Negative Painting Handout

Name:_________________________________________Mr. Vedder – Studio in Art
Negative Watercolor Paintings
 An approach of painting around an object to define it in a
 The technique involves painting in the negative space first, to
reveal the intended positive space, without actually painting it.
 Negative paintings deal with the CONTRAST of NEGATIVE
SPACE around your subject matter, or positive space.
 CONTRAST is a large difference between two things; for
example, hot and cold, green and red, light and shadow.
 Contrast refers to a way of juxtaposing elements of art to stress
the differences between them.
 Used in an effective way, contrast can excite, emphasize and
direct attention to points of interest.
What is a Triptych?
 A triptych is a work of art (usually a panel painting) that is divided into
three sections.
 The triptych form arises from early Christian art, and was a popular
standard format for altar paintings from the Middle Ages onwards.
Negative Painting Objectives:
 Students will choose three animals, one Land, Sea and Sky.
 Students will use a monochromatic or analogous color scheme
for each painting.
 Students will create a Triptych series of the three animals using
a Negative Painting Technique.