ASUW Committee Application

Committee Application
Through ASUW, students have the privilege of being involved in a wide number of both ASUW standing committees and University
committees. As an ASUW fee-paying student at the University of Wyoming, you are a member of the Associated Students of the
University of Wyoming (ASUW). As a member, you are invited to participate in programming and decision making for your
University. If you are interested in participation, please fill out the following committee application and provide a brief paragraph
outlining your qualifications. More information on committees can be found on the backside of this page, or at
Local Address:
Permanent Address:
UW Email:
Alternate Email:
Cell phone:
Alternate Phone:
Year in school:
(Number in order of preference of those committees that interest you)
Academics, Technology & Sustainability
Budget & Planning
RSO Funding Board
Student Outreach & Policy
Program and Institutional Development
(Check the box next to any committee you are interested in serving on)
Scholarship Committee
Childcare Scholarship
Student Fee
Student Legal Services
(Check the box next to any committee you are interested in serving on)
Academic Committee (University Studies, Academic
Campus Activities Center (Student Organizations)
Library Council
General University committees
Updated April 2013
Enrollment Management
Parking and Circulation
Union Boards
Traffic Appeals
Campus Sustainability
Student Media Board
Central Technology
Committee Descriptions:
Academics, Technology, and Sustainability Committee
This committee will formulate student position on University scholastic and technological issues including, but not
limited to, academic policies, grading, class scheduling, faculty and course evaluations, student access to technologies,
and quality of technology on campus. They will also provide sustainability education, resources, and programming to
Constitution Committee
This committee will review, interpret, and formulate changes to all ASUW working documents including our
Constitution, By-Laws, Rules and Procedures, and Finance Policy.
Elections Committee
This committee will administer all ASUW Elections policies and run ASUW Elections events and services.
RSO Funding Board
This committee will allocate and administer funds coming from the RSO Funding Board monies to Recognized Student
Organizations, as requested by RSO’s.
Budget and Planning Committee: 5:45pm on Tuesdays in Union Room 202
This committee researches and fiscally plans for ASUW funds throughout each fiscal year. They decide the budget to
send to ASUW Senate for approval.
Student Outreach and Policy Committee
This committee will be in charge of outreach to students and public relations within the university, so that we can hear
student opinions concerning issues on campus. They will use the student opinions heard at outreach events to
represent student voice in the university policy-making process.
Program and Institutional Development Committee
This committee serves as a liaison between ASUW Student Senate and all ASUW Programs, including but not limited to,
Greek Life, UW Childcare, ASTEC, United Multicultural Council, Non-Traditional Student Council, etc. They will also
examine the inner workings of each program to make sure they are running effectively and efficiently.
Student Fee Committee: (Times and locations may vary)
This committee will listen to each component of the mandatory student fees, deciding what the student fees will be
until the next student fee decision-making year. They will review the mandatory student fee units to make sure they are
using student fees productively.
Programming Committee
This committee will help organize and execute events, workshops, etc conducted by the ASUW Student Government and
assist any Executive, Judicial Council member, or ASUW Program in need of an organizing and executive team. This
committee will also be responsible for reviewing the effectiveness, sustainability, and reach of events after their
occurrence and formulate proposals for future programming.
Updated April 2013