NAO influence on NDVI trends in the Iberian Peninsula (1982-2000) S.M. VICENTE-SERRANO* and A. HEREDIA-LACLAUSTRA Departamento de Geografía. Universidad de Zaragoza. Pedro Cerbuna 12. 50009. Zaragoza. Spain. *Corresponding author; e-mail: Abstract. The present letter describes our analysis of the trends of NDVI in the Iberian Peninsula from 1982 to 2000. The results were compared with the influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. Significant spatial differences emerge in vegetation trend analysis, identifying a positive trend in the northern part and stability or negative trends in the South. Such a spatial pattern is significantly related to NAO influence on vegetation, which is linked to precipitation distribution in the Iberian Peninsula and greatly influenced by this atmospheric pattern. The relationships between vegetation trends and NAO are discussed in detail. 1. Introduction Climatic global change processes such as thermal increment are related to an increase in vegetation production, as has been recorded for wide areas of the Northern Hemisphere (Slayback et al. 2003). The increase can be identified using remote sensing, although most research focuses on the highest latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere (Lucht et al. 2002, Myneni et al. 1997). Nevertheless, transition climatic areas such the Mediterranean, where climatic change impacts are expected to be higher (Houghton et al. 2001), have received less attention. Thus, more detailed studies of vegetation production trends and their relation to climatic change and variability are required. The main part of interannual variability in the atmospheric circulation of the Western European areas is summarised by means of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), which is associated with changes in the surface westerlies across the North Atlantic onto Europe (Hurrell 1995). NAO has several definitions, but it is always associated with a north-south oriented bipolar structure in the pressure over the Atlantic Ocean that can be summarised by different methods and that is usually defined as the normalised pressure difference between a station in the Azores and one in Iceland (Jones et al. 1997). NAO patterns are mainly identified during boreal winter (Trigo and Palutikof 2001). Positive NAO years are related to a decrease in moisture conditions and drought episodes in Southern Europe and in the Mediterranean areas. In negative phases, humid conditions are recorded in these areas (Hurrell and Van Loon 1997). Through its control over regional temperature and precipitation variability, the NAO directly affects agricultural yields, water management activities and fish inventories, among other things (Hurrell 2003). Changes in the NAO index can affect the transport and convergence of atmospheric moisture in Western European areas. The index can, therefore, be directly linked to changes in regional precipitation and moisture availability. In the final decades of the twentieth century, the NAO index showed a positive trend, having a different spatial response on climatic elements and ecosystem evolution (Hurrell 1995). The main consequences in the Mediterranean areas have been linked to a decrease in precipitation, and more persistent droughts during the decade of the 1990s had important impacts on agriculture, vegetation activity and forest fire frequency (González-Alonso et al. 2003). Using pressure patterns is preferable to using climatic elements for monitoring climate change effects on vegetation because changes in climate are first identified from atmospheric patterns (Houghton et al. 2001). Moreover, despite terrestrial weather records (precipitation or temperature) having long been compared to satellite sensor data, they are limited spatially (mainly in the Mediterranean areas where precipitation is highly variable in space), and this restricts an accurate characterisation of ecosystem sensitivity to climatic variability and change. Several studies have been carried out on the impact of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on vegetation in different parts of the Southern Hemisphere (Kogan 2000), since this phenomenon is the most outstanding source of atmospheric variability in this area. There are fewer studies for the Northern Hemisphere regarding atmospheric variability impacts on vegetation. However, vegetation production and its trends in the Northern Hemisphere have been shown to be explained by the atmospheric teleconnection indices (Gong and Shi 2003, Wang 2003). In the Iberian Peninsula the spatial differences of winter NAO influence on climate are significant (Rodríguez-Puebla et al. 1998) and knowledge of the spatial differences on the impact of the winter NAO on vegetation production are especially interesting. This is important for agricultural management and for the monitoring of global change impacts, mainly the processes related to degradation, desertification and vegetation production, since the main moisture charge is produced in winter. In this letter, we analyse vegetation production trends in the Iberian Peninsula and their relationships to NAO index. This knowledge allows us to understand and predict local vegetation production variations in response to global climate change. 2. Methodology Remote sensing has been used widely for monitoring vegetation dynamics because it permits analysis of large areas with a high temporal frequency (Gutman 1991). Different indices have been developed for monitoring and measuring vegetation status using spectral data (Bannari et al. 1995). The most widely used is the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI, Tucker 1979) which is calculated via the expression [NDVI = (Near Infrared - Red)/(Near Infrared + Red)]. There are some shortcomings in the use of NDVI for monitoring vegetation status because the relationships among vegetation parameters (leaf area index, vegetation cover, greenbiomass and NDVI) are often non-linear (Choudhury et al. 1994) due to the fact that the NDVI signal saturates before the maximum biomass is reached (Carlson et al. 1990). Nevertheless, in spite of these shortcomings, numerous authors have pointed out the close relationship between NDVI and several ecological parameters. The NDVI exhibits a large correlation with vegetation production (Gutman 1991) or fractional vegetation cover (Duncan et al. 1993). To analyse trends in vegetation dynamics the NDVI-Pathfinder data set was used (James and Kalluri 1994) for the dates between 1982 and 2000. The spatial resolution is 0.1º and the temporal frequency is 1 month. The data set covers the whole of the Iberian Peninsula. The quality of this database has been tested by numerous authors (Smith et al. 1997), providing assurance of the calibration quality (Kaufman et al. 2000). Shabanov et al. (2002) indicate that the temporal trends detected using this data set are not caused by errors in data processing. Tucker et al. (1983), Paruelo and Lauenroth (1998), among others, indicate a close relationship (r2 > 0.7) between integrated monthly NDVI values thorough the year and vegetation production. The annual integrated NDVI values (NDVI) produce a result associated with the whole accumulation of vegetation production thorough the year (Tucker et al. 1981). In our case, due to the monthly availability of the data, integrated NDVI values were calculated using a trapezoidal approach (Samson 1993). From the NDVI-Pathfinder data set, a series of NDVI was obtained for every pixel of 0.1º in the Iberian Peninsula. The trends showed by NDVI data were calculated using the Spearman-Rho test (p<0.1), a statistics tool widely used to analyse trends in climatic data (Lanzante 1996). The relationship between NDVI, precipitation and winter NAO was analysed for every pixel using the Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R), in order to identify where NAO influence is greatest on vegetation activity and to determine the links with precipitation patterns. We used an analysis of variance (one factor ANOVA) to determine whether there are significant differences in the relationships between NDVI and NAO (r-values), according to the presence of areas with significant and non-significant trends. 3. Results 3.1. Spatial patterns of NDVI trends The temporal evolution of the NDVI data for the whole of the Iberian Peninsula between 1982 and 2000 is shown in figure 1. A high interannual variability is revealed, although a positive and significant trend was obtained (Rho = 0.49, p<0.1, n = 19). Nevertheless, the spatial differences in the trends are significant and the general evolution is not representative of some areas, as shown in figure 2. The positive trends are mainly recorded in the N-NE areas, whereas in the South, non-significant trends are dominant. Negative trends occur in a few cases. The centre and the east of the Iberian Peninsula play a transition role, showing great spatial heterogeneity, with the coexistence of areas with positive and non-significant trends. 3.2. NAO spatial influence on NDVI trends Figure 3 shows the correlation between the winter NAO index and the NDVI in every pixel between 1982 and 2000. The spatial patterns are clear. Negative correlation is dominant in the Southwest, where it seems that years with negative winter-NAO index tend to be related to the increase of NDVI values. However, in the East, the correlation is positive. On the other hand, in the northern part, the correlation values are non-significant. Table 1 shows the results of the variance analysis, in which the correlation between winter NAO and NDVI is the quantitative variable and the categories of the trends is the group factor. Two possible cases were considered, first the areas with positive trends and, second, the group of negative and non-significant areas. Due to the scarcity, areas with negative trends, were included with the non-significant trend areas in the same group. The results show that there are significant differences in R-values between the two groups. In areas of negative or non-significant trend, the mean R-value is –0.14, but in areas of positive trends the mean R-value is zero. Moreover, spatial variability of NAO influence is lower in areas of significant NDVI trends. This fact indicates that areas with closer relationships between NDVI and NAO have dominantly shown vegetation stability, whereas the areas in which the NAO influence is lower have experienced a general positive trend in the NDVI evolution. These results can be explained by NAO influence on climatic conditions in the Iberian Peninsula. Figure 4 shows the correlation between winter precipitation in the Iberian Peninsula and NAO index. Thus, areas with non-significant or negative trends coincide with those in which NAO influence on precipitation is greater. In regard to the above subject, a coincidence exists between the areas in which NAO influence on precipitation or on NDVI is greater and the Rho values are lower. Figure 5 shows the relationship between the trend values (Rho) of NDVI and Rcorrelation values (NAO- precipitation, NAO- NDVI) from 100 random sampling points in the Iberian Peninsula. This demonstrates that the trend towards the vegetation production increase is lower in the areas most influenced by NAO while, on the other hand, the areas less influenced by NAO generally show higher Rho values. The Iberian Peninsula underwent an increase in temperatures during the years analysed (figure 6). This agrees with the situation observed in the Northern Hemisphere as a consequence of an increase in the effect of greenhouse gases (Jones and Moberg 2003). This thermal increase implies longer annual vegetation cycles, higher rates of transpiration and, therefore, greater increase in vegetation production. Nevertheless, this increase in vegetation production will only happen when there is enough water to allow vegetation activity and photosynthetic processes. Otherwise, thermal increase will have negative consequences on vegetation production due to more stressful water conditions. Therefore, in areas where the correlation between precipitation or NDVI and NAO is higher, there is no increase in NDVI. This fact can be derived from the great increase experienced by NAO during the last four decades of the twenty century (Hurrell, 1995), which has caused a fall in the water availability in the areas whose precipitation is more determined by NAO. This fact has undoubtedly limited the vegetation growth possibilities. 4. Discussion and conclusions We observed a significant and positive trend in vegetation production in the Iberian Peninsula, summarised by means of NDVI. However, the evolution is not spatially homogeneous, although clear spatial patterns are recognised. Significant relationships have been found between spatial patterns of vegetation production trends and winter NAO. The areas in the Iberian Peninsula where stable or negative trends in the NDVI values have been detected coincide with the areas located in the South, where the NAO influence is higher (Rodríguez Puebla et al. 1998). On the other hand, the areas which show a greater increase in the NDVI (located in the North) are the areas in which the NAO influence on vegetation dynamics is minor. This produces a coincidence in two kinds of relationships: NAO-NDVI and between NAO and precipitation in the Iberian Peninsula (Martín-Vide and Fernández 2001). Winter NAO mainly determines the precipitation in the Southwest regions, whereas the East or the North are more dependent upon other teleconnection patterns, such as the Polar (González Hidalgo et al. 2003) or the Scandinavian Pattern (Rodríguez-Puebla et al. 1998). This fact could explain the minor correlation between vegetation production and NAO in these areas. During the two last decades of the twentieth century, the NAO recorded a predominance of positive values (Hurrell 1995) which are especially outstanding in the areas where the climatic elements are most related to this atmospheric pattern, and show the least precipitation and the most intense and prolonged droughts. This presents an important limitation for vegetation growth. In the areas most highly affected by NAO, water stress conditions will be more frequent, limiting vegetation increase. The areas least influenced by NAO do not suffer so greatly from this water shortage. Due to higher water availability, the vegetation would benefit from thermal increase detected on the global scale, increasing its coverage and its biomass production. Further analysis is required to study in depth the relationships between NAO and vegetation production trends at other temporal scales (monthly and seasonal). Such analysis would help to determine the influence of other atmospheric teleconnections on vegetation trends. Acknowledgements This research was funded by the projects BSO2002-02743, REN2002-01023-CLI and REN2003-07453 (Financed by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain and FEDER), and “Programa de grupos de investigación consolidados” (grupo Clima, Cambio Global y Sistemas Naturales, BOA 147 of 18-12-2002), financed by Aragón Government. Data used by the authors in this study include data produced through funding from the Earth Observing System Pathfinder Program of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The data were provided by the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS), Distributed Active Archive Center at Goddard Space Flight Center which archives, manages and distributes this data set. We also thank specially Mr. R. 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Sum of Squares df Mean Square Between Groups 14.87 1 14.87 Within Groups 189.75 4065 4.668E-02 Total 204.62 4066 Table 1: Results of the analysis of variance. F Sig. 318.59 .000 -2000) Figure 2. NDVI trends in the Iberian Peninsula (1982-2000). Figure 3. Correlation (R) between winter NAO index and the NDVI values. A low pass filter (3 x 3) is applied to the image. Figure 4. Spatial distribution of correlation coefficients (R) between NAO and winter precipitation in the Iberian Peninsula. Figure 5. NAO vs NDVI and NAO vs precipitation relationships: Links with NDVI trends (Rho-Spearman values). Figure 6. Annual mean temperature evolution for the Iberian Peninsula (1982-2000) in standardized values. Data obtained from Mitchell et al. (2002). Figure 1. -2000) Figure 2. NDVI trends in the Iberian Peninsula (1982-2000). Figure 3. Correlation (R) between winter NAO index and the NDVI values. A low pass filter (3 x 3) is applied to the image. Figure 4: Spatial distribution of correlation coefficients (R) between NAO and winter precipitation in the Iberian Peninsula. Figure 5. NAO vs NDVI and NAO vs precipitation relationships: Links with NDVI trends (Rho-Spearman values). Figura 6. Annual mean temperature evolution for the Iberian Peninsula (1982-2000) in standardized values. Data obtained from Mitchell et al. (2002).