STUDENT’S NAME (print)_________________________________________________ Ms. Blanc/Ms. Canone FLORAL PARK MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT GRADE EXPECTATIONS 9A World History Textbook: Ways of the World: A Global History Office phone: 516-488-9331 E-mail:, Best time to call: 2:15 Extra help period: 1, 4, 9, before school and after school, by appointment Voice Mail Number: 516-488-9751 extension 7504 The grading formula for this course is the following: TESTS, ESSAYS, CURRENT EVENTS: 65% Students will be given unit tests during the marking period. Each test consists of a Long Essay Question (Change Over Time, Compare and Contrast, Periodization and Causation), AP style multiple-choice questions and Short Answer Questions. The essay will be assigned to the students one week prior to the test date. Students are encouraged to make an appointment with me during their free periods to show me drafts of their essays. The essay and the multiple choice questions will each be a test grade. Throughout the marking period, students will also be assigned AP style DBQ essays. Students will have approximately three days to complete the essay at home and will count as one test grade. Students are also expected to complete a current events assignment once a week. They choose a theme and find articles from international newspapers on-line relating to their theme. This assignment will be graded as a test. Typically they must complete 7-9 articles per marking period. Students are also encouraged to show me drafts of DBQs and current events for feedback before they submit them for a grade. HOMEWORK: 20% Homework will be assigned 4-5 nights a week. Students should also purchase a blue three-ringed binder so that they could keep their readings organized. They will receive their assignments for the following week on Friday. This way, if students are involved in sports or extra-curricular activities they could plan out their assignments. Homework will consist of reading and outlining from the textbook and reading and taking notes on primary sources. It is important that students keep up with the assignments and complete them on a nightly basis, as the readings will be an integral part of the class discussions. Homework will be collected every Friday and graded on a scale of 0-10. Students typically do very well on the homework assignments thereby helping to improve the grades. If students are having trouble taking notes on the reading, they can come see me and I will help them to distinguish between the important and the superfluous information. PARTICIPATION: 15% Classes are a combination of lecture and note taking and discussion. Discussions are based on homework assignments. Students are expected to actively participate in classroom discussions. _________________________________ Student signature _________________________________________ Parent signature Home phone_______________________ work/emergency phone______________________