Final Review Dual Credit Final Date: December 13 Reread each of the following essays: “We Do Abortions Here” “Thinking as a Hobby” “Going to the Movies” “Shooting an Elephant” “The Case for Torture” There will also be a small section of questions on the film Hero. Be knowledgeable about the content of each story. What was the main idea of the essay? What tone was the author using? What type of examples did the author provide? Were the examples adequate supports for the argument presented? How was the introduction organized? How did that author choose to grab his readers’ attention? TEST FORMAT The test will consist of matching and short/long answer questions. You will be expected to identify a specific quote with its essay. You will be expected to analyze small components of the assigned essays/movie. DON’T FORGET YOU NEED A BLUE BOOK FOR THE EXAM. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ONE-YOU WILL BE PENALIZED 10 POINTS.