Group PAR Form

(See last page for information on PAR processing order)
Click the Search button, or hit enter to see current run control id’s.
Click on the run control you want
Blank Group PAR form
From date: Enter the month begin date for the desired reports
Thru date: Enter the month end date for the desired reports
Click the Run button
Click the Select box for the Group PAR Forms.
Blank Group PAR form
Click OK to run the report.
Click on the Process Monitor link to see the actual report.
Click Refresh until the Run Status changes to ‘Success’ and Distribution Status changes to ‘Posted’
Blank Group PAR form
Click on Details
Click on View Log/Trace
Blank Group PAR form
Click on UWPAY061_.PDF
The report will be a sorted first by each department in your security view and then by employee
name, position number.
Print as needed.
Blank Group PAR form
Close report to return to page.
Click Return
Blank Group PAR form
Then click OK or Cancel
Click on the ‘Go back to Group PAR Forms’ link to run another group report or click on another link to
go to a different page.
Blank Group PAR form
After you have entered all of your data for the employee’s shown on the blank group report (see guide
‘PAR data entry’ for assistance with entering data), re-run the group report to get a ‘final report’ with
the data reported for each employee. This ‘final report’ is the one that gets signed and sent to
Sponsored Projects.
Blank Group PAR form
PAR Processing Order:
1. Run the Individual PAR Forms report
2. Run the Group PAR Forms report
3. Enter the information for just those on the Individual PAR Forms (PAR Data Entry Page)
4. Run the Actual Effort Report (All)
5. Enter the information for those on the Group Par Forms (PAR Data Entry Page)
6. Run the Group Par Forms report
7. Send signed forms to Sponsored Programs – for Individual forms, the signature should be the
employees, if you cannot get an employee signature than a Dean, Department Head, P.I. or
Supervisor can sign. For group forms, the signature must be a Dean, Department Head or P.I.
Submitting late PAR forms:
If you submit a PAR that is more than 60 days beyond the period of effort, the Auditors require a
letter, signed by the Department Head, stating why it is late and what is being done to insure that
PAR’s will be completed more timely in the future. Please issue the “late” letter directly onto the back
side of the PAR; if you have several PAR’s requiring a “late” letter, please copy the letter onto the
back side of each PAR. If you have any questions, please contact the Sponsored Program office at
Blank Group PAR form