (whatever combination is found in your unit). Suggested delineation of roles is found in italics and parentheses below. Success Criteria: Mentor leaders will provide orientation and support of assigned new 4-H volunteer leaders (mentees) during their first year of leadership. The new leaders will have the knowledge, skills and confidence to guide their 4-H clubs. New leaders will be integrated successfully into the unit 4-H program. Responsibilities: Identify and recruit at least two mentors. (CW, PC) Provide mentor leader program information and updates to Extension Unit Council, Expansion and Review Committee, other unit staff and 4-H stakeholders. (UYDE) Serve as liaison between mentors, unit staff, Regional Contact Educator and the Illinois 4-H Mentor Leader Committee. (UYDE) Attend initial training for mentors. (CW, PC, UYDE) Match mentors with new 4-H volunteers (mentees) and provide an opportunity for them to meet. (CW, PC) Provide publications and resources for mentors to use with new leaders. (CW, PC) Work to involve mentors in unit 4-H leader training sessions mentees will be attending. (UYDE) Initiate contact with each mentor and review feedback monthly. (CW, PC) Provide ongoing supervision and personnel appraisal for mentors. (CW, PC) Assist Illinois 4-H Mentor Leader Committee and Regional Contact Educator with identifying program improvements and gathering evaluation data and documentation of the program. (UYDE) Time Required: Year long responsibility. Once mentors are recruited, training and mentee matching activities may take 6-10 hours. Ongoing contact activities are expected to take an hour per month. Evaluation and documentation is expected to take 3-4 hours. Target Dates: Recruitment and Training of Mentors – July-September Mentor Training – September-October Assigning Mentors to Mentees – October-November Monthly Contact with Mentors – October-August Evaluation of Mentor Program – May-June Resources and Training Available: Mentor Leader Handbook Regional Contact Educator Illinois 4-H Mentor Leader Committee Mentor Leader Orientation Training Mentor Leader Telenets For Questions Contact: Regional Mentor Leader Contact Educator