COURSE: Honors English 9
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Honors English 9 is a combination of the first year, required course for high school
curriculum relating to the development of oral and written communication skills and a more advanced level of
study designed to prepare students who intend to take Advanced Placement courses in later grades.
Reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills are emphasized through the critical interpretation of
Literature. Students will read and analyze literary works, gain and refine a more complicated voice in their
essay writing, and develop the speaking and listening skills needed in discussion.
While enrolling in Honors English 9 does not guarantee admission to AP classes, the more rigorous training in
analytical reading and writing will prepare students for a more advanced level of curriculum.
Honors English courses follow the same standard and curriculum plan as regular English courses, but the
rate, depth, and complexity and number of materials differ
A Board-approved literature list constitutes the basis of student instruction in literature.
CLASSROOM RULES/CONSEQUENCES: Any behavior that interferes with the teacher teaching or all
students learning is unacceptable. If after a warning, the behavior does not change, the consequences will be
immediate and include any of the following: a private conference, a phone call home, detention, or suspension
from class. Frequent unacceptable behavior will have more severe consequences: conferences with parents or
school suspensions.
HOMEWORK: A portion of the academic grade will be based upon homework assignments. Although
assignments will be made regularly, they may vary in quantity and complexity based on subject matter and
ability level. These assignments are considered “formative” and are worth 30% of the course grade.
Large project assignments, including essays, are due on the day they are due, even if the student will
not be in class. Students who are absent should email an electronic copy to the teacher by the time
the class session is to be held, and then bring a paper copy when he/she returns from absence.
TESTS: Students will receive at least two days notice prior to major tests. The semester exams, which will
include information from any part of that semester, may also be both objective and essay. Quizzes may be
given at any time and without advance notice. Make-ups will be taken the day the student returns to class.
If this is not possible, it is the student’s responsibility to arrange alternate scheduling on that return day.
ESSAYS: There are four formal essays, and many informal essays, throughout the term. The formal essays
must be turned in on the due date. If students want to revise these formal essays for a better score, they may
do so after conferencing with the teacher so that the student understands what improvements need to be
made. Students may revise a minimum of two major essays per term provided they complete all prewriting
and formative activities for the essay. Feedback (both peer and teacher) will be provided to students
throughout the writing process prior to the final draft due date.
GROUP PROJECTS: When participating in a group project, students will be graded individually and we will
be evaluated based on their own work within the group. No group grade or average score will be used to
determine an individual student’s grade on a group project. In the event that a student wishes to raise a
grade on a project score, a retake assignment (essay) will be provided .
METHOD OF EVALUATION: Grades will be weighted according to the following:
 Formative Assessments (Assessments FOR Learning – quizzes, reading checks, study guides,
etc) – 30%
 Summative Assessments (Assessments OF Learning – tests, essay final drafts, etc) – 70%. The
semester grade will be based on a running total of the first and second quarter points and the final
exam points. The following scale will be used for letter grades:
A+ = >100%
B+ = 88 - 89%
C+ = 78 – 79%
D+ = 68 - 69%
= <60%
A = 93 – 99%
B = 83 – 87%
C = 73 – 77%
D = 63 – 67%
A- = 90 – 92%
B- = 80 – 82%
C- = 70 – 72%
D- = 60%
Please refer to the school wide Academic Dishonesty Policy. This policy is available in the agenda, on the
school webpage, and in a document that all Comp students signed the first semester of school.
Plagiarism includes when you copy from any source as well as allowing anyone to copy from you. Plagiarism
defined is when “you use another person’s words or ideas and fail to give them credit”.
A referral to the Vice-Principal is automatic, as is a “0” on the assignment.
ATTENDANCE AND TARDIES: Regular attendance is critical for success in this or any endeavor. Just as with
any absence, it is the responsibility of the student to first contact their “study buddy” and then the teacher to
clarify any missed materials and work.
If the student is absent for more than two days, a call to the school requesting homework should be made to
keep the student up to date. Students who have more than 4 tardies will be issued a classroom detention, with
subsequent tardies resulting in a parent phone call, additional detentions, and eventually a Saturday School
detention. In order to avoid being late, students must be in their assigned seats when the bell rings.
CITIZENSHIP: The citizenship grade is measured by your ability and willingness to follow the policies of this
class. As an English Department, we value courtesy, cooperation, and respect. The policies reflect this and
the standards conducive to an orderly, productive classroom environment. Therefore, the following will be
used to determine your citizenship grade: attendance and class contribution, following directions, obeying
rules, and attitude toward me, fellow classmates, and substitutes.
MAKE-UP: All tests and minor assignments are due upon returning from an absence. (Long term
assignments are due on their due date—see “ESSAY” section.) The only exceptions will be those assignments
GIVEN during the absence. These will be due two days after your return unless designed to be completed
over several days. It is the responsibility of the student to inquire about any and all missed work and to
make the necessary arrangements for its completion. If tests/quizzes/assignments are not made up on
the day of your return (or an arrangement is not made by the student with the teacher), the student will
receive a “0” on that test/quiz.
EXTRA CREDIT: No extra credit will be accepted.
assignments as designed for the course.
Students are expected to do the reading and writing
MATERIALS: The recommended materials list includes post-its, 5 dividers in a notebook w/ paper,
highlighter, current book, school agenda, and free-reading book every day.
Rough drafts of writing assignments and reports must be word-processed.
Final drafts are to be submitted to Please see teacher ASAP if you are unable to attain these
Of Mice and Men
John Steinbeck
A Long Way Gone
Ishmael Baeh
Assorted poems, short stories, documentaries, and textx
To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee
Romeo and Juliet
William Shakespeare
*The above breakdown of reading may be changed during the year. We may not fall in exactly at quarters and at times works may carry
over into a new semester. It is not required, but I do highly recommend purchasing novels when you can. By owning the novel you can
highlight, annotate, complete marginalia and refer back to the novel throughout the year as well as your high school career.
Teacher Web Page/Power School: The English department and individual teachers post grades and other
information on Individual Teacher Web Pages/Power School. I link handouts and assignments on my page
via “SchoolWires”. **see me for help creating an account.
TEXTBOOK/MATERIALS RESPONSIBILITY: Students are financially responsible for any and all books and
materials provided to them. This includes damage as well as loss and will be billed accordingly.
CONFERENCES: Students will receive help in class everyday.
“academic risks” by asking for clarification and help early on.
I stress the importance of taking
Office Hours: Students may meet with me during the first 10 minutes of either lunch on every day but
Wednesday. On Wednesdays, I am available during advisory by appointment.
Because students in high school should be accepting more responsibility, it is important that they are the
first to approach the teacher with any issue. If, after a meeting with the teacher, the issue still remains,
parent involvement/conferencing is appropriate. The best way to reach teachers is through district email.
Contact Information:
Ms. Kelly
By signing your names below, you are indicating that you have read and understood the
preceding class guidelines and that you will assume the responsibilities and accountability
of being a student, or the parent/guardian of a student, in the English class.
Print Student’s Name ___________________________________________________________
Student Signature_______________________________________________Date____________
Please answer the following questions:
 Do you have computer access at home?
 Do you have Internet access at home?
 If you answered NO to either of the above questions, where would you go to use a
computer or the Internet?
 Will you need me to provide you with any of the supplies mentioned in the course
 If YES, which supplies will you need help with? List them here:
Parent/Guardian Information:
Pref. phone (
Alt. phone (
Email Address
Parent Signature (acknowledging understanding of all policies, including plagiarism,
grading, attendance, and make-up policies).