Literary Element List 4

Literary Elements List # 4
31. Repetition
a technique in which a sound, word, phrase, or
line is repeated for emphasis
repetition of sounds at the ends of words
ideas or customs are ridiculed for the purpose of
improving society
presents information compiled from or based on
the order in which events occur or in which ideas
are presented
the time and place of action in a story
a comparison or two things using the words like
or as
a feeling of growing tension and excitement
person, place, object or action that stands for
something beyond itself
the meaning, moral, or message about life that is
communicated by the story
an expression whose meaning is not predictable
32. Rhyme
33. Satire
34. Secondary
35. Sequence
36. Setting
37. Simile
38. Suspense
39. Symbol
40. Theme
41. Idiom