MYTHS & LEGENDS INTRO Y E A R 8 – M R VA N N E T T E N WHY STUDY MYTHS AND LEGENDS? • Moral lessons – by showing a normal person doing great deeds it encourages others to act this way themselves • Myths/Legends help show us the world around us and tell us how to deal with real life events • Historical value – links to history which can help explain important events or cultural values. It also shows us the attitudes and beliefs of the people who wrote them (within a certain time period) WHAT MAKES THEM INTERESTING? • Full of action and adventure – exploring interesting versions of this world which were often set in ancient times • Interesting characters – brave, courageous or ruthless – who fight between good and evil • Unique characters - Heroes who show strengths and sometimes weaknesses • Moral lessons such as loyalty and honour • Elements of magic and supernatural INDIGENOUS MYTHS AND LEGENDS As an introduction to our Myths & Legends unit, we will be considering Aboriginal myths and legends – often called “dreamtime stories. The Aboriginal Art and Culture Centre summarises this as the following: “According to Aboriginal belief, all life as it is today - Human, Animal, Bird and Fish is part of one vast unchanging network of relationships which can be traced to the great spirit ancestors of the Dreamtime. The Dreamtime continues as the "Dreaming" in the spiritual lives of aboriginal people today. The events of the ancient era of creation are enacted in ceremonies and danced in mime form. Song chant incessantly to the accompaniment of the didgeridoo or clap sticks relates the story of events of those early times and brings to the power of the dreaming to bear of life today. The Dreamtime is the Aboriginal understanding of the world, of it's creation, and it's great stories.The Dreamtime is the beginning of knowledge, from which came the laws of existence. For survival these laws must be observed.” • Sourced from (May 2018) HOW THE KANGAROO GOT ITS POUCH We will watch this dreamtime story as a class. In your books, write down the heading of the story and answer the following questions: 1. What is this story about? – Summarise what happens in 3-5 dot points 2. What is this story explaining? 3. What themes/values are depicted in this story? What might this reflect about Aboriginal values? 4. Why might the Aboriginal people have a story which explains this? – Give 2 reasons 5. What does this particular story teach us about Aboriginal history or culture? RESEARCH TASK YO U R T U R N : F O L L OW T H E AC T I V I T Y S H E E T YO U ’ V E B E E N G I V E N O N DREAMTIME STORIES FEEDBACK Once you have finished the task and shared it with Mr van Netten, complete the feedback survey which has been shared with you.