SUBAWARD MODIFICATION REQUEST FORM (SMRF) *If you are requesting an INDEX ONLY change, please submit an iRequest: Index-Only PO Revision in Marketplace. REQUEST INFORMATION Subrecipient Institution Subrecipient Contact (To whom are we sending the modification?) Name IFIS/Marketplace Subaward PO Number (e.g., S9000123, 10328897) Fund Email Index (e.g., 54123A) (e.g., ABC1234) Please describe your request (Sample: Extending end date to 12/31/2015 and adding $100,000 for year 2) DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST Please select a transaction and using the checklist below, attach the appropriate backup documentation to this request. No-Cost Extension. Increase Funding Decrease Funding PI Change Documentation of sponsor approval is required to extend an end-date. Provide one of the following: A detailed budget is required for an increase in funding, unless subject to SNAP. If budget period is being extended too, NOA must cover the new period. Substantial Decrease (e.g. greater than 25% of total cost) requires a revised budget for actual expenses and a revised statement of work describing the work performed. Both parties must agree to this change, and documentation is required. Provide one of the following: Notice of Award Notice of Award Revised Budget Revised Notice of Award Approval from Sponsor Subrecipient Budget Revised SOW Sponsor Approval Other I am authorized to commit this action on behalf of my department/PI. I certify that this action has been authorized by the prime sponsor, if applicable. I have attached the required backup documentation to process this request. _____________________________________________________ Requestor Name Office of Contract & Grant Administration | Subaward Team | | 858-534-9990 Version 2.0 10-20-2015