UW PARS > PAR REPORTING > EMPLOYEE PAR DATA ENTRY (See last page for information on PAR processing order and submit date requirements) To search by something other than the EmplID click on the down arrow Click on the item you want to use to search. Enter the Emplid, then click the Search button (or hit enter) PAR data entry 1 The system will return all checks received by this employee for the current fiscal year and the last fiscal year, separated by position number. Click on the Emplid/position number for the record that you want. PAR data entry 2 To see the combination code and earnings information for the record, click on the Earnings Detail Data Page button. This will list all the funding sources, accounts and earnings for this employee for this position number. Click OK or Cancel to return to previous page. PAR data entry 3 Org – click on the magnifying glass to see valid values. All funding sources must have an Org. Budget ID (or project id) – click on the magnifying glass to see valid values (only projects for the Org entered will be displayed). If an Org does not have a Budget ID the field will show as ‘Blank’. Fund – click on the magnifying glass to see valid values. All funding sources must have a Fund. Budget Reference – click on the magnifying glass to see valid values (only budget references for the Org/Budget ID combination entered will be displayed). If the Org/Budget ID combination does not have a Budget Reference the field will show as ‘Blank’. Effort code – click on the down arrow to see valid values: If you use the G – Proposal Prep – you must enter a description Enter the percentage for this effort code. If you have more effort codes for this same funding source, click the plus sign on the effort code row and enter the next effort code and percentage; repeat as needed for that funding source. PAR data entry 4 If you have another BUDGET ID, for the same ORG, click on the plus sign on the BUDGET ID row and enter the data as needed. If you have another ORG, click on the plus sign on the ORG row and enter the data as needed. When all rows have been added, Save the record. Note – there are several things that the system will check before the record will be saved, such as if the rows total to 100%, a valid effort code has been selected for the funding information entered, etc. The page will display an error message for any issues that is finds. When the record has been saved, the page will display the userid and a date time stamp for when the data was recorded. PAR data entry 5 You can now print a PAR form for the data that you’ve entered, by clicking on ‘Run Actual Effort Report’ link (the page will not look like it is doing anything, but watch the top right corner for it to display ‘Saved’). Click on the ‘Go to Process Monitor’ link. Click the Refresh button until the Run Status changes to Success and the Distribution Status changes to ‘Posted’. PAR data entry 6 Click on Details Click on View Log/Trace PAR data entry 7 Click on the UWPAY062_.PDF The report will display as it was entered. Print as needed. To return to the data entry page, close the report. PAR data entry 8 Click Return PAR data entry 9 Click OK or Cancel Click on the ‘Go back to Employee PAR Data Entry’ link to enter another PAR or click on another link to go to a different page. PAR data entry 10 PAR Processing Order: 1. Run the Individual PAR Forms report 2. Run the Group PAR Forms report 3. Enter the information for just those on the Individual PAR Forms (PAR Data Entry Page) 4. Run the Actual Effort Report (All) 5. Enter the information for those on the Group Par Forms (PAR Data Entry Page) 6. Run the Group Par Forms report 7. Send signed forms to Sponsored Programs – for Individual forms, the signature should be the employees, if you cannot get an employee signature than a Dean, Department Head, P.I. or Supervisor can sign. For group forms, the signature must be a Dean, Department Head or P.I. Submitting late PAR forms: If you submit a PAR that is more than 60 days beyond the period of effort, the Auditors require a letter, signed by the Department Head, stating why it is late and what is being done to insure that PAR’s will be completed more timely in the future. Please issue the “late” letter directly onto the back side of the PAR; if you have several PAR’s requiring a “late” letter, please copy the letter onto the back side of each PAR. If you have any questions, please contact the Sponsored Program office at 766-3131. PAR data entry 11