Literacy Program Leading to Wyoming Reading Endorsement and UW Certificate of Literacy College of Education/Outreach School Overview: The University of Wyoming Curriculum & Instruction Program, with the support and cooperation of the University of Wyoming's Outreach School, will offer the required courses in the graduate literacy program via distance education. The program is designed to serve graduate level K-12 teachers in Wyoming who wish to obtain the Wyoming Reading Endorsement (in conjunction with the UW Certificate of Literacy), and those who choose to apply the coursework toward a master’s or doctoral degree in Curriculum & Instruction. Graduate degree course numbers and full graduate tuition apply. Admission Criteria Program Requirements: Teachers who have taught or will have taught for one year (Standard XI) may take the courses and earn the endorsement/ certificate. Eligible students enrolled in the Literacy Program will select one of three options: 1) K-6 level; 2) 7-12 level; or 3) K-12 level. Students choosing the K-12 level endorsement will be required to complete each assignment in two classrooms representing the two levels. Students can choose to apply for the C&I masters or doctoral program in conjunction with the endorsement. They must apply to and be accepted in the Curriculum & Instruction degree program before taking more than 12 credits of graduate work to count toward a graduate program of study. For application materials, go to or contact College of Education, Curriculum & Instruction Programs, (307) 766-6371 or Advising: For advising, Dr. Steve Bialostok College of Education (307) 766-3165 A. Application & Registration: The application for the Literacy Endorsement/Certification requires two steps: 1. Complete the Graduate Student Resources application and pay the required fee. The application is only available in online format at Remember to check Certificate of Literacy* on the form. After you have completed this application process, you will receive an email from Admissions thanking you for applying. You must complete step 2 before you are admitted to the graduate program. *Note: if you apply as a non-degree graduate student you will not be earning the Certificate of Literacy. 2. Complete the Literacy Certificate Application (P.6 of this document) and return it and your check for $40 payable to the University of Wyoming to: Elementary & Early Childhood Education Dept. 3374 1000 E. University Ave. Laramie, WY 82071 Once we have received your Literacy Program Application we will notify Admissions. Admissions will send you a letter that you have been accepted into the Graduate program. Updated May 2016 1 B. Register for classes: 1. REGISTER FOR CLASSES – 2. PAY FOR TUITION & FEES Once you’re admitted and signed up for class, it’s time to pay your bill. Refer to the Student Resources tab on WyoWeb for information and payment deadlines. Course Sequence: The Literacy Program consists of 6 courses for a total of 18 credit hours (or 7 courses for a total of 21 credit hours for the K-12 endorsement). All courses will be offered through the Outreach School. They will be offered in continuous rotation as long as demand exists. Students will be responsible for meeting and documenting the state standards in literacy for the level of endorsement chosen. Required Courses to Complete Endorsement Required Courses: EDCI 5760: Sociolinguistics & Social Literacies EDCI 5710: Genre-Based, Discipline Based Literacies EDCI 5720: Literacy Difficulties: Assessment and Instruction EDCI 5750: Research in Literacy Learning, Teaching, and Assessment in Classrooms, Part 1 (K-6) EDCI 5755: Research in Literacy Learning, Teaching, and Assessment in Classrooms, Part 2 (K-6) EDCI 5770: Research in Literacy Learning, Teaching, and Assessment in Classrooms, Part 1 (6-12) EDCI 5775: Research in Literacy Learning, Teaching, and Assessment in Classrooms, Part 2 (6-12) Elective Courses: EDCI 5120: Adolescent Literature EDCI 5160: Recent Trends in Children’s Literature Endorsement K-6: 18 required hours: EDCI 5760, 5710, 5720, 5750, 5755 + one elective Endorsement 6-12: 18 required hours: EDCI 5760, 5710, 5720, 5770, 5775 + one elective Endorsement K-12: 21 required hours EDCI 5760, 5710, 5720, 5750, 5755, 5770, and 5775; no elective For approval of other electives contact: Dr. Steve Bialostok College of Education (307) 766-3165 Updated May 2016 2 C. Completing the program – when you have completed the 18 (or 24) hours of coursework, in order to receive your certificate and endorsement you must complete the following two steps: 1. Certificate of Literacy – complete the following form (can be found at a. Anticipated Graduation Date form, and return to: Office of the Registrar Dept. 3964 1000 E. University Ave. Laramie, WY 82071 Fax: 307-766-3960 2. Wyoming Endorsement – complete the following items: a. Fill in the top of the institutional form from the PTSB and b. Send this form along with a letter that includes: The level of endorsement for which you are applying (K-6, 7-12, or K-12) The classroom/grade level in which you did your practicum assignments (include 2 levels if you are applying for a K-12 endorsement) The name of your school, your grade level, and how long you have been teaching. Have your principal sign or initial the letter to verify that you have taught in this school for this amount of time. The course that you plan to use to fulfill your elective requirement. 1. If the course was taken through UW and is on the approved list of courses simply give its name and number so that it can be located on the transcript. 2. If the course was taken through UW and you are not sure it has been approved contact Dr. Steve Bialostok at or 307-766-3165. 3. If the course was taken at another institution contact Dr. Bialostok for approval. c. Return the above materials to: Alexis Ontiveroz Elementary and Early Childhood Dept. 3374 1000 E. University Ave. Laramie, WY 82071 Updated May 2016 3 Course Descriptions EDCI 5760: Sociolinguistics & Social Literacies (3 credits) Introduces students to key concepts in linguistics, sociolinguistics, and social literacies that are necessary for understanding and working with children from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. As such, the course was designed to redirect students’ attention from a sole focus on schooled language and literacy to an understanding of the diverse language and literacy knowledges and skills that children bring to school from their own sociocultural contexts. EDCI 5710: Genre-Based, Discipline Based Literacies (3 credits) Designed to provide educators with knowledge of reading factors as they relate to various genres and disciplines. The content includes new literacies, assessment and development of comprehension, writing and oral language as learning tools, techniques for the development of vocabulary, questioning and study strategies appropriate to various disciplines and genres. EDCI 5720: Literacy Difficulties: Assessment and Instruction (3 credits) Examines contemporary research and practice related to 1) literacy difficulties, 2) classroom assessment, and 3) RTI & school literacy reform. Read and discuss research addressing these issues and also engage in projects focused on intervention with struggling students and school wide-systems for literacy intervention. EDCI 5750: RESEARCH IN READING AND WRITING INSTRUCTION, Part 1 (K-6) (3 credits) Research in Literacy Learning, Teaching, and Assessment in Classrooms, Grades K-5, Part 1. Examines contemporary research and practice in literacy instruction. Read about and discuss cutting-edge literacy methods related to 1) word recognition, 2) beginning and fluent text reading, 3) reading comprehension, and 4) vocabulary development. In addition, students will analyze their current literacy instruction and develop, implement, and evaluate lessons that involve new instructional approaches. EDCI 5755: RESEARCH IN LITERACY LEARNING, TEACHING, AND ASSESSMENT IN CLASSROMS, GRADES K-5, Part II, 3 hrs. Second of two related courses that address research in literacy instruction in elementary classrooms. The twocourse sequence is required for students seeking the Wyoming K-5 Literacy Endorsement. Can also serve as a literacy content course in the Literacy Education Ph.D. option or as an elective in other graduate degree programs. Prerequisites: EDCI 5750. EDCI 5770: RESEARCH IN LITERACY LEARNING, TEACHING, AND ASSESSMENT IN CLASSROOMS, Part 1 (6-12), 3 hrs. Critically examines reading-writing research for the express purpose of recognizing fundamentals of superior studies. Students are encouraged to select and pursue a topic in reading-writing research for intensive examination. Students may pursue areas of emphasis in elementary, secondary, or higher education. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in education. EDCI 5775: RESEARCH IN LITERACY LEARNING, TEACHING, AND ASSESSMENT IN CLASSROOMS, Part 2 (6-12), 3 hrs. Designed to be the second in a two-course sequence that focuses on research and practice in adolescent literacy learning, teaching, and assessment. Will focus on applying research to practice. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in education. Updated May 2016 4 Elementary Education Program Approval Standards Standard I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XII The program shall require knowledge of the factors that influence reading comprehension. The program shall require experiences that promote students’ motivation and interest in reading. The program shall require demonstrated competence in the use of a variety of comprehension strategies for different types of texts. The program shall require knowledge of and demonstrated competence in the development, implementation and evaluation of a variety of instructional approaches designed to improve students’ reading ability. The program shall require demonstrated competence in using writing to teach reading. The program shall require demonstrated competence in prescribing instruction programs and activities for individual students and small/large groups, based upon the analysis and interpretation of diagnostic data. The program shall require demonstrated competence in planning and implementing activities designed to build community support for school reading programs. The program shall require knowledge of recent research development in reading, writing, listening and speaking. The program shall include supervised practicum experiences. The program shall require differentiated knowledge and experiences at the level according to the area of emphasis desired: 1. An elementary program shall require knowledge and experiences at the elementary level. 2. A secondary program shall require knowledge and experiences at the secondary level. 3. A K-12 program shall require knowledge and experiences at both elementary and secondary levels. The program shall require knowledge of language acquisition as it concerns first and second language learning and how it varies by age levels. Updated May 2016 5 Literacy Program Application PERSONAL DATA Last Name Sex Male First Name Female Middle Initial (optional) E-Mail Address W number: Phone Number Street City, State, Zip, Country Program Options Check here if you have completed the Graduate Student Resources online application and applied for Certificate of Literacy. Check here if you are interested in embedding this into a graduate program. Please choose one of the options: K-6 level 7-12 level K-12 level ACADEMIC INFORMATION Undergraduate Institution Major Degree GPA Grad. Date Other Colleges & Universities attended Institution ______________________________________ __ Dates Attended _________________________ _ Degree ________________________________ _ ______________________________________ __ _________________________ _ ________________________________ _ WORK HISTORY Job Title/Employer Grade levels/subjects taught Principal’s Name: ___________________________________ __________________________________________________ __ ________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________ __ ________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________ __ ________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________ __ Starting ___________________ Ending_________________ ________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________ __ ________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________ __ ________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________ __ Starting ___________________ Ending_________________ Updated May 2016 6 For office use only: Fee Paid Date Paid:_______ Check #:________ Initials: _________ Return this form and your check for $40 made out to the University of Wyoming to: Literacy Program, Dept. of Elementary/EC Education, Dept. 3374, 1000 E. University Ave., Laramie, WY 82071 Created 04/05 Updated May 2016 7