RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE REQUEST TO CHANGE SUBAWARD/SUBCONTRACT This form must be completed by the RPI Principal Investigator to request CHANGES on an existing Subaward or Subcontract. Please email the following documents to the appropriate Sr. Grant Administrator in Research Administration & Finance. (Who should I send my completed form to?) Completed & Signed Request to Change Subaward/Subcontract Form IF APPLICABLE: Revised Subrecipient Statement of Work Revised Subrecipient Budget Any other applicable attachments or supporting documentation PRIOR APPROVAL MUST BE RECEIVED FROM FUNDING SPONSOR (DEPENDING ON SPONSOR) BEFORE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES CAN BE MADE ON A SUBAWARD OR SUBCONTRACT: Absence/ Change in PI or Co-PI Change in scope of work Significant changes to budget and/or level of effort for Sr. Personnel Change/Transfer of Subrecipient Organization Name of Subrecipient Subaward/Subcontract Number RPI Project Director RPI Financial Manager Name of Subrecipient’s PI Is this a Request to Change Subrecipient’s PI? Extend the Period of Performance Change in Reporting Requirements Increase Sub Dollar Amount by Decrease in Sub Dollar Amount by Total Subaward/Subcontract Not to Exceed New Anticipated Total Amount of Sub Cost Sharing (if required) from Sub Yes. Name of new Sub PI is: 00/00/00 Currently: 00/00/00 $ -$ $ $ $ Comments/Additional Information: Name: Signature: Principal Investigator Name and Approval Signature RA&F RCSA Form – March 2012 Date