OCGA Subaward Team Subaward Modification Request Form (SMRF) Please submit this form and any backup documentation to subawards@ucsd.edu. SUBAWARD INFORMATION PO/Subaward Number: Subrecipient (i.e. ABC University): Subrecipient PI: Index/Fund Number (i.e. ABC8374/12345A): Submitted By: Date Submitted: MODIFICATION INFORMATION *For changes to Index/Amount only. Index number (i.e. SUBT123) Amount* (for split index only) Prior Index (if changing index) *Note: If split Index, specify dollar amount per Index. Current Budget Period: Period of Performance: Increase in Budget Period: $ Decrease in Budget Period: $ Important: If decreasing, attach a revised budget, list the line item and provide justification for the decrease in Comments section below. Subject to SNAP? (if so, no detailed budget required) Cost share? If so, provide amount: $ Comments: CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORITY I, , certify that I am authorized by the PI Name of UCSD PI to make this request and I confirm the above information to be correct. Subaward Modification Request Form Page 2 CONTACT INFORMATION UCSD Fund Manager: Phone: Email: Subrecipient Contract Officer: Phone: Email: BACKUP DOCUMENTATION Please submit this form and any backup documentation to subawards@ucsd.edu. ATTACHMENT A: Subrecipient’s Revised Statement of Work (SOW) Please attach if Statement of Work has changed. ATTACHMENT A-1: Subrecipient Budget Please attach if requesting an increase (unless grant is subject to NIH SNAP) Not needed if requesting a No-cost Extension Modification Detailed Budget that matches the requested amount and itemizes costs for the requested Budget Period **A revised budget is required for requests to decrease funding. ATTACHMENT B: Notice of Award (NOA) Please attach Prime Award Notice that covers the requested Budget Period Additional documentation: IRB for projects involving human subjects IACUC for projects involving animal subjects NCE (No Cost Extension) letter Not Applicable THANK YOU!