Instructions for FCH faculty and EPAs

Family Community Health (FCH) SOARS Time Estimates – Faculty & EPA
SECTION 1: Time Estimates
Determine whether your education activities fit under Plan of Work Areas (PWA) 1, 2, 3, or
4. See the summaries below the table to determine the appropriate PWA
Enter the percentage of time in the PWA boxes for 1, 2, 3, and 4. Note that if your work
under any of the PWAs includes more than one funding source i.e. SNAP-Ed and other
activities, the percentage of time for that line will include the sum of those percentages.
Example: If your time under PWA 1 Healthy People and Behaviors is 40% SNAP-Ed
activities, 30% EFNEP activities, and 5% COVER Oregon activities, 5% General FCH, your
total in the PWA1 would be 80%. The other 20% is listed under PWA 3.
As stated in the SOARS instructions, the “Time” column should add up to 100%,
rather than your total FTE.
FCH planned work areas
Healthy People and Behaviors
Education and Outreach
Healthy Families and Homes
Healthy Schools and Worksites
SNPA time
Healthy Communities
HEAL MAPPS, or Pantry
Assessment time
% of time in your FCH Assignment
1. Healthy People and Behaviors
A. Healthy Eating and Activity - NEP (SNAP-Ed and EFNEP) Decreased chronic
illness and reduced health care costs through improved consumer choices related
to food and physical activity. Increased food security for households through
improved food resource management skills.
B. Food Safety/Food Preservation - Reduced health care costs and increased
productivity through reduced incidence of foodborne illness. Increased food
security for households through improved food resource management skills.
C. Volunteer Programs - Related FCH Program Work Areas’ long term outcomes are
more likely to be met through increased program capacity. Volunteers’ increased
well-being through social contact (particularly with older adults) and leadership
skills. Increased community access to programs and educational tools related to
healthy aging.
D. Health Management for Older Adults - Reduced health care costs through better
management of chronic conditions. Increased balance and strength as a result of
physical activity programs for older adults. Increased community access to
programs and educational tools related to healthy aging. Increased percentage of
older Oregonians living independently and with fewer functional limitations.
2. Healthy Families and Homes
A. Parenting and Caregiving - Strong parent child- and child-caregiver relationships
Improved child outcomes (academic, social, and psychological) Increased
independence and well-being of older adults and their family caregivers Improved
economic and health situations among families with aging adults through informed
decision making on the part of families. Increased community access to programs
and educational tools related to healthy aging and caregiving
B. Family Resource Management - Increased use of effective financial planning
methods and tools by individuals and families A reduction of the debt and an
increase in savings among participant individuals and families
C. Healthy Home Environment - Reduction of mold and toxins in homes and
buildings, leading to improvement in respiratory health of residents Improvements in
the physical structure of local homes, leading to reduced costs for health care and
home ownership Parenting and Caregiving
3. Healthy Schools and Worksites
A. Decreased prevalence of obesity and chronic disease in Oregon through
implementing evidence-based policies and programs that put healthy options within
reach for all people.
a. Creating worksite wellness initiatives
b. Facilitating evidence based curriculum at worksites
c. Working with coalitions/committees to develop and implement policies to:
i. Increase access to healthy food/beverage options at the site
ii. Increase physical activity and healthy eating during the school day
iii. Help to facilitate breastfeeding friendly worksites
d. Implement campaigns at schools and worksites to address:
i. Absenteeism at work
ii. Decrease health Insurance Claims
iii. Decrease falls and disabilities
iv. Increase access to fruit/vegetables
v. Increase access to drinking water
vi. Healthier options in vending machines
vii. Increase opportunities for physical activity
viii. Staff role modeling healthier eating and physical activity
4. Healthy Communities
A. Improvements to the built, natural, social, economic , civic, or political
environment of communities
a. Working with local decision makers
b. Increases virtual (web-based) space designated to positive health or
community development behaviors or messages
c. Grant writing and grant receipt
d. Increased civic engagement, including volunteerism
e. Increased usage of information resource programs
B. Improvements to the health and wellbeing of individuals
a. Improved or maintained state health ranking
C. Improvements to the community, with respect to the conditions that affect health.