Completed Review Sheet

Mrs. Belesis
Review Sheet- Political Parties, Elections and Media
Why are lobbyists greatly criticized?
a. Work hard to get candidates that support their issues into office
b. Too much political influence in the government
Why are third parties important? (Be sure you know a few of them)
a. Bring issues that are often ignored by the major parties
b. NRA, Right to Life, Green Party
How does the media change elections?
a. Focus on the candidate image
b. Allow the campaign to be trail across the country
c. Place less focus on the issues
What is the census used for?
a. To distinguish the Houses of Representatives and in turn the number of
electoral votes.
Describe the effect media has on campaigning and on public agenda.
a. The media has the ability to change public agenda.
b. Types
i. Ideological Party- A third party based a certain political beliefs
ii. Splinter Party - A third party that breaks away from a major political
iii. Single- issue Party - A third party that is based solely on one issue
iv. Economic Protest Party- A third party based solely on economic
hardships of that time
c. Purposes/effects on elections
i. Bring issues that that are often ignored by the major parties
ii. Take votes away from the major two parties
6. Criticisms of the Electoral College.
a. Winner takes all system
b. Person can win without the popular vote
c. Presidents campaign certain swing states in order to receive electoral votes.
7. How many electoral votes are there? How many are needed to win the election?
a. 538
b. 270
8. How do we derive the number of electors?
a. 538 Votes (435 members in House + 100 Senators + 3 votes from D.C.)
9. What are the census numbers used for?
a. To distinguish the Houses of Representatives and in turn the number of
electoral votes.
10. What are general characteristics of Liberals?
a. More government involvement. ,higher taxes, greater social programs, Pro
Choice, Stricter gun Laws, greater environmental concerns
11. What are general characteristics of Conservatives?
a. Less government involvement, laissez faire economic policy, less taxing, Pro Life,
Looser gun control
12. Political Platforms
a. a list of the principles which a political party supports in order to appeal to the
general public for the purpose of having a party's candidate voted into office.
13. Define:
a. Polling Place
i. Where people go to physically vote
b. Precinct
i. 500-1000 person section that creates a voting area.
c. Watchdog
i. When a political party, not in control, criticizes the political party
in office.
d. Public opinion
i. The attitudes or opinions of a large group of people about a
particular issue or person
e. Gallop Poll
i. Common poll used to measure public opinion
f. Lobbyists
i. A group that places political pressure on political parties through
emails, donations, letters, phone calls etc.
g. Interest Groups
i. Try to persuade the government to take certain actions.
h. Soft money
i. One time funding to a political candidate
i. Hard money
i. Funding regulated by the government given to candidates
Public Agenda
i. What the majority of people are thinking/talking about
Mass Media