June 2001 STAFF SENATE University of Wyoming Bill Number 32 Sponsored By: ____________________ George Longpré, President A BILL TO CREATE AN AD HOC COMMITTEE TO REVIEW THE STAFF SENATE FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT 1 WHEREAS, Staff senate has established a permanent endowment fund with the 2 University of Wyoming Foundation, and the net income only shall be available to 3 recognize staff; and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 WHEREAS, Staff Senate establishes guidelines and criteria for staff recognition; and WHEREAS, the University of Wyoming staff can be recognized for their contributions in many ways other than Recognition Day awards; and WHEREAS, the office of the President of the University of Wyoming graciously contributes to cash awards for Staff Recognition Day; and WHEREAS, Staff Senate has never utilized the expendable portion of their foundation account but has the capability to do so; THEREFORE, be it resolved that an ad hoc committee be formed that will be 13 named the Foundation Account Committee, to study and explore the feasibility of using 14 expendable money from the foundation account for further University of Wyoming staff 15 recognition. 16 17 CREATION AND COMPOSITION—The committee will be formed beginning in 18 fiscal year 2001, and will be composed of five Staff Senators with at least one 19 committee member also serving on the Recognition Committee for reporting 20 purposes, and an ex-officio past president shall be invited to participate.