Post-AP Exam Project

Post AP Exam Assignment / Final Exam
Choose one of the following assignments:
A. Read a contemporary novel of literary merit (to be approved by teacher) and
prepare a ten-minute oral presentation to include the following:
1. A single page analysis of the book*
2. A piece of music that defines a major character or theme in the book
3. A visual representation of the characters (draw, picture from mag.)
B. Read a novel which has been used as the basis for a movie (to be approved by
teacher) and prepare a ten-minute oral presentation to include the following:
1. A single page analysis of the book*
2. Watch the movie
3. Discuss the similarities/differences between the two story presentations
4. Alternative casting suggestions, cinematographic options, etc.
C. Read a non-fiction work (to be approved by teacher) and prepare a ten-minute
oral presentation to include the following:
1. A single page analysis of the book*
2. Discussion of the importance of the subject matter and its relevance to
3. Discussion of any controversies or opposing viewpoints that exist
regarding the information in this text.
D. Read a biography or autobiography (to be approved by teacher) and prepare a
ten-minute oral presentation to include the following:
1. A single page analysis of the book*
2. Discussion of this person’s role in history
3. A piece of music that defines this person OR if a movie has been made
detailing this person’s life, a comparison of it and the book
Students must bring their book to class beginning May 16. Class time has been set aside
for students to read and prepare the above assignment.
The due date for this project is Thursday, June 2. All students must be prepared to
present on that date or accept a 20 point deduction.
*The single page analysis will be graded as a final exam