Negative Painting Worksheet

Name: ____________________________________ Studio in Art – Mr. Vedder
Negative Watercolor Worksheet:
1. What is your definition of Contrast? Cite one example of Contrast.
2. List three facts from the Video Do Now:
- ________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________
3. Explain the differences between positive and negative space.
4. List your choices for your three animals. Explain why you chose them:
- Land:___________________________________________________
- Sea:____________________________________________________
- Sky:_____________________________________________________
5. Define triptych.
6. What is the historical context of triptychs?
7. Why do artists create triptychs?
8. Explain how we are using Contrast to create our Negative paintings.
9. Defend your color choices for the triptych negative paintings:
10. Discuss your thoughts on the negative painting process.
11. What have you learned about the negative painting technique?
12. Reflect upon your final artwork. What would you improve upon?