Aboriginal Art Handout

Name: ________________________________________________ Date ______________ Mr. Vedder, Art8.
 Australian Aboriginal art is the oldest living art tradition in the world, with
paintings in rock shelters dating back 20,000 years.
 Aboriginal people maintain their cultural stories through their artwork and these
stories are handed down to younger generations through ceremony and initiation.
 The Aborigine believe that everything was and is created during a period called
Dreamtime. The Dreamtime is the Aboriginal perception of the world and it's creation.
 If they want something in particular to be created the will draw a picture of it,
usually on rock or bark.
 Decoration of the subject with lines, arcs, dots, and borders increase its effectiveness
and meaning.
 Aboriginal Art usually explains the origins of their lands, reefs and sea and all the
animals and plants important to them.
 These designs, originally for body painting, ground paintings, and carved on sacred
stones and boards, are now painted on canvas.
 The concept of art in traditional Aboriginal society is very different to the concept of
art in European society. In traditional Aboriginal societies, activities like dancing,
singing, body decorations, sand drawings, making implements or weaving baskets were
not considered to be separate activities called art and design. All of these activities were
a part of the dreaming and a part of normal daily life. There was no concept of a special
type of person, artists, because, in a sense, everyone was an artist.
 The style of art that we are using to create our project is called Pointillism. The
technique that is used to create the dot pattern is called stippling.
A series of dots, placed next to each other to create a scene or pattern.
A decorative design, as for wallpaper, china, or textile fabrics, etc.